DEMO MANUAL DC209 HIGH SPEED A/D DEMO BOARD LTC1404, SO-8 12-Bit 600ksps A/D Converter Demo Board DESCRIPTIO The LTC 1404 is a 1.6m s, 600ksps, sampling 12-bit A/D This manual shows how to use the demo board. Included converter that draws only 75mW from single 5V or 5V are timing diagrams, power supply requirements and supplies. The LTC1404 demo board provides the user with analog input range information. Additionally, a schematic, a way to evaluate the LTC1404 high speed A/D converter. parts list, drawings and dimensions of all the PC board In addition, the LTC1404 demo board is intended to layers are included. An explanation of the layout and illustrate the layout and bypassing techniques required to bypass strategies used in this board is also included so obtain optimum performance from this part. The LTC1404 that anyone designing a PC board using the LTC1404 will demo board is designed to be easy to use and requires only be able to get the maximum performance from the device. 7V to 15V supplies, a conversion-start signal and an Gerber files for this circuit board are available. Call the analog input signal. As shown in the Board Photo, the LTC factory. LTC1404 is a very space efficient solution for Some key features of this demo board include: A/D users. By combining a 12-bit A/D, sample-and-hold, Proven 600ksps 12-bit ADC surface mount layout reference and clock circuitry into a single SO package, all 2 Actual ADC footprint only 0.19 inch , including the data acquisition circuitry, including the bypass caps, 2 bypass capacitors can be placed into an area of only 0.19 inch . The LTC1404 72dB SINAD and 80dB THD at 100kHz inputs (Typ) is intended for applications in telecommunications, digital signal processing, imaging or any high speed, high reso- , LTC and LT are registered trademarks of Linear Technology Corporation. lution data acquisition application. TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS AND BOARD PHOTO Board Photo 4096 Point FFT of LTC1404 Demo Board 0 f = 600kHz SAMPLE 10 f = 99.1699kHz IN 20 SINAD = 71dB THD = 77dB 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 FREQUENCY (kHz) 1404 G05 DC209 BP 1 AMPLITUDE (dB) U U W UDEMO MANUAL DC209 HIGH SPEED A/D DEMO BOARD U WW PACKAGE A D SCHE ATIC DIAGRA S TOP VIEW V 1 8 V CC SS A 2 7 CONV IN LTC1404CS8 V 3 6 CLK REF GND 4 5 D OUT S8 PACKAGE 3 + 14 V 8-LEAD PLASTIC SO A QA 4 13 DATA OUTPUT B J2 QB 5 12 7V TO 15V 1 2 C QC U5C U5D D0 D1 5D 3 4 6 11 74HC14 R14 74HC14 D D2 D3 QD 1k 5 6 7 15 5 6 9 8 RDY D4 D5 ENP RCO J3 7 8 C9 D6 D7 10 U5B GND U5A 9 10 ENT 15pF D8 D9 74HC14 74HC14 2 11 12 CLK D10 D11 1 D 2 3 4 OUT 13 14 9 AGND DGND RDY D LOAD OUT 15 16 1 U2 REFRDY J4 V CLR 17 18 74HC595 7V TO 15V D11 15 U4 14 QA JP6 SER 74HC161 CLK 1 D0 HEADER 9X2 QB INPUT 2 D1 CLK IN 10 13 12 11 11 J1 QC SRCLK BNC 3 D2 DATA DISPLAY U5F U5E 10 QD R13 5D SRCLR 74HC14 74HC14 4 D3 R1 51 QE D0 1.2k D0 5 D4 12 QF RCLK 6 D5 13 R2 QG G D1 1.2k D1 7 D6 QH 9 R3 QH* D2 D2 1.2k R4 15 14 D7 D3 1.2k SER QA D3 5A 1 D8 QB R5 C7 1 2 D9 11 D4 1.2k + 10F QC D4 SRCLK JP7 2 3 16V 10 D10 5A JP2 JP3 JP4 3-PIN SRCLR QD + R6 C8 HEADER 3 4 D11 D5 1.2k 10F D5 ANALOG QE 1 8 R17 16V V V 5 INPUT CC SS 12 REFRDY QF 100 RCLK 2 7 R7 E1 A CONV 6 5D IN 13 D6 1.2k QG D6 BNC G 3 6 V CLK 7 REF QH + 4 5 R8 5 C15 C10 GND D 9 4 OUT 2 D7 1.2k QH* D7 1000pF 10F 1 16V U8 U1 JP5 U3 2 3 R9 TC7SH04F LTC1404CS8 4-PIN 74HC595 D8 1.2k D8 3 NOTE 5 SERIAL I/O 4 R10 HEADER D9 5D D9 1.2k U7 LTC1175CS8-5 R11 + U6 V 5A D10 1.2k 1 8 LT1121-5 D10 + C14 V V V IN IN R16 C13 1 3 7 5A 2 22F V OUT R12 0.1F C11 IN 10 I I LIM2 LIM4 TANT D11 1.2k 6 0.1F 3 D11 + C5 OUT SHDN C6 5A 47F 5 4 GND TAB 0.1F R15 SENSE GND 16V D12 2 4 REFRDY 1.2k C12 5D E2 5A 0.1F LED E3 5D NOTE 4 C1 C2 C3 C4 C16 NOTES: UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED JP1 0.1F 0.1F 0.1F 0.1F 0.1F 1. ALL RESISTANCES IN OHMS, 1/8W, 5% LED 2. ALL CAPACITANCES ARE 10% ENABLE 3. ALL 74HCXXX CONNECTED TO 5D AND DGND U2 TO U5, U8 BYPASS CAPACITORS 4. ALL LEDs PANASONIC LN1251C 74HCXXX 5. DIGITAL AND ANALOG GND PLANES CONNECT AT PIN 4 ONLY 2