ARG81801 Wide Input Voltage, 2.4 MHz, 3.0 A Asynchronous Buck Regulator with Sleep Mode, External Synchronization, and POK Output FEATURES AND BENEFITS DESCRIPTION Designed to provide the power supply requirements of next Automotive AEC-Q100 qualified generation car audio and infotainment systems, the ARG81801 Withstands surge voltages up to 40 V provides all the control and protection circuitry to produce a Operates as low as 3.6 V (max) with V decreasing IN IN high current regulator with 1.0% output voltage accuracy. Delivers up to 3.0 A of output current with integrated After startup, the ARG81801 operates down to at least 3.6 V 110 m high voltage MOSFET IN (V falling). SLEEP input pin commands ultralow current shutdown IN mode If the SYNC input is driven by an external clock signal Adjustable output voltage with 1.0% accuracy from 0C higher than the base frequency (f ), the PWM frequency OSC to 85C, 1.5% from 40C to 150C synchronizes to the incoming clock frequency. The SLEEP Programmable switching frequency: 250 kHz to 2.4 MHz input pin commands an ultralow current shutdown mode Applying a clock input to the SYNC pin will increase the requiring less than 5 A for internal circuitry and 10 A (max) PWM frequency for MOSFET leakage at 16 V , 85C. IN Power OK (POK) open-drain output The ARG81801 has external compensation to accommodate a Maximized duty cycle for low dropout wide range of frequencies and external components, and provides Enhanced idle-stop recovery during V transients IN a Power OK (POK) signal validated by the output voltage. Pre-bias startup capable, V will not cause a reset OUT Continued on next page... The ARG81801 uses an Enhanced Idle/Stop-Start Recovery technique to reduce or eliminate output overshoot when V IN PACKAGE: recovers from levels below V minimum (i.e. V drops 24-pin wettable flank QFN IN OUT out of regulation). with exposed thermal pad (suffix ES) Extensive protection features of the ARG81801 include pulse- by-pulse current limit, hiccup mode short circuit protection, open/short asynchronous diode protection, BOOT open/ short voltage protection, V undervoltage lockout, V IN OUT overvoltage protection, and thermal shutdown. Continued on next page... Not to scale VBAT VIN BOOT C IN L O VOUT GND SW ARG81801 D C 1 O COMP SS FSET R FB1 VREG FB TEST R FB2 ENABLE SLEEP POK CLK IN SYNC POK Typical Application Diagram ARG81801-DS, Rev. 1 March 20, 2018 MCO-0000369Wide Input Voltage, 2.4 MHz, 3.0 A Asynchronous Buck Regulator ARG81801 with Sleep Mode, External Synchronization, and POK Output FEATURES AND BENEFITS DESCRIPTION External compensation for maximum flexibility The ARG81801 is supplied in a 24-pin wettable flank QFN package Excellent set of protection features to satisfy the most with exposed power pad (suffix ES). It is lead (Pb) free, with 100% demanding applications matte-tin leadframe plating. Overvoltage, pulse-by-pulse current limit, hiccup mode short circuit, and thermal protection SELECTION GUIDE Operating Ambient Part Number Packing Temperature Range T , (C) A ARG81801KESJSR 40 to 150 6000 pieces per 13-in. reel Table of Contents Protection Features ......................................................... 16 Features and Benefits ........................................................... 1 Undervoltage Lockout (UVLO) ...................................... 16 Description .......................................................................... 1 Pulse-by-Pulse Overcurrent Protection (OCP) ................. 16 Package ............................................................................. 1 Overcurrent Protection (OCP) and Hiccup Mode ............. 16 Typical Application Diagram ................................................... 1 BOOT Capacitor Protection .......................................... 17 Selection Guide ................................................................... 2 Asynchronous Diode Protection .................................... 17 Absolute Maximum Ratings ................................................... 3 Overvoltage Protection (OVP) ....................................... 17 Thermal Characteristics ........................................................ 3 Pin-to-Ground and Pin-to-Short Protections .................... 17 Functional Block Diagram ..................................................... 4 Thermal Shutdown (TSD) ............................................. 17 Pinout Diagram and Terminal List ........................................... 5 Application Information ....................................................... 20 Electrical Characteristics ....................................................... 6 Design and Component Selection ..................................... 20 Typical Performance Characteristics ..................................... 10 Setting the Output Voltage (V ) .................................. 20 OUT Functional Description ........................................................ 12 Output Inductor (L ) .................................................... 21 O Overview ....................................................................... 12 Output Capacitors ....................................................... 21 Reference Voltage .......................................................... 12 Input Capacitors .......................................................... 22 PWM Switching Frequency .............................................. 12 Asynchronous Diode (D1)............................................. 23 SLEEP Input .................................................................. 12 Bootstrap Capacitor ..................................................... 23 Synchronization Input ...................................................... 12 Soft Start and Hiccup Mode Timing (C ) ....................... 23 SS Transconductance Error Amplifier ..................................... 13 Compensation Components (R , C , and C ) ................. 24 Z Z P Slope Compensation ....................................................... 13 Power Dissipation and Thermal Calculations ......................... 27 Current Sense Amplifier ................................................... 13 PCB Component Placement and Routing .............................. 28 Power MOSFETs ............................................................ 13 Package Outline Drawing .................................................... 30 BOOT Regulator ............................................................. 13 Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) ....................................... 14 Soft Start (Startup) and Inrush Current Control ................... 14 Pre-Biased Startup .......................................................... 15 Power OK (POK) Output .................................................. 15 Allegro MicroSystems, LLC 2 115 Northeast Cutoff Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 U.S.A. 1.508.853.5000