High Performance, 4-/8-Channel,
Fault-Protected Analog Multiplexers
All switches off with power supply off
Analog output of on channel clamped within power supplies
if an overvoltage occurs
Latch-up proof construction
Fast switching times
t 250 ns maximum
t 150 ns maximum
Fault and overvoltage protection: 40 V to +55 V
Break-before-make construction
1 OF 8
TTL- and CMOS-compatible inputs
A0 A1 A2 EN
Data acquisition systems Figure 1.
Industrial and process control systems
Avionics test equipment
Signal routing between systems
High reliability control systems
The ADG438F and ADG439F are CMOS analog multiplexers, with
the ADG438F comprising eight single channels and the ADG439F
comprising four differential channels. These multiplexers provide
1 OF 4
fault protection. Using a series n-channel, p-channel, and
n-channel MOSFET structure, both device and signal source
protection is provided in the event of an overvoltage or power
A0 A1 EN
loss. The multiplexer can withstand continuous overvoltage
Figure 2.
inputs from 40 V to +55 V. During fault conditions with power
supplies off, the multiplexer input (or output) appears as an open
1. Fault Protection. The ADG438F and ADG439F can with-
circuit and only a few nanoamperes of leakage current flows. This
stand continuous voltage inputs up to 40 V or +55 V.
protects not only the multiplexer and the circuitry driven by the
When a fault occurs due to the power supplies being
multiplexer, but also protects the sensors or signal sources which
turned off, all the channels are turned off and only a
drive the multiplexer.
leakage current of a few nanoamperes flows.
The ADG438F switches one of eight inputs to a common output
2. On channel saturates while fault exists.
as determined by the 3-bit binary address lines, A0, A1, and A2.
3. Low RON.
The ADG439F switches one of four differential inputs to a
4. Fast Switching Times.
common differential output as determined by the 2-bit binary
5. Break-Before-Make Switching. Switches are guaranteed
address lines, A0 and A1. An EN input on each device is used
break-before-make so that input signals are protected
to enable or disable the device. When disabled, all channels are
against momentary shorting.
switched off.
6. Trench Isolation Eliminates Latch-Up. A dielectric trench
separates the p-channel and n-channel MOSFETs thereby
preventing latch-up.
7. Improved Off Isolation. Trench isolation enhances the
channel-to-channel isolation of the ADG438F/ADG439F.
Rev. E
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Features .............................................................................................. 1 ESD Caution...................................................................................5
Applications....................................................................................... 1 Pin Configuration and Function Descriptions..............................6
General Description ......................................................................... 1 Typical Performance Characteristics ..............................................7
Functional Block Diagram .............................................................. 1 Test Circuits........................................................................................9
Product Highlights ........................................................................... 1 Terminology.................................................................................... 12
Revision History ............................................................................... 2 Theory of Operation ...................................................................... 13
Specifications..................................................................................... 3 Outline Dimensions....................................................................... 14
Dual Supply ................................................................................... 3 Ordering Guide .......................................................................... 15
Absolute Maximum Ratings............................................................ 5
7/11Rev. D to Rev. E
Updated Format..................................................................Universal
Changes to Product Highlights Section and General
Description ........................................................................................ 1
Changes to Specification Section and Table 1 .............................. 3
Changes to Table 2............................................................................ 5
Added Table 3 and Table 4; Renumbered Sequentially ............... 6
Changes to Figure 5 to Figure 10.................................................... 7
Changes to Figure 11 to Figure 13.................................................. 8
Added Figure 14 to Figure 16.......................................................... 8
Changes to Figure 18 to Figure 20, Figure 23, and Figure 24 ..... 9
Changes to Terminology Section.................................................. 12
Changes to Theory of Operation Section, Figure 29, and
Figure 30 .......................................................................................... 13
Updated Outline Dimensions ....................................................... 14
Changes to Ordering Guide .......................................................... 15
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