QUICK START GUIDE FOR DEMONSTRATION CIRCUIT 1015 2.5A, 10V, MONOLITHIC SYNCHRONOUS STEP-DOWN REGULATOR LTC3602 DESCRIPTION Demonstration circuit 1015 is a step-down con- consumes less than 75 uA of quiescent current verter, using the LTC3602 monolithic synchronous during sleep operation typically, and during shut- buck regulator. The DC1015 has an input voltage down, it consumes less than 1 uA. Because of the range of 4.5V to 10V, and is capable of delivering up high switching frequency of the LTC3602, which is to 2.5A of output current. The output voltage of the programmable up to 3 MHz, the DC1015 uses low DC1015 can be set as low as 0.6V, the reference profile surface mount components. These fea- voltage of the LTC3602. At low load currents, the tures, plus the LTC3602 coming in a 20-Lead QFN DC1015 can operate in either noise sensitive appli- package, make the DC1015 an ideal circuit for use cations, due to the capability of the LTC3602 to op- in high voltage portable, battery-powered applica- erate in pulse-skipping mode, or in high efficiency tions. applications, because the LTC3602 can also operate Design files for this circuit are available. Call in Burst-Mode. Of course, in continuous mode, the LTC Factory. or large load current applications, the DC1015 is a LTC is a trademark of Linear Technology Corporation high efficiency circuit - over 90%. The DC1015 Table 1. Performance Summary (T = 25C) A PARAMETER CONDITIONS VALUE Minimum Input Voltage 4.5V Maximum Input Voltage 10V GND = Shutdown Run/Shutdown V = Run IN 2.5V 4% (2.4V 2.6V) Output Voltage V Regulation V = 4.5V to 10V, I = 0A to 2.5A 3.3V 4% (3.168V 3.432V) OUT IN OUT 5V 4% (4.8V 5.2V) Typical Output Ripple V V = 10V, V = 5V, I = 2.5A (20 MHz BW) < 20mV OUT IN OUT OUT PP Burst Mode - V = 8.4V, V = 3.3V < 1.25 A IN OUT Operation Modes Pulse-Skip - V = 8.4V, V = 3.3V < 650 mA IN OUT Nominal Switching Frequency R = 105k 1 MHz T 1 QUICK START GUIDE FOR DEMONSTRATION CIRCUIT 1015 2.5A, 10V, MONOLITHIC SYNCHRONOUS STEP-DOWN REGULATOR L O VOUT V VIN V V A + s V V D + + + AA + A + IOUT IIN Figure 1. Proper Equipment Measurement Set-Up Figure 2. Measuring Input or Output Ripple 3