S t a y C o n n e c t e d w i t h H E Y w a r e HEYClip Drive Fasteners Heyco Drive Fasteners help secure and WILL FIT THESE PANELS PART NO. DESCRIPTION PART DIMENSIONS MOUNTING ASSEMBLED AB C fasten components and/or panels to a wide HOLE DIA. PANEL THICKNESS Length Head Head variety of materials such as wood, metal, Min. Max. Black Natural Height Diameter particle board, plastic and rubber. in. mm. in. mm. in. mm. in. mm. in. mm. in. mm. Hollow body design increases flexibility, .125 3,2 .04 1,0 .18 4,5 9201 9202 DF 125-039 .51 13,0 .06 1,5 .31 8,0 for easy installation154 3,9 .04 1,0 .20 5,0 9203 9204 DF 154-039 .55 14,0 .06 1,6 .35 9,0 Part Description Key: DF XXX-YYY where 9205 9206 DF 185-039 .59 15,0 .07 1,7 .39 10,0 .185 4,7 .04 1,0 .22 5,5 XXX = Mounting Hole Diameter (inches) 9126 9127 DF 185-039-1 .59 15,0 .11 2,9 .43 11,0 and YYY = minimum Panel Thickness .250 6,4 .06 1,5 .26 6,5 9128 9129 DF 250-059 .67 17,0 .08 2,0 .47 12,0 (inches)307 7,8 .06 1,5 .28 7,0 9207 9208 DF 307-059 .75 19,0 .09 2,2 .55 14,0 B .217 5,5 .24 6,0 .35 9,0 9209 9210 DF 217-236 .71 18,0 .08 2,0 .47 12,0 Standard colors black and natural. C A DF Series HEYClip Mounting Buttons WILL FIT THESE PANELS PART NO. DESCRIPTION PART DIMENSIONS MOUNTING ASSEMBLED AB C HOLE DIA. PANEL THICKNESS Length Head Head Min. Max. Natural Height Length in. mm. in. mm. in. mm. in. mm. in. mm. in. mm. C .031 0,8 .100 2,4 4251 HMP 156-031 .24 6.1 .094 2,4 .157 4,0 4252 HMP 156-094 .30 7.7 B .189 4,8 .220 5,6 4253 HMP 156-189 .40 10.1 .220 5,6 .312 7,1 4254 HMP 156-220 .43 10.9 .156 4,0 .312 7,9 .375 9,5 4255 HMP 156-312 .52 13.2 .19 4,8 .38 9,5 A .375 9,5 .437 11,1 4256 HMP 156-375 .58 14.8 .437 11,1 .500 12,7 4257 HMP 156-437 .65 16.4 .500 12,7 .563 14,3 4258 HMP 156-500 .71 18.0 .563 14,3 .625 15,9 4259 HMP 156-563 .77 19.6 HMP Series Standard color natural. HEYClip Fastener Plug C WILL FIT THESE PANELS PART NO. DESCRIPTION PART DIMENSIONS MOUNTING MAX. ASSEMBLED AB C HOLE DIA. PANEL THICKNESS Length Head Head Black Height Diameter B in. mm. in. mm. in. mm. in. mm. in. mm. A .150 3,8 .311 7,9 9001 FP 150-311 .45 11,5 .07 1,8 .31 8,0 Standard color black. For other colors consult Heyco. DF and FP HMP Material Acetal (POM) Nylon 6/6 Flammability Rating 94-HB 94V-2 Temperature Range -.4F (-18C) to 220F (104C) 32F (0C) to 185F (85C) 1-800-526-4182 732-286-1800 (NJ) FAX: 732-244-8843 www.heyco.com 7-XX