LTC2634 Quad 12-/10-/8-Bit Rail-to-Rail DACs with 10ppm/C Reference FEATURES DESCRIPTION n AEC-Q100 Qualified for Automotive Applications The LTC 2634 is a family of quad 12-, 10- and 8-bit volt- n Integrated Precision Reference age output DACs with an integrated, high accuracy, low 2.5V Full-Scale 10ppm/C (LTC2634-L) drift 10ppm/C reference in 16-lead QFN and 10-lead 4.096V Full-Scale 10ppm/C (LTC2634-H) MSOP packages. It has rail-to-rail output buffers and is n Maximum INL Error: 2.5 LSB (LTC2634-12) guaranteed monotonic. The LTC2634-L has a full-scale n Low Noise: 0.75mV 0.1Hz to 200KHz output of 2.5V, and operates from a single 2.7V to 5.5V P-P n Guaranteed Monotonic over 40C to 125C supply. The LTC2634-H has a full-scale output of 4.096V, Temperature Range and operates from a 4.5V to 5.5V supply. Each DAC can n Selectable Internal or External Reference also operate with an external reference, which sets the n 2.7V to 5.5V Supply Range (LTC2634-L) full-scale output to the external reference voltage. n Ultralow Crosstalk Between DACs (2.4nVs) These DACs communicate via an SPI/MICROWIRE com- n Low Power: 0.6mA at 3V patible 3-wire serial interface which operates at clock n Power-On Reset to Zero-Scale/Mid-Scale rates up to 50MHz. Serial data output (SDO), a hardware n Double Buffered Data Latches clear (CLR), and an asynchronous DAC update (LDAC) n Tiny 16-Lead 3mm 3mm QFN and 10-Lead capability are available in the QFN package. The LTC2634 MSOP Packages incorporates a power-on reset circuit. Options are avail- able for reset to zero-scale or reset to mid-scale in internal APPLICATIONS reference mode, or reset to mid-scale in external refer- ence mode after power-up. n Mobile Communications n All registered trademarks and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Protected Process Control and Industrial Automation by U.S. patents, including 5396245, 5859606, 6891433, 6937178, 7414561. n Automatic Test Equipment n Portable Equipment n Automotive BLOCK DIAGRAM REF INTERNAL GND SWITCH REFERENCE Integral Nonlinearity V REF (LTC2634-LZ12) V (REFLO) CC 2 V = 3V CC V V OUTA OUTD INTERNAL REF DAC A DAC D 1 V V REF REF V V OUTB OUTC DAC B DAC C 0 CS/LD SDI 1 CONTROL DECODE LOGIC 2 0 2048 3072 4095 1024 SCK POWER-ON 32-BIT SHIFT REGISTER (CLR) CODE RESET (SDO) 2634 TA01 (LDAC) 2634 BD ( ) QFN PACKAGE ONLY Rev E 1 Document Feedback For more information REGISTER REGISTER REGISTER REGISTER REGISTER REGISTER REGISTER REGISTER INL (LSB)LTC2634 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Notes 1, 2) Supply Voltage (V ) ................................... 0.3V to 6V Maximum Junction Temperature .......................... 150C CC CS/LD, SCK, SDI, LDAC, CLR, SDO, REFLO .. 0.3V to 6V Storage Temperature Range .................. 65C to 150C V -V ....................0.3V to Min (V + 0.3V, 6V) Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec) OUTA OUTD CC REF ..................................0.3V to Min (V + 0.3V, 6V) MSOP ...............................................................300C CC Operating Temperature Range LTC2634C ................................................ 0C to 70C LTC2634I .............................................40C to 85C LTC2634H (Note 3) ............................ 40C to 125C PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW TOP VIEW 16 15 14 13 V 1 12 V V 1 10 GND CC OUTA OUTD V 2 9 V OUTA OUTD V 2 11 V OUTB OUTC 11 V 3 8 V OUTB OUTC 17 CS/LD 4 7 REF LDAC 3 10 REF SCK 5 6 SDI CS/LD 4 9 CLR MSE PACKAGE 5 6 7 8 10-LEAD PLASTIC MSOP T = 125C, = 35C/W JMAX JA EXPOSED PAD (PIN 11) IS GND, MUST BE SOLDERED TO PCB UD PACKAGE 16-LEAD (3mm 3mm) PLASTIC QFN T = 125C, = 68C/W JMAX JA EXPOSED PAD (PIN 17) IS GND, MUST BE SOLDERED TO PCB Rev E 2 For more information SCK V CC DNC DNC SDO GND SDI REFLO