X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of AD598JRZ Sensor Interface across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. AD598JRZ Sensor Interface are a product manufactured by Analog Devices. We provide cost-effective solutions for Sensor Interface, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

AD598JRZ Analog Devices

AD598JRZ electronic component of Analog Devices
AD598JRZ Analog Devices
AD598JRZ Sensor Interface
AD598JRZ  Semiconductors

Images are for reference only
See Product Specifications
Part No. AD598JRZ
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensor Interface
Description: Sensor Interface IC LVDT Signal Conditioner
Datasheet: AD598JRZ Datasheet (PDF)
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Price (USD)

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Availability Price Quantity
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 56.6749
10 : USD 53.8271
25 : USD 52.0924

Shipping Restricted
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 70.3504

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Interface Type
Supply Voltage - Max
Operating Supply Current
Minimum Operating Temperature
Maximum Operating Temperature
Mounting Style
Package / Case
Operating Supply Voltage
Input Type
Input Voltage
Output Current
Output Type
Output Voltage
Ib - Input Bias Current
Moisture Sensitive
Product Type
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Notes:- Show Stocked Products With Similar Attributes.

We are delighted to provide the AD598JRZ from our Sensor Interface category, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the AD598JRZ and other electronic components in the Sensor Interface category and beyond.

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LVDT Signal a Conditioner AD598 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM FEATURES Single Chip Solution, Contains Internal Oscillator and Voltage Reference EXCITATION (CARRIER) No Adjustments Required 3 2 Insensitive to Transducer Null Voltage Insensitive to Primary to Secondary Phase Shifts V A 11 DC Output Proportional to Position OSC AMP 20 Hz to 20 kHz Frequency Range Single or Dual Supply Operation AD598 17 Unipolar or Bipolar Output Will Operate a Remote LVDT at Up to 300 Feet AB V 16 FILTER AMP OUT Position Output Can Drive Up to 1000 Feet of Cable A+B 10 LVDT Will Also Interface to an RVDT V B Outstanding Performance Linearity: 0.05% of FS max Output Voltage: 611 V min Gain Drift: 50 ppm/8C of FS max Offset Drift: 50 ppm/8C of FS max PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS 1. The AD598 offers a monolithic solution to LVDT and PRODUCT DESCRIPTION RVDT signal conditioning problems few extra passive com- The AD598 is a complete, monolithic Linear Variable Differen- ponents are required to complete the conversion from me- tial Transformer (LVDT) signal conditioning subsystem. It is chanical position to dc voltage and no adjustments are used in conjunction with LVDTs to convert transducer mechan- required. ical position to a unipolar or bipolar dc voltage with a high degree of accuracy and repeatability. All circuit functions are 2. The AD598 can be used with many different types of included on the chip. With the addition of a few external passive LVDTs because the circuit accommodates a wide range of components to set frequency and gain, the AD598 converts the input and output voltages and frequencies the AD598 can raw LVDT secondary output to a scaled dc signal. The device drive an LVDT primary with up to 24 V rms and accept sec- can also be used with RVDT transducers. ondary input levels as low as 100 mV rms. The AD598 contains a low distortion sine wave oscillator to 3. The 20 Hz to 20 kHz LVDT excitation frequency is deter- drive the LVDT primary. The LVDT secondary output consists mined by a single external capacitor. The AD598 input sig- of two sine waves that drive the AD598 directly. The AD598 nal need not be synchronous with the LVDT primary drive. operates upon the two signals, dividing their difference by their This means that an external primary excitation, such as the sum, producing a scaled unipolar or bipolar dc output. 400 Hz power mains in aircraft, can be used. The AD598 uses a unique ratiometric architecture (patent pend- 4. The AD598 uses a ratiometric decoding scheme such that ing) to eliminate several of the disadvantages associated with primary to secondary phase shifts and transducer null voltage traditional approaches to LVDT interfacing. The benefits of this have absolutely no effect on overall circuit performance. new circuit are: no adjustments are necessary, transformer null 5. Multiple LVDTs can be driven by a single AD598, either in voltage and primary to secondary phase shift does not affect sys- series or parallel as long as power dissipation limits are not tem accuracy, temperature stability is improved, and transducer exceeded. The excitation output is thermally protected. interchangeability is improved. 6. The AD598 may be used in telemetry applications or in hos- The AD598 is available in two performance grades: tile environments where the interface electronics may be re- mote from the LVDT. The AD598 can drive an LVDT at Grade Temperature Range Package the end of 300 feet of cable, since the circuit is not affected by phase shifts or absolute signal magnitudes. The position AD598JR 0C to +70C 20-Pin Small Outline (SOIC) output can drive as much as 1000 feet of cable. AD598AD 40C to +85C 20-Pin Ceramic DIP 7. The AD598 may be used as a loop integrator in the design of It is also available processed to MIL-STD-883B, for the military simple electromechanical servo loops. range of 55C to +125C. REV. A Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Tel: 617/329-4700 Fax: 617/326-8703(typical +258C and 615 V dc, C1 = 0.015 mF, R2 = 80 kV, R = 2 kV, L AD598SPECIFICATIONS unless otherwise noted. See Figure 7.) AD598J AD598A Parameter Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Unit V V A B V = 500 A R2 1 OUT TRANSFER FUNCTION V V +V A B 2 OVERALL ERROR T to T 0.6 2.35 0.6 1.65 % of FS MIN MAX SIGNAL OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS Output Voltage Range (T to T ) 611 611 V MIN MAX Output Current (T to T)8 6 mA MIN MAX Short Circuit Current 20 20 mA 3 Nonlinearity (T to T)756500 75 6500 ppm of FS MIN MAX 4 Gain Error 0.4 61 0.4 61 % of FS Gain Drift 20 6100 20 650 ppm/C of FS 5 Offset 0.3 61 0.3 61 % of FS Offset Drift 7 6200 7 650 ppm/C of FS 6 Excitation Voltage Rejection 100 100 ppm/dB Power Supply Rejection (12 V to 18 V) PSRR Gain (T to T ) 300 100 400 100 ppm/V MIN MAX PSRR Offset (T to T ) 100 15 200 15 ppm/V MIN MAX Common-Mode Rejection (3 V) CMRR Gain (T to T ) 100 25 200 25 ppm/V MIN MAX CMRR Offset (T to T ) 100 6 200 6 ppm/V MIN MAX 7 Output Ripple 4 4 mV rms EXCITATION OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS ( 2.5 kHz) Excitation Voltage Range 2.1 24 2.1 24 V rms Excitation Voltage 8 (R1 = Open) 1.2 2.1 1.2 2.1 V rms 8 (R1 = 12.7 k) 2.6 4.1 2.6 4.1 V rms 8 (R1 = 487 ) 14 20 14 20 V rms 9 Excitation Voltage TC 600 600 ppm/C Output Current 30 30 mA rms T to T 12 12 mA rms MIN MAX Short Circuit Current 60 60 mA DC Offset Voltage (Differential, R1 = 12.7 k) T to T 30 6100 30 6100 mV MIN MAX Frequency 20 20k 20 20k Hz Frequency TC, (R1 = 12.7 k) 200 200 ppm/C Total Harmonic Distortion 50 50 dB SIGNAL INPUT CHARACTERISTICS Signal Voltage 0.1 3.5 0.1 3.5 V rms Input Impedance 200 200 k Input Bias Current (AIN and BIN) 1 5 1 5 A Signal Reference Bias Current 2 10 2 10 A Excitation Frequency 0 20 0 20 kHz POWER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS Operating Range 13 36 13 36 V Dual Supply Operation (10 V Output) 13 13 V Single Supply Operation 0 to +10 V Output 17.5 17.5 V 0 to 10 V Output 17.5 17.5 V Current (No Load at Signal and Excitation Outputs) 12 15 12 15 mA T to T 16 18 mA MIN MAX TEMPERATURE RANGE JR (SOIC) 0 +70 C AD (DIP) 40 +85 C PACKAGE OPTION SOIC (R-20) AD598JR Side Brazed DIP (D-20) AD598AD 2 REV. A

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