The LT1767EMS8E#TRPBF is a synchronous step-down switching voltage regulator from Analog Devices. It has a 1.5A output current capability and a 1.25 MHz switching frequency. The integrated low on-resistance MOSFETs and internal compensation allows for simple and efficient design with easy-to-use external components. The device is housed in a small, 8-pin MSOP package, and has a wide 5V to 24V input voltage range, allowing it to be used in a variety of applications. The LT1767EMS8E#TRPBF has short-circuit, overvoltage, and thermal protection, as well as a PGOOD signal that can be used to monitor system status. It is a reliable and highly efficient solution for low voltage applications, such as portable electronics, DSP and FPGA power supplies, and embedded control systems.