The ADA4841-2YRZ-R7 is an operational amplifier (Op Amp) from Analog Devices, a supplier of analog, mixed-signal, and digital signal processing (DSP) technologies. This low-power, low-noise, low-distortion dual Op Amp is an integrated circuit that acts as a voltage amplifier and supports a wide range of applications in post-production audio/video, instrumentation, medical equipment, avionics, consumer electronics, and telecommunications. With a high slew rate of 13 V/µs and outstanding dynamic performance, the ADA4841-2YRZ-R7 can provide precision amplification for low-distortion VCOs, fast-settling sigma-delta analog-to-digital converters (ADCs), and instrumentation applications. The device is equipped with a unity-gain bandwidth of 3.6 MHz, power dissipation of only 2.9 mW, and total current consumption of only 1.2 mA. It also features high common-mode input voltage range and high input impedance, which makes it suitable for battery-powered applications. Furthermore, this dual Op Amp is RoHS compliant and is available in a compact SOIC-8 package.