x mate 15 x mate M15 Power Motor connector Advantages Areas of Application Ver y compact connector for 6 x 2,5mm asynchr one induction motor s up to 7,5 kW 4 x 630V / 16A power + 2 x 63V / 10A signal agg r egates quick-lock sys tem pumps t amper-pr oof over mold evolutions ... Panel par ts with M20 thr ead - can be integ r ated in exis ting ter minal boxes Amphenol-Tuchel Electronics GmbH August-Haeusser Strasse 10 74080 Heilbronn, Germany Telephone: +49 (0)7131 929-0 Fax: +49 (0)7131 929-486 www.amphenol.infox mate 15 Technical Data Parameter Standard Value Number of cont acts 3 + 2 + PE 2 W ir e gauge 2,5mm Flammability UL 94 V0 Temper atur e r ange IEC 60068-1 -20C / +60C Mechanical oper ation DIN EN 60512, tes t 9a >500 mating cycles Rated volt age DIN EN 60664-1 (=VDE 01 10-1) 630/63V Rated cur r ent DIN EN 60512-5-2, tes t 5b UL 1977 16A / 10A Pollution deg r ee DIN EN 60664-1 3 Mater ial g r oup DIN EN 60664-1 II Ins t allation (over volt age) categor y DIN EN 60664-1 III Rated impulse withs t and volt age DIN EN 60664-1 6000V IP deg r ee of pr otection DIN EN 60529 IP67 Materials Inser ts PA Cont acts sil ver plated Description Recept acles C115 E02 041 G1 r ecept acle male C115 E05 041 G1 r ecept acle female Cable assemblies CA115 10 0 100 XXX connection cable - male-female, lenghts on r eques t CA115 11 0 100 XXX male connector with cable, open end - lenghts on r eques t CA115 12 0 100 XXX female connector with cable, open end - lenghts on r eques t CA115 13 0 100 XXX male connector angled with cable, open end - lenghts on r eques t CA115 14 0 100 XXX female connector angled with cable, open end - lenghts on r eques t Angled ver sions on r eques t GenerGeneral Infal Inforormationmation WWee rr esereser vvee tthehe rr ightight ttoo cchanghangee tthehe designdesign duedue ttoo imimprpr oovvementement inin qqualityuality,, dedevvelopmentelopment oror prpr oductionoduction rr eqequiruir ements.ements. ThisThis datdat aa sheesheett musmus tt nonott bebe usedused inin ananyy fforor mm oror mannermanner witwithouthout ourour prpr iorior apprappr oovvalal inin wrwr itingiting (Cop(Copyryr ight,ight, LaLaww,, FFairair TTrr adingading LaLaww,, CivilCivil Code).Code). AllAll ttecechnicalhnical datdat aa hahavvee beenbeen measurmeasur eded inin aa laborlabor atatoror yy enenvirvir onmentonment andand cancan bebe differdiffer entent durdur inging prpr acticalactical usagusagee ofof tthehe prpr oduct.oduct. AnAnyy prpr oductoduct infinforor mationmation isis fforor descrdescr ipiptivtivee usagusagee onlonl yy andand nonott leglegallall yy binding binding parpar ticularticular ll yy tthehe infinforor mationmation doesdoes nonott conscons tituttitutee oror prpr oovidevide ananyy leglegalal guarguar antiesanties (Besc(Beschaffenheitsghaffenheitsgarar antieantie oror HaltbarHaltbar kkeitsgeitsgarar antie)antie) Amphenol-Tuchel Electronics GmbH August-Haeusser Strasse 10 74080 Heilbronn, Germany Telephone: +49 (0)7131 929-0 Fax: +49 (0)7131 929-486 www.amphenol.info