The AD629ARZ-RL Integrated Circuit is a high-performance single-supply dual-channel differential input voltage-output current amplifier manufactured by Analog Devices. It has a single amplifier gain of 20 V/V, a broad common-mode voltage range from -2 V to +6 V, and a large signal bandwidth of DC to 10 kHz. Its wide dynamic range allows it to be used in a range of high-voltage and high-power applications, including power supplies, current measurement applications, isolated amplifiers, and energy management systems. This IC is ideal for difficult industrial applications requiring high accuracy and wide dynamic range to accurately drive current to load. It has excellent isolation characteristics and it is immune to power line transients. The AD629ARZ-RL features a high-quality, low-noise, and low-distortion differential input/output amplifier with differential gain and offset accuracy. It has a low quiescent current, high common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR), and high common-mode voltage range. The integrated device is RoHS compliant and is offered in a space-saving MSOP-10 package.