1 GHz, 5,500 V/ s a Low Distortion Amplifier AD8009 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAMS FEATURES Ultrahigh Speed 8-Lead Plastic SOIC (R-8) 5-Lead SOT-23 (RT-5) 5,500 V/ s Slew Rate, 4 V Step, G = +2 AD8009 545 ps Rise Time, 2 V Step, G = +2 AD8009 NC 1 8 NC Large Signal Bandwidth V 1 5 +V OUT S IN 2 7 +V S 440 MHz, G = +2 +IN 3 6 OUT V 2 S 320 MHz, G = +10 V 4 5 NC S Small Signal Bandwidth (3 dB) +IN34 IN 1 GHz, G = +1 NC = NO CONNECT 700 MHz, G = +2 Settling Time 10 ns to 0.1%, 2 V Step, G = +2 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Low Distortion over Wide Bandwidth The AD8009 is an ultrahigh speed current feedback amplifier SFDR with a phenomenal 5,500 V/s slew rate that results in a rise 66 dBc 20 MHz, Second Harmonic time of 545 ps, making it ideal as a pulse amplifier. 75 dBc 20 MHz, Third Harmonic The high slew rate reduces the effect of slew rate limiting and Third Order Intercept (3IP) results in the large signal bandwidth of 440 MHz required for 26 dBm 70 MHz, G = +10 high resolution video graphic systems. Signal quality is main- Good Video Specifications tained over a wide bandwidth with worst-case distortion of Gain Flatness 0.1 dB to 75 MHz 40 dBc 250 MHz (G = +10, 1 V p-p). For applications with 0.01% Differential Gain Error, R = 150 L multitone signals, such as IF signal chains, the third order 0.01 Differential Phase Error, R = 150 L intercept (3IP) of 12 dBm is achieved at the same frequency. This High Output Drive distortion performance coupled with the current feedback 175 mA Output Load Drive architecture make the AD8009 a flexible component for a gain 10 dBm with 38 dBc SFDR 70 MHz, G = +10 stage amplifier in IF/RF signal chains. Supply Operation The AD8009 is capable of delivering over 175 mA of load current +5 V to 5 V Voltage Supply and will drive four back terminated video loads while maintaining 14 mA (Typ) Supply Current low differential gain and phase error of 0.02% and 0.04, APPLICATIONS respectively. The high drive capability is also reflected in the Pulse Amplifier ability to deliver 10 dBm of output power 70 MHz with IF/RF Gain Stage/Amplifiers 38 dBc SFDR. High Resolution Video Graphics The AD8009 is available in a small SOIC package and will High Speed Instrumentations operate over the industrial temperature range 40C to +85C. CCD Imaging Amplifier The AD8009 is also available in an SOT-23-5 and will operate 2 G = +2 over the commercial temperature range of 0C to 70C. R = 301 1 F R = 150 L 30 0 G = 2 R = 301 1 F 40 V = 2V p-p V = 2V p-p O O G = +10 2 R = 200 F SECOND R = 100 50 L 3 100 LOAD 4 60 SECOND 150 LOAD 5 70 6 THIRD 7 80 100 LOAD 8 1 10 100 1000 THIRD 90 150 LOAD FREQUENCY RESPONSE (MHz) 100 Figure 1. Large Signal Frequency Response G = +2 and +10 1 10 70 FREQUENCY RESPONSE (MHz) REV. F Figure 2. Distortion vs. Frequency G = +2 Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise Tel: 781/329-4700 www.analog.com under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Fax: 781/326-8703 2004 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. NORMALIZED GAIN (dB) DISTORTION (dBc) AD8009SPECIFICATIONS ( T = 25 C, V = 5 V, R = 100 for R Package: R = 301 for G = +1, +2, A S L F R = 200 for G = +10 for RT Package: R = 332 for G = +1, R = 226 for G = +2 and R = 191 for G = +10, unless otherwise noted.) F F F F AD8009AR/JRT Model Conditions Min Typ Max Unit DYNAMIC PERFORMANCE 3 dB Small Signal Bandwidth, V = 0.2 V p-p O R Package G = +1, R = 301 1,000 MHz F RT Package G = +1, R = 332 845 MHz F G = +2 480 700 MHz G = +10 300 350 MHz Large Signal Bandwidth, V = 2 V p-p G = +2 390 440 MHz O G = +10 235 320 MHz Gain Flatness 0.1 dB, V = 0.2 V p-p G = +2, R = 150 45 75 MHz O L Slew Rate G = +2, R = 150 , 4 V Step 4,500 5,500 V/s L Settling Time to 0.1% G = +2, R = 150 , 2 V Step 10 ns L G = +10, 2 V Step 25 ns Rise and Fall Time G = +2, R = 150 , 4 V Step 0.725 ns L HARMONIC/NOISE PERFORMANCE Second Harmonic G = +2, V = 2 V p-p 10 MHz 73 dBc O 20 MHz 66 dBc 70 MHz 56 dBc Third Harmonic 10 MHz 77 dBc 20 MHz 75 dBc 70 MHz 58 dBc Third Order Intercept (3IP) 70 MHz 26 dBm W.R.T. Output, G = +10 150 MHz 18 dBm 250 MHz 12 dBm Input Voltage Noise f = 10 MHz 1.9 nV/Hz Input Current Noise f = 10 MHz, +In 46 pA/Hz f = 10 MHz, In 41 pA/Hz Differential Gain Error NTSC, G = +2, R = 150 0.01 0.03 % L NTSC, G = +2, R = 37.5 0.02 0.05 % L Differential Phase Error NTSC, G = +2, R = 150 0.01 0.03 Degrees L NTSC, G = +2, R = 37.5 0.04 0.08 Degrees L DC PERFORMANCE Input Offset Voltage 25 mV T to T 7mV MIN MAX Offset Voltage Drift 4 V/C Input Bias Current 50 150 A T to T 75 A MIN MAX +Input Bias Voltage 50 150 A T to T 75 A MIN MAX Open-Loop Transresistance 90 250 k T to T 170 k MIN MAX INPUT CHARACTERISTICS Input Resistance +Input 110 k Input 8 Input Capacitance +Input 2.6 pF Input Common-Mode Voltage Range 3.8 V Common-Mode Rejection Ratio V = 2.5 50 52 dB CM OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS Output Voltage Swing 3.7 3.8 V Output Current R = 10 , P Package = 0.7 W 150 175 mA L D Short-Circuit Current 330 mA POWER SUPPLY Operating Range +5 6V Quiescent Current 14 16 mA T to T 18 mA MIN MAX Power Supply Rejection Ratio V = 4 V to 6 V 64 70 dB S Specifications subject to change without notice. REV. F 2