eMI Filter 26482 83723 III 26500 5015 22992 Back- Options Matrix 2 Matrix Pyle Pyle Crimp Rear Class L Transient Shells Others Release Matrix Multi-Channel Fiber Optic Circular Amphenol Aerospace (CF38999 Connector) How to Order 38999 Easy Steps to build a part number... Tri-Start Series III III 1. 2 3 4. 5. 6. HD Connector Type Material Finish Shell Style Shell Size- Insert Contact Type & Key/ Arrangement Keyway Position Dualok CF 50 9 0 17-08 P II I Amphenol Multi-Channel fiber optic connectors for use with multi-mode and single mode ter mini can be SJT ordered by coded par t number . Order ing procedure is illustrated by par t number CF-509017-08P as shown above: Accessories Aquacon Herm/Seal Step 1. Connector Type Step 6. Select a Contact Type & Key/Keyway Position PCB Designates Contact Type and Key/Keyway Position Multi-Channel Fiber Optic Connector CF P designates pin contacts HIHg S designates socket contacts SPeeD For key/keyway positioning, choose the alter nate Step 2. Select a Material Fiber rotation suffix letter from the char t below . Optics Designates ALTERNATE POSITION SUFFIX 50 Aluminum shell Contacts Suffix Letter Alter nate Connectors 60 Composite shell Position Cables Pins Sockets 80 Stainless steel shell Nor mal P S A G H B I J Step 3. Select a Finish C K L Designates D M N Electroless nickel plated aluminum, 48 hour salt spray 4 E R T resistance, 200C For more infor mation on key/keyway rotation, 5 Unplated composite see the Ser ies III MIL-DTL-38999 Section . 6 Corrosion resistant stainless steel, 500 hour salt spray resistance, 200C 9 Corrosion resistant olive drab cadmium plate alumin um, 500 hour salt spray resistance, 175C TM D Designates Dur malon (Nickel-PTFE)* S Nickel plated stainless steel Step 4. Select a Shell Style Designates 0 Wall mount receptacle 1 Line receptacle 2 Box mount receptacle Straight plug less ground strap 5 Straight plug 6 7 Jam nut receptacle Step 5. Select a Shell Size Insert Arrangement from proceeding pages. Shell Size & Inser t Arrangement are on page 194 . First number represents Shell Size, second number is the Inser t Arrangement . *Dur malon is a trademar k of Amphenol . For more infor mation on Dur malon see page 5 . Contact Amphenol Aerospace for more infor mation at 800-678-0141 www .amphenol-aerospace com . 193Multi-Channel Fiber Optic Circular Amphenol Aerospace Inser t Availability, (CF38999 Connector) 38999 Fiber optic ter mini can be accommodated in any size 16 or size 20 contact cavity of MIL-DTL-38999 Ser ies III type connector inser t patter ns, as listed in the following char t . III For availability of fiber type, either multi-mode or single mode, see note at bottom of char t . HD Contact Size Dualok Shell Size/ Total Optic Ter mini 8 12 10 8 II Arrangement Contacts Availability* 22D 12 (Twinax) (Coax) (Power) (Coax) 20 16 F I 2 2 09-94 SJT 3 3 09-98 Accessories 2 2 11-02 5 5 11-05 Aquacon 6 6 11-98 Herm/Seal 7 7 11-99 4 4 PCB 13-04 8 8 13-08 4 2** 2 13-13 HIHg 10 10 13-98 SPeeD 5 5 15-05 Fiber 15 14 1 15-15 Optics 18 18 15-18 19 19 15-19 Contacts 12 8 4 15-97 Connectors 8 8 17-08 Cables 26 26 17-26 23 21 2 17-99 11 11 19-11 28 26 2 19-28 32 32 19-32 16 16 21-16 27 19 4 4 21-29 39 37 2 21-39 21-41 41 41 23-21 21 21 23-53 53 53 23-54 53 40 9 4 23-55 55 55 25-04 56 48 8 25-11*** 11 2 9 25-20*** 30 10 13 4 3 25-24 24 12 12 25-26 25 16 5 4 25-29 29 29 25-37 37 37 25-41 41 22 3 11 2 3 25-43 43 23 20 25-46 46 40 4 2 25-61 61 61 25-90 46 40 4 2 25-F4 66 49 13 4 * Size 16 multi-mode and single mode fiber optic ter mini are readily available . For size 20 multi-mode ter mini consult Amphenol Aerospace for availability . ** Two size 16 contacts dedicated to fiber optics . *** For use in MIL-STD-1760 applications . See 38999 Ser ies III section in this catalog . For RG180/U and RG195/U cables only . Contact Amphenol for other cable applications . F Size 8 coax and Twinax are interchangeable . For ser vice ratings and perfor mance of electr ical contacts see 38999 Ser ies III section in this catalog . 194 Contact Amphenol Aerospace for more infor mation at 800-678-0141 www .amphenol-aerospace .com Options 5015 83723 III 26482 Back- 22992 26500 eMI Filter Class L Crimp Rear Pyle Matrix Pyle Matrix 2 Others Shells Transient Release Matrix