X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of LTC1067-50CGN#TRPBF Active Filters across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. LTC1067-50CGN#TRPBF Active Filters are a product manufactured by Analog Devices. We provide cost-effective solutions for Active Filters, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

LTC1067-50CGN#TRPBF Analog Devices

LTC1067-50CGN#TRPBF electronic component of Analog Devices
LTC1067-50CGN#TRPBF Analog Devices
LTC1067-50CGN#TRPBF Active Filters
LTC1067-50CGN#TRPBF  Semiconductors

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See Product Specifications
Part No. LTC1067-50CGN#TRPBF
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Active Filters
Description: Active Filter Dual SW-CAP UNIV 4th Order 40kHz 16-Pin SSOP N T/R
Datasheet: LTC1067-50CGN#TRPBF Datasheet (PDF)
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We are delighted to provide the LTC1067-50CGN#TRPBF from our Active Filters category, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the LTC1067-50CGN#TRPBF and other electronic components in the Active Filters category and beyond.

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LTC1067/LTC1067-50 Rail-to-Rail, Very Low Noise Universal Dual Filter Building Block FEATURES DESCRIPTION n The LTC 1067/LTC1067-50 consist of two identical rail- Rail-to-Rail Input and Output Operation n to-rail, high accuracy and very wide dynamic range 2nd Operates from a Single 3V to 5V Supply n order switched-capacitor building blocks. Each building Dual 2nd Order Filter in a 16-Lead SSOP Package n block, together with three to five resistors, provides 2nd > 80dB Dynamic Range on Single 3.3V Supply order filter functions such as bandpass, highpass, lowpass, n Clock-to-Center Frequency Ratio of 100:1 for the notch and allpass. High precision 4th order filters are LTC1067 and 50:1 for the LTC1067-50 easily designed. n Internal Sampling-to-Center Frequency Ratio of 200:1 for the LTC1067 and 100:1 for the LTC1067-50 The center frequency of each 2nd order section is tuned by n Center Frequency Error < 0.2% Typ the external clock frequency. The internal clock-to-center n Low Noise: < 40m V , Q 5 frequency ratio (100:1 for the LTC1067 and 50:1 for the RMS n Customizable with Internal Resistors LTC1067-50) can be modified by the external resistors. These devices have a double sampled architecture which U places aliasing and imaging components at twice the clock APPLICATIONS frequency. The LTC1067-50 is a low power device con- n Notch Filters suming about one half the current of the LTC1067. The n Narrowband Bandpass Filters LTC1067-50s typical supply current is about 1mA from a n Tone Detection 3.3V supply. n Noise Reduction Systems The LTC1067 and LTC1067-50 are available in 16-pin narrow SSOP and SO packages. Mask programmable versions of the LTC1067 and LTC1067-50, with thin film resistors on-chip and custom clock-to-cutoff frequency ratios, can be designed in an SO-8 package to realize application specific monolithic , LTC and LT are registered trademarks of Linear Technology Corporation. filters. Please contact LTC Marketing for more details. TYPICAL APPLICATION Frequency Response Single 3.3V Supply Rail-to-Rail, 4th Order, 10kHz Bandpass Filter 0 1 16 + V CLK f = 500kHz CLK 2 15 10 NC AGND 1m F 3 14 + 3.3V V V 4 13 0.1m F SA SB 20 LTC1067-50 5 12 LPA LPB OUT R32, 200k R31, 200k 6 11 BPA BPB 30 R21, 10k R22, 10k 7 10 HPA/NA HPB/NB R11 200k 8 9 IN INV A INV B 40 10 8 9 11 12 TOTAL OUTPUT NOISE: 90V RMS RB1, 200k FREQUENCY (kHz) S/N RATIO: 80dB 1067 TA01 1067 TA02 1 GAIN (dB) U ULTC1067/LTC1067-50 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS PACKAGE/ORDER INFORMATION + Total Voltage Supply (V to V ) .............................. 12V TOP VIEW ORDER PART + Input Voltage ........................ (V + 0.3V) to (V 0.3V) + NUMBER V 1 16 CLK Output Short-Circuit Duration .......................... Indefinite NC 2 15 AGND LTC1067CGN Power Dissipation............................................... 500mV + V 3 14 V LTC1067-50CGN Operating Temperature Range SA 4 13 SB LTC1067IGN LTC1067C ............................................... 0 C to 70 C LPA 5 12 LPB LTC1067-50IGN LTC1067I............................................ 40 C to 85 C BPA 6 11 BPB LTC1067CS Storage Temperature Range ................. 65 C to 150 C HPA/NA 7 10 HPB/NB LTC1067-50CS INV A 8 9 INV B Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec).................. 300 C LTC1067IS GN PACKAGE S PACKAGE LTC1067-50IS 16-LEAD PLASTIC SSOP 16-LEAD PLASTIC SO T = 110 C, q = 135 C/ W (GN) JMAX JA T = 110 C, q = 115 C/ W (S) JMAX JA Consult factory for Military grade parts. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS LTC1067 (internal op amps) V = 4.75V, T = 25 C, unless otherwise noted. S A PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS Operating Supply Range 311 V Positive Output Voltage Swing V = 3V, R = 10k l 2.65 2.80 V S L V = 4.75V, R = 10k l 4.25 4.50 V S L V = 5V, R = 10k l 4.15 4.50 V S L Negative Output Voltage Swing V = 3V, R = 10k l 0.020 0.200 V S L V = 4.75V, R = 10k l 0.025 0.225 V S L V = 5V, R = 10k l 4.96 4.80 V S L Output Short-Circuit Current V = 3V 16/1.0 mA S (Source/Sink) V = 4.75V 33/2.2 mA S V = 5V 70/7.2 mA S DC Open-Loop Gain R = 10k 90 dB L GBW Product R = 10k 2.8 MHz L Slew Rate R = 10k 2.25 V/m s L LTC1067 (complete filter) V = 4.75V, f = 250kHz, T = 25 C, unless otherwise noted. S CLK A PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS Center Frequency Range, f (Note 1) 0.001 to 20 kHz O Input Frequency Range 0 to 1 MHz Clock-to-Center Frequency, f /f V = 3V, f = 250kHz, Mode 1, f = 2.5kHz, Q = 5 100:1 0.2 % CLK O S CLK O R1 = R3 = 49.9k, R2 = 10k l 0.70 % V = 4.75V, f = 250kHz, Mode 1, f = 2.5kHz, Q = 5 100:1 0.2 % S CLK O R1 = R3 = 49.9k, R2 = 10k l 0.70 % V = 5V, f = 500kHz, Mode 1, f = 5kHz, Q = 5 100:1 0.2 % S CLK O R1 = R3 = 49.9k, R2 = 10k l 0.70 % Clock-to-Center Frequency Ratio, V = 3V, f = 250kHz, Q = 5 l 0.1 0.35 % S CLK Side-to-Side Matching V = 4.75V, f = 250kHz, Q = 5 l 0.1 0.35 % S CLK V = 5V, f = 500kHz, Q = 5 l 0.1 0.35 % S CLK 2 U W U W U WW

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