The LTC3115IFE-1#PBF, manufactured by Analog Devices, is a switching voltage regulator with a 40V input and 2A synchronous Buck-Boost converter. It is capable of providing an output voltage from 0.8V to 40V with programmable current sources and dynamic output impedance. The output voltage and current are controlled digitally, providing a high degree of flexibility and precision. The LTC3115IFE-1#PBF also offers an integrated switching frequency up to 500kHz, allowing for high data rates in wideband applications. Furthermore, the LTC3115IFE-1#PBF is able to operate from an input voltage of 40V, or two 20V sources, to enable operation in low-voltage, or non-isolated applications. The device also includes features such as frequency synchronization, over-voltage lockout, and under-voltage lockout. Finally, the device is available in an 8-lead MSOP or DFN package, making it ideal for handheld and portable applications.