9/5/2022 11:54:37 PM
USB Dongle with BLE module (solution based on Nordic nRF52840 QFN) with support for Bluetooth 5.0 with 1MB Flash memory and 256KB RAM and PCB antenna.
Certifications include:
FCC (USA), TELEC (JAPAN), CE (EU), NCC (Taiwan), IC (Canada), SRRC (China)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Raytac Corporation
Availability : 0
Delivered in Ship by 6 to 16 Weeks
Delivered in Ship by 6 to 16 Weeks
3+ From
USD 13.4848
3+ From
USD 13.4848
9/5/2022 8:47:18 AM
Developer Board with BLE module MDBT50Q-1M (solution based on Nordic nRF52840 QFN) with support for Bluetooth 5.0 with 1MB Flash memory and 256KB RAM and Chip antenna.
Certifications include:
FCC (USA), TELEC (JAPAN), CE (EU), NCC (Taiwan), IC (Cana
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Raytac Corporation
Availability : 0
Delivered in Ship by 6 to 16 Weeks
Delivered in Ship by 6 to 16 Weeks
2+ From
USD 26.4069
2+ From
USD 26.4069
9/5/2022 3:39:03 PM
BLE module (solution based on Nordic nRF52832 WLCSP) with support for Bluetooth 4.2/5.0 with 512KB Flash memory and 64KB RAM and PCB antenna.
Certifications include:
FCC (USA), TELEC (JAPAN), CE (EU), NCC (Taiwan), IC (Canada), SRRC (China)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Raytac Corporation
Availability : 0
Delivered in Ship by 6 to 16 Weeks
Delivered in Ship by 6 to 16 Weeks
4+ From
USD 9.1545
4+ From
USD 9.1545
9/5/2022 3:38:54 PM
BLE module (solution based on Nordic nRF52832 WLCSP) with support for Bluetooth 4.2/5.0 with 512KB Flash memory and 64KB RAM and Chip antenna.
Certifications include:
FCC (USA), TELEC (JAPAN), CE (EU), NCC (Taiwan), IC (Canada), SRRC (China)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Raytac Corporation
Availability : 0
Delivered in Ship by 6 to 16 Weeks
Delivered in Ship by 6 to 16 Weeks
4+ From
USD 9.4706
4+ From
USD 9.4706
9/5/2022 8:51:46 PM
nRF52832 Bluetooth 5 & 4.2 module. Dimension: 10 x 16 x 2.2. Equipped u.FL connector for external antenna with 512KB Flash Memory and 64KB RAM. Certifications include: FCC, IC, CE, Telec, KC, SRRC, NCC
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Raytac Corporation
Availability : 0
Delivered in Ship by 6 to 16 Weeks
Delivered in Ship by 6 to 16 Weeks
4+ From
USD 9.0242
4+ From
USD 9.0242
9/5/2022 8:11:57 PM
BLE module (solution based on Nordic nRF52832) with support for Bluetooth 4.2/5.0 with 512KB Flash memory and 64KB RAM and PCB antenna.
Comes with Raytac's firmware (AT Command) preprogrammed (Central / Master).
Certifications include:
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Raytac Corporation
Availability : 0
Delivered in Ship by 6 to 16 Weeks
Delivered in Ship by 6 to 16 Weeks
4+ From
USD 8.8727
4+ From
USD 8.8727
9/5/2022 8:05:50 PM
BLE module (solution based on Nordic nRF52810 QFN) with support for Bluetooth 4.2/5.0 with 192KB Flash memory and 24KB RAM and PCB antenna.
Comes with Raytac's firmware (AT Command) preprogrammed (Peripheral / Slave).
Certifications include:
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Raytac Corporation
Availability : 0
Delivered in Ship by 6 to 16 Weeks
Delivered in Ship by 6 to 16 Weeks
4+ From
USD 8.3243
4+ From
USD 8.3243
9/5/2022 8:47:12 AM
Developer Board with BLE module MDBT42Q-512KV2 (solution based on Nordic nRF52832 QFN) which supports Bluetooth 4.2/5.0 with 512KB Flash memory and 64KB RAM and Chip antenna.
Certifications include:
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Raytac Corporation
Availability : 0
Delivered in Ship by 6 to 16 Weeks
Delivered in Ship by 6 to 16 Weeks
2+ From
USD 25.0456
2+ From
USD 25.0456
9/5/2022 9:02:55 AM
Developer Board with BLE module MDBT42Q-192K (solution based on Nordic nRF52810 QFN) which supports Bluetooth 4.2/5.0 with 192KB Flash memory and 24KB RAM and Chip antenna.
Comes with Raytac's firmware (AT Command) preprogrammed (Peripheeral / Slave)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Raytac Corporation
Availability : 0
Delivered in Ship by 6 to 16 Weeks
Delivered in Ship by 6 to 16 Weeks
2+ From
USD 20.7834
2+ From
USD 20.7834
9/5/2022 9:03:03 AM
Developer Board with BLE module MDBT42Q-512KV2 (solution based on Nordic nRF52832 QFN) which supports Bluetooth 4.2/5.0 with 512KB Flash memory and 64KB RAM and Chip antenna.
Comes with Raytac's firmware (AT Command) preprogrammed (Central / Master).
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Raytac Corporation
Availability : 0
Delivered in Ship by 6 to 16 Weeks
Delivered in Ship by 6 to 16 Weeks
2+ From
USD 20.7834
2+ From
USD 20.7834