8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 NOTES 1 DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS. TM TM 2 3M RIBBON TWINAX DESCRIPTION: 3M TWIN AXIAL CABLE ASSEMBLY 30 AWG, SILVER PLATED SIGNAL WIRE FOR PCIe X16 EXTENDER CARD APPLICATIONS IMPEDANCE: 85 5 OHM 5.5 OVERALL RIBBON WIDTH: 24.90 MM 4.5 OVERALL RIBBON THICKNESS: 0.75 MM 3 ROHS COMPLIANT. SEE REGULATORY INFORMATION APPENDIX INROHS PIN B1 2X CABLE PART NO: 3749-20 COMPLIANC SECTION AT WWW.3MCONNECTORS.COM PIN B1 (E1 & C1 APPLY) D D 4 THIS CABLE CONSTRUCTION HAS A THIN ALUMINUM INNER LAYER EXPOSED AT EACH EDGE. USERS SHOULD ASSESS WHETHER THE EXPOSED EDGE PRESENTS A SHORTING RISK IN PCB ASSY, PCIE X16 THEIR SPECIFIC APPLICATION. (164 POS) STRADDLEMOUNT INSULATING TAPE MAY BE APPLIED AT THE CABLE ASSEMBLY LEVEL, AS PCIE X16 EXTNEDER NEEDED, TO COVER THE EXPOSED (164 POS) CARD-EDGE EDGE IN RISK AREAS. 5 APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS: PRODUCT SPECIFICATION NUMBER: 108.0 6 ORDER BY APPLICABLE 3M PART NUMBER: 8KC3-0726-XXXX XXXX = DIM A IN MILLIMETERS (1000 = 1 METER) STANDARD LENGTH (DIM A ) 8KC3-0726-0250 (250 MM) 8KC3-0726-0500 (500 MM) NON-STANDARD LENGTHS AVAILABLE UPON SPECIAL REQUEST. MAY REQUIRE HIGHER MOQS AND LONGER LEAD TIMES. 150 MM MINIMUM LENGTH. C C PIN B82 7 FLAMMABILITY RATING: 4X CABLE PART NO: SL8802/22-18DN5-00 TWIN AX CABLE: UL94 HB PIN B82 PCBS: UL94V-0 SIDE B ADHESIVE STRAIN RELIEF: UL94 HB, 2X 3.5 (TBV) 8 PADDLECARD FINGER GOLD THICKNESS: 0.76 m 30 MIN ELECTROLYTIC HARD GOLD OVER 1.27 m 50 ADHESIVE ENCAPSULANT MIN ELECTROLYTIC NICKEL. APPLIED TO CABLE ENDS 2X 1.57 8.8 ADHESIVE ENCAPSULANT APPLIED TO CABLE ENDS +5 DIM A -0 38 SEE NOTE 6 26.1 PART LABEL 9.0 (WRAP AROUND) PIN A82 PIN A82 3M PART NUMBER: B B DATE CODE: XXYY XX = YEAR YY = WEEK BILL OF MATERIALS ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY PCB ASSY, PCIE X16 (164 POS) 1.0 PBA 1 STRADDLEMOUNT PCIE X16 (164 POS) STRADDLEMOUNT 1.1 PCB 1 3M P/N: 78-9101-6805-9 CONNECTOR, PCIE 164 POSITION, FEMALE 1.2 CONN 1 SOCKET PCIE X16 EXTENDER (164 POS) CARD-EDGE 2.0 PCB 1 3M P/N: 78-9101-6804-2 RIBBON TWIN AX CABLE 117.0 3.0 CABLE 4 93.1 3M P/N: SL8802/22-18DN5-00 RIBBON CABLE, 20 POSITION 4.0 CABLE 2 3M P/N: 3749-20 B 42467 AUG 06,2012 LDS TS STRAIN AS 5.0 ADHESIVE RELIEF REQUIRED REVISED NOTE 6 A 40693 JUN 18,2012 LDS TS INITIAL RELEASE DESIGN REFERENCE NEXT ASSEMBLY REV ECO ISSUE DATE AND DESCRIPTION DRFT CHKD DISTRIBUTION DRFT DATE MFG DATE CODES L SCHMIDT APR 09,2012 CHKD DATE APPVL DATE A A DIVISION DIVISION CODE C 3M COPYRIGHT 2012 3M Center This document and the information it contains are 3M property and may not be reproduced or further St. Paul, SCALE TOLERANCES DO NOT distributed without 3M permission, or used or MN 55144 EXCEPT AS disclosed other than for 3M authorized purposes. 1 SCALE All rights reserved. NOTED 1 DRAWING TITLE PIN A1 INCHES PIN A1 .0 15.5 SIDE A 8KC3-0726-XXXX, CABLE .00 .000 ASSY, PCIE X16 BY THIRD ANGLE PROJECTION .0000 MILLIMETERS INTERPRET PER PCIE X16 EXTENDER ASME Y14.5 - 1994 0 1 .0 .5 CAGE SIZE DRAWING NO. REV. MAX SURFACE ROUGHNESS .00 .05 NUMBER ALL SURFACES .000 .005 78-5100-2520-4 B 125 MODEL DET. MARKED ONLY ANGLES 1 YES NO SHT 1 OF 2 LISTS 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 78-5100-2520-4 B DRAWING NUMBER REVISION8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 3M 3749-20 Cable PCI-Express X16 Pin-Out 3M 3749-20 Cable Wire Pin Attachment Pin Side B Description Side A Description Pin Pin Attachment Wire 01 Ground Layer B01 +12 volt power Hot plug presence detect A01 Ground Layer 01 02 B01 - B02 B02 +12 volt power +12 volt power A02 A01 02 03 B01 - B02 B03 +12 volt power +12 volt power A03 Ground Layer 03 04 B01 - B02 B04 Ground Ground A04 A02 - A03 04 05 B01 - B02 B05 SMBus clock TCK A05 A02 - A03 05 06 B01 - B02 B06 SMBus data TDI A06 A02 - A03 06 07 B01 - B02 B07 Ground TDO A07 A02 - A03 07 08 Ground Layer B08 +3.3 volt power TMS A08 Ground Layer 08 D D 09 B05 B09 +TRST +3.3 volt power A09 A05 09 10 B06 B10 3.3v volt power +3.3 volt power A10 A06 10 11 Ground Layer B11 Link Reactivation Power Good A11 A07 11 12 B08 Mechanical Key A08 12 13 B08 B12 Reserved Ground A12 Ground Layer 13 14 B09 B13 Ground Reference Clock A13 A09 - A10 14 15 B10 B14 Transmitter Lane 0, Differential pair A14 A09 - A10 15 16 B10 B15 Differential pair Ground A15 A09 - A10 16 17 Ground Layer B16 Ground Receiver Lane 0, A16 A09 - A10 17 18 B11 B17 Hotplug detect Differential pair A17 Ground Layer 18 19 Ground Layer B18 Ground Ground A18 Ground Layer 19 20 B12 B19 Transmitter Lane 1, Reserved A19 A11 20 B20 Differential pair Ground A20 B21 Ground Receiver Lane 1, A21 3M SL8802 Cable 3M SL8802 Cable B22 Ground Differential pair A22 Wire Pin Attachment Pin Attachment Wire B23 Transmitter Lane 2, Ground A23 GND Ground Layer Ground Layer GND B24 Differential pair Ground A24 pr 01 B14 A13 pr 01 B25 Ground Receiver Lane 2, A25 pr 01 B15 A14 pr 01 B26 Ground Differential pair A26 pr 02 B17 A16 pr 02 B27 Transmitter Lane 3, Ground A27 pr 02 Ground Layer A17 pr 02 B28 Differential pair Ground A28 pr 03 B19 Ground Layer pr 03 B29 Ground Receiver Lane 3, A29 pr 03 B20 A19 pr 03 B30 Reserved Differential pair A30 C C pr 04 B23 A21 pr 04 B31 Hot plug detect Ground A31 pr 04 B24 A22 pr 04 B32 Ground Reserved A32 GND Ground Layer Ground Layer GND B33 Transmitter Lane 4, Reserved A33 pr 05 B27 A25 pr 05 B34 Differential pair Ground A34 pr 05 B28 A26 pr 05 B35 Ground Receiver Lane 4, A35 pr 06 B30 A29 pr 06 B36 Ground Differential pair A36 pr 06 B31 A30 pr 06 B37 Transmitter Lane 5, Ground A37 pr 07 B33 A32 pr 07 B38 Differential pair Ground A38 pr 07 B34 A33 pr 07 B39 Ground Receiver Lane 5, A39 GND Ground Layer Ground Layer GND B40 Ground Differential pair A40 pr 08 B37 A35 pr 08 B41 Transmitter Lane 6, Ground A41 pr 08 B38 A36 pr 08 B42 Differential pair Ground A42 pr 09 B41 A39 pr 09 B43 Ground Receiver Lane 6, A43 pr 09 B42 A40 pr 09 B44 Ground Differential pair A44 pr 10 B45 A43 pr 10 B45 Transmitter Lane 7, Ground A45 pr 10 B46 A44 pr 10 B46 Differential pair Ground A46 pr 11 B48 A47 pr 11 B47 Ground Receiver Lane 7, A47 pr 11 Ground Layer A48 pr 11 B48 Hot plug detect Differential pair A48 GND Ground Layer Ground Layer GND B49 Ground Ground A49 B50 Transmitter Lane 8, Reserved A50 3M SL8802 Cable 3M SL8802 Cable B51 Differential pair Ground A51 Wire Pin Attachment Pin Attachment Wire B52 Ground Receiver Lane 8, A52 GND Ground Layer B Ground Layer GND B B53 Ground Differential pair A53 pr 01 B50 A33 pr 01 B54 Transmitter Lane 9, Ground A54 pr 01 B51 Ground Layer pr 01 B55 Differential pair Ground A55 pr 02 Ground Layer A52 pr 02 B56 Ground Receiver Lane 9, A56 pr 02 Ground Layer A53 pr 02 B57 Ground Differential pair A57 pr 03 B54 Ground Layer pr 03 B58 Transmitter Lane 10, Ground A58 pr 03 B55 Ground Layer pr 03 B59 Differential pair Ground A59 pr 04 B58 A56 pr 04 B60 Ground Receiver Lane 10, A60 pr 04 B59 A57 pr 04 B61 Ground Differential pair A61 GND Ground Layer Ground Layer GND B62 Transmitter Lane 11, Ground A62 pr 05 B62 A60 pr 05 B63 Differential pair Ground A63 pr 05 B63 A61 pr 05 B64 Ground Receiver Lane 11, A64 pr 06 B66 A64 pr 06 B65 Ground Differential pair A65 pr 06 B67 A65 pr 06 B66 Transmitter Lane 12, Ground A66 pr 07 B70 A68 pr 07 B67 Differential pair Ground A67 pr 07 B71 A69 pr 07 B68 Ground Receiver Lane 12, A68 B 42467 AUG 06,2012 LDS TS GND Ground Layer Ground Layer GND B69 Ground Differential pair A69 REVISED NOTE 6 pr 08 B74 A72 pr 08 B70 Transmitter Lane 13, Ground A70 A 40693 JUN 18,2012 LDS TS pr 08 B75 A73 pr 08 B71 Differential pair Ground A71 pr 09 Ground Layer INITIAL RELEASE A76 pr 09 B72 Ground Receiver Lane 13, A72 DESIGN REFERENCE NEXT ASSEMBLY REV ECO ISSUE DATE AND DESCRIPTION DRFT CHKD pr 09 Ground Layer A77 pr 09 DISTRIBUTION DRFT DATE MFG DATE B73 Ground Differential pair A73 CODES L SCHMIDT APR 09,2012 pr 10 B78 Ground Layer pr 10 CHKD DATE APPVL DATE B74 Transmitter Lane 14, Ground A74 pr 10 B79 Ground Layer pr 10 A A DIVISION DIVISION CODE B75 Differential pair Ground A75 C 3M COPYRIGHT 2012 pr 11 B81 A80 pr 11 3M Center This document and the information it contains are 3M property and may not be reproduced or further B76 Ground Receiver Lane 14, A76 St. Paul, pr 11 B82 SCALE TOLERANCES A81 pr 11 DO NOT distributed without 3M permission, or used or MN 55144 EXCEPT AS disclosed other than for 3M authorized purposes. 1 SCALE B77 Ground Differential pair A77 All rights reserved. NOTED GND Ground Layer Ground Layer GND 1 DRAWING TITLE B78 Transmitter Lane 15, Ground A78 INCHES .0 B79 Differential pair Ground A79 8KC3-0726-XXXX, CABLE .00 .000 B80 Ground Receiver Lane 15, A80 ASSY, PCIE X16 BY THIRD ANGLE PROJECTION .0000 B81 Hot plug present detect Differential pair A81 MILLIMETERS INTERPRET PER PCIE X16 EXTENDER ASME Y14.5 - 1994 B82 Hot Plug Detect Ground A82 0 1 .0 .5 CAGE SIZE DRAWING NO. REV. MAX SURFACE ROUGHNESS .00 .05 NUMBER ALL SURFACES .000 .005 78-5100-2520-4 B 125 MODEL DET. MARKED ONLY ANGLES 1 YES NO SHT 2 OF 2 LISTS 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 78-5100-2520-4 B DRAWING NUMBER REVISION