The LTC3789IUFD#TRPBF is a high efficiency, synchronous, 4-Switch Buck-Boost Controller manufactured by Analog Devices. It can provide a highly efficient means of transforming energy sources into different output voltages and is particularly suited to applications where the input voltage is variable, such as battery-powered systems, including portable electronics and renewable energy applications. It features dedicated low-side and high-side N-channel MOSFET drivers with integrated high-side/low-side charge pumps and under-voltage lockout capability. The LTC3789IUFD#TRPBF can be used in multiple topologies, including non-isolated SEPIC, SEPIC, flyback, and buck-boost configurations, allowing for flexible, wide input and output voltage ratio conversions. It features a wide operating range of 4.5V to 38V input and 0.8V to 28V output.