The LTC2945IMS#PBF integrated circuit from Analog Devices is a wide range integrated current and power monitor with regulators that contains both I2C and SDAO interfaces. It is designed to monitor the voltages, currents, power, energy and temperature on a power supply system. It has an on board precision shunt amplifier, wide range operational amplifier, analog-to-digital converters, monitors and regulators, as well as I2C and SDAO communication interfaces. It features programmable cycle-by-cycle current limit, voltage, and temperature monitoring with fault logging capability. It is designed to operate over a wide range of supply voltages and temperatures. This device also offers bidirectional current measurement for both positive and negative current. The device operates over a power supplies of +2.7V to +5.45V with a minimum operating temperature of -40 to +125 °C and a maximum operating temperature of +125 to +150 °C.