The LT3032EDE#PBF is an LDO (low dropout) voltage regulator manufactured by Analog Devices. This regulator has two outputs that can provide a positive and negative voltage output simultaneously, at a maximum current of 200mA. Its low noise and low ripple operation make it ideal for a variety of applications, including powering digital applications such as microprocessors, and other technologies that require low dropout and/or low noise operation. The device features sophisticated current-sense circuitry that provides superior line and load transient response. Additionally, the device provides protection from current overloads, reverse battery operation, short circuits, and over temperature conditions. The improved design minimizes system power loss and allows higher operating efficiency. It also features low dropout voltages and quiescent current levels, making it useful for compact, low-power designs. The LT3032EDE#PBF is available in an 8-lead SO package.