DEMO CIRCUIT 985 LTC4245CUHF QUICK START GUIDE LTC4245CUHF Multiple Supply Hot Swap Controller 2 with I C Compatible Monitoring DESCRIPTION Demonstration circuit 985 showcases The board can be configured to work the LTC 4245 Hot Swap controller in a PCI Express application by ad- 2 with I C compatible monitoring in a justing a few jumpers. To access the CompactPCI (CPCI) application. The powerful monitoring features of the 2 LTC4245 resides on the plug-in board, LTC4245, the I C port on the back- DC985A-A, which carries a female CPCI plane board must be connected to a connector. This board plugs into the DC590 board (available separately). male connector on the backplane The LTC4245 can then be controlled board, DC985A-B. The plug-in board with evaluation software running on a also carries the four n-FET switches host PC. and sense resistors required for hot Design files for this circuit board swap. LEDs provide visual indication are available. Call the LTC factory. of the important signals and volt- and LTC are registered trademarks of Linear Technology ages. Corporation. Hot Swap and QuickEval are trademarks of Linear Technology Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. PERFORMANCE SUMMARY SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS V Input Supply Range MOSFET Q1-Q4 On, TVS Z1-Z4 Off IN +12V IN 10.8 12 15 V +5V IN CFG Jumper, JP4, at LOW or FLOAT 4.5 5 6 V CFG Jumper, JP4, at HIGH 2.9 3.3 6 V +3.3V IN 2.9 3.3 6 V -12V IN CFG Jumper, JP4, at LOW -10.8 -12 -15 V CFG Jumper, JP4, at FLOAT or HIGH 0 -15 V I Circuit Breaker Trip Current After Start-Up OUT,CB +12V OUT R1 = 8mW, 1% 5.5 6.25 6.9 A +5V OUT R2 = 3.5mW, 1% 6.4 7.1 7.9 A +3.3V OUT R3 = 2.5mW, 1% 8.9 10 11.1 A -12V OUT R4 = 40mW, 1% 0.99 1.25 1.52 A QUICK START PROCEDURE 1. Verify that the jumpers are set as Plug-in board: JP3 ON CONFIG: AUTO follows: JP5 PGI: HIGH JP4 CFG: LOW if us- ing all four supplies, FLOAT if us- Backplane board: JP1 BD SEL : LOW ing 12V, 5V and 3.3V, HIGH if using JP2 PCI RST : HIGH 12V, and two 3.3V. 1 LTC4245CUHF 2. Mate the plug-in board with the 6. Connect DC590 to the PC with a USB backplane board. cable as shown in Figure 2. Connect 2 the backplane board I C port, P2, 3. With the power off, connect the in- to the DC590 USB controller board put supplies and output loads as using the supplied 14-conductor shown in Figure 1. If -12V supply ribbon cable. Upon connection, is not being used, ground -12V IN QuickEval will identify the DC985, and -12V OUT turrets. and open the LTC4245 interface 4. Turn on power at the inputs. Check software window as shown in Figure that the LTC4245 automatically 3. turns on. LEDs D1 to D4 indicate 7. In the software, choose the CFG Pin when input power is applied, and D5 option that matches the CFG jumper, to D8 show when it is available at JP4, setting on the board. Click the output. If the output voltages the Auto Find button in the I2C Ad- are within tolerance, HEALTHY dress section, so the software can green LED, D9, turns on, and 2 figure out the I C slave address of LOCAL PCI RST red LED, D10, stays the LTC4245. After that, click the off. If the outputs remain off, START button to get a continuous check the fault registers (Step 8). update of the LTC4245 internal reg- 5. To access the ADC data or to con- isters. The software window dis- 2 trol the LTC4245 through I C, in- plays the MOSFET and overall stall the QuickEval System soft- status. ware on a computer with an avail- 8. Click Show Registers button for an able USB port. The download website expanded view of all the registers is