X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of E-GEL 3000, 2KG KIT across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. E-GEL 3000, 2KG KIT are a product manufactured by ACC Silicones. We provide cost-effective solutions for E-GEL 3000, 2KG KIT, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

E-GEL 3000, 2KG KIT ACC Silicones

E-GEL 3000, 2KG KIT electronic component of ACC Silicones
Product Image X-ON
Product Image X-ON
Product Image X-ON

Images are for reference only
See Product Specifications
Part No.E-GEL 3000, 2KG KIT
Manufacturer: ACC Silicones
Category: Unclassified
Datasheet: E-GEL 3000, 2KG KIT Datasheet (PDF)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges

Price (USD)
1: USD 472.6314 ea
Line Total: USD 472.63 
Availability - 0
MOQ: 1  Multiples: 1
Pack Size: 1
Availability Price Quantity
Ship by Fri. 27 Dec to Thu. 02 Jan
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 472.6314
5 : USD 416.7894
10 : USD 388.9997

Product Category
Potting Compound Type
Dispensing Method
Compound Colour
Notes:- Show Stocked Products With Similar Attributes.

We are delighted to provide the E-GEL 3000, 2KG KIT from our ACC Silicones manufacturer, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the E-GEL 3000, 2KG KIT and other electronic components in the ACC Silicones manufacturer and beyond.

Image Part-Description
Stock Image QSIL 553-2KG
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image AS1802 310ML
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image ACC15
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 480002010
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image SILCOSET 151
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image SILCOSET 152
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image SILCOSET 158 310ML
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image SE3000 2KG KIT
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image AS1603, 1KG
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image SE2003, 2KG
SILICONE ENCAPSULANT, CONTAINER, 2KG; Potting Compound Type:Silicone; Dispensing Method:Container; Compound Colour:Red; Weight:2kg; Product Range:-; SVHC:No SVHC (27-Jun-2018); Volume:-
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Image Part-Description
Stock Image F-596-C
Stock : 1
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image RVUVK105CH020BW-F
CAP, HIGH FREQ, 0402, 50V, C0H
Stock : 1
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image MPZ2012-KIT
Stock : 1
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image RVEVK105CH3R9JW-F
CAP, HIGH FREQ, 0402, 16V, C0H
Stock : 1
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image RMUMK105CG3R9CV-F
CAP, MLCC, 0402, 50V, C0G, 3.9
Stock : 1
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image OSTOQ025350
Conn Shrouded Header (4 Sides) HDR 2 POS 5.08mm Solder ST Thru-Hole
Stock : 1
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image PH1-03-UA
Single Row 3 Position GOLD FLASH .235" Solder TAIL .100" PIN Header
Stock : 1
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image F-465-C
F465C waldom
Stock : 1
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image F-524-C
F524C waldom
Stock : 1
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image F-040-C
F040C waldom
Stock : 1
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.

TR Revizyon no.11 ACC Silicones LTD Revizyon tarihi 14/03/2017 Basm tarihi 14/03/2017 Sayfa no. 1 / 7 EGEL3000A Gvenlik Bilgi Formu BLM 1. Maddenin/kariimin ve irketin/daiticinin kimlii 1.1. Madde/Karm kimlii Unvan EGEL3000A AT numaras 614-275-5 CAS Numaras 68083-19-2 1.2. Madde veya karmn belirlenmi kullanmlar ve tavsiye edilmeyen kullanmlar Tanmlama/Kullanm Silicone gel. 1.3. Gvenlik bilgi formu tedarikisinin bilgileri irket Unvan ACC Silicones LTD Adres Amber House Showground Road Mevki ve lke TA6 6AJBridgwater (Somerset) England tel. +44(0)1278411400 faks +44(0)1278411444 yetkili kiinin e-posta adresi, Gvenlik bilgileri formu sorumlusu sean.stoodley acc-silicones.com 1.4. Acil durum telefon numaras Acil bilgiler iin dannz For all enquiries except Sweden: +44(0)1278411400 Sweden: Ring 112 vid intrffade frgiftningstillbud och begr giftinformation - dygnet runt. Ring 010-456-6700 i mindre brdskande fall - dygnet runt. Allmnna och frebyggande frgor om akuta frgiftningar besvaras vardagar kl 9-17. BLM 2. Zaralilik tanimlanmasi. 2.1. Madde veya karmn snflandrlmas. rn, 1272/2008 (AT) Ynetmelii (CLP) hkmleri (ve sonraki deiiklikler ve uyarlamalar) uyarnca tehlikeli olarak snflandrlm deildir. 2.1.1. 1272/2008 Ynetmelii (CLP) ve sonraki deiiklikler ve uyarlamalar . Snflandrma ve tehlikelerin tantm: -- 2.2. Etiket unsurlar. -- GHS areti: Uyar Kelimesi: -- Tehlike bilgileri: -- -- nlem ifadeleri: rn, 1272/2008 (AT) Ynetmelii (CLP) ve sonraki deiiklikler ve uyarlamalar uyarnca tehlike etiketlendirmesini gerektirmemektedir. 2.3. Dier zararlar. Hlihazrda mevcut bilgilere gre, rn %0,1 den daha yksek yzdede PBT veya vPvB maddeleri iermez. EPY 9.1.12 - SDS 1003 TR Revizyon no.11 ACC Silicones LTD Revizyon tarihi 14/03/2017 Basm tarihi 14/03/2017 Sayfa no. 2 / 7 EGEL3000A BLM 3. Bileimi/iindekiler hakkinda bilgi. 3.1. Maddeler. rn, 67/548/AET Direktifleri ve/veya 1272/2008 AT Ynetmelii (CLP) hkmleri (ve sonraki deiiklikler ve uyarlamalar) uyarnca salk veya evre asndan tehlikeli olarak snflandrlan miktarda ve dolaysyla beyanda bulunulmasn gerektiren maddeler iermez deyimi gerektirecek gibi miktarlarda. 3.2. Karmlar. lgili olmayan bilgiler. BLM 4. lk yardim nlemleri. 4.1. lk yardm tedbirlerinin tanm. zel olarak gerekli deildir. Her halkarda iyi sanayi hijyen kurallarna uyulmas nemle tavsiye edilir. 4.2. Akut ve sonradan grlen nemli belirtiler ve etkiler. rnden kaynaklanan, salk asndan zarar verme vakalar bilinmemektedir. 4.3. Tbbi mdahale ve zel tedavi gerei iin ilk iaretler. Bulunmayan bilgiler. BLM 5. Yangnla mcadele nlemleri. 5.1. Yangn sndrcler. UYGUN YANGIN SNDRME TEHZATLARI Yangn sndrme tehizatlar geleneksel aralardr: karbonik anhidrit, kpk, toz ve su buhar. UYGUN OLMAYAN YANGIN SNDRME TEHZATLARI zellikle uygun olmayan tehizat yoktur. 5.2. Madde veya karmdan kaynaklanan zel zararlar. YANGIN HALNDE MARUZYETTEN KAYNAKLANAN TEHLKELER Yanma rnlerini teneffs etmekten kannz. 5.3. Yangn sndrme ekipleri iin tavsiyeler. GENEL BLGLER rnn ayrmasn ve salk asndan potansiyel olarak tehlikeli maddelerin meydana gelmesini nlemek zere kaplar su jetleri ile soutunuz. Daima yangna kar koruma ile komple ekipmanlar kullannz. Kanalizasyona boaltlmamalar gereken yangn sndrme sularn toplaynz. Yangn sndrme iin kullanlm kontamine su ve yangn artklar yrrlkteki kanunlara uygun ekilde bertaraf edilmelidir. EKPMAN Kendi kendine yeterli ak devreli sktrlm hava solunum cihaz (EN 137), yangnla mcadelede kullanlan koruyucu giyecekler (EN469), itfaiyeciler iin koruyucu eldivenler (EN 659) ve itfaiyeci izmeleri (HO A 29 veya A30) gibi yangnla mcadele iin normal donanmlar. BLM 6. Kaza sonucu yayilma kari nlemler. 6.1. Kiisel nlemler, koruyucu donanm ve acil durum prosedrleri. Havaya yaylm buhar veya tozlar halinde, solunum yollar iin uygun bir koruma kullannz. Bu bilgiler gerek alan grevliler gerekse acil durum mdahaleleri iin geerlidir. 6.2. evresel nlemler. rnn kanalizasyonlara, yzeysel sulara, yeralt sularna szmasn nleyiniz. 6.3. Muhafaza etme ve temizleme iin yntemler ve materyaller. Toprak veya atl madde ile etrafn snrlandrnz. Maddenin byk bir ksmn toplaynz ve kalnty su jetleri ile gideriniz. Kontamine olmu materyalin bertaraf edilmesi, madde 13 balamnda bulunan hkmlere uygun olarak gerekletirilmelidir. 6.4. Dier blmlere atflar. Kiisel koruma ve bertaraf konularna ilikin olas bilgiler 8 ve 13 numaral blmlerde belirtilmitir. EPY 9.1.12 - SDS 1003

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