BATTREY VOLTAGE (V) LTC4069 Standalone 750mA Li-Ion Battery Charger in 2 2 DFN with NTC Thermistor Input FeaT DescripT n Complete Linear Charger in 2mm 2mm DFN The LTC 4069 is a complete constant-current/con- Package stant-voltage linear charger for single-cell lithium-ion n C/10 Charge Current Detection Output batteries. The 2mm 2mm DFN package and low external n Timer Charge Termination component count make the LTC4069 especially well-suited n Charge Current Programmable Up to 750mA with for portable applications. Furthermore, LTC4069 is specif- 5% Accuracy ically designed to work within USB power specifications. n No External MOSFET, Sense Resistor or Blocking The CHRG pin indicates when charge current has dropped Diode Required to ten percent of its programmed value (C/10). An n NTC Thermistor Input for Temperature Qualified internal timer terminates charging according to battery Charging manufacturer specifications. n Preset 4.2V Float Voltage with 0.6% Accuracy n Constant-Current/Constant-Voltage Operation with No external sense resistor or blocking diode is required Thermal Feedback to Maximize Charge Rate due to the internal MOSFET architecture. Thermal feed- Without Risk of Overheating back regulates charge current to limit the die temperature n Charge Current Monitor Output for Gas Gauging during high power operation or high ambient temperature n Automatic Recharge conditions. n Charges Single-Cell Li-Ion Batteries Directly from When the input supply (wall adapter or USB supply) is USB Port removed, the LTC4069 automatically enters a low current n 20A Supply Current in Shutdown Mode state, dropping battery drain current to less than 1A. With n Soft-Start Limits Inrush Current power applied, LTC4069 can be put into shutdown mode, n Tiny 6-Lead (2mm 2mm) DFN Package reducing the supply current to less than 20A. Ta The LTC4069 also includes automatic recharge, low-bat- tery charge conditioning (trickle charging), soft-start (to n Wireless PDAs limit inrush current) and an NTC thermistor input used to n Cellular Phones monitor battery temperature. n Portable Electronics L, LT, LTC LTM, Linear Technology and the Linear logo are registered trademarks of Linear The LTC4069 is available in a tiny 6-lead, low profile Technology Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0.75mm) 2mm 2mm DFN package. Protected by U.S. Patents, including 6522118, 6700364. Complete Charge Cycle (1100mAh Battery) Typical Ta 600 4.50 Standalone Li-Ion Battery Charger CONSTANT CONSTANT CURRENT 500 4.25 VOLTAGE 500mA V IN V BAT 400 4.00 CC 4.3V TO 5.5V CHRG R1 LTC4069 TRANSITION R NOM 510 300 3.75 100k CHRG PROG 4.2V + Li-Ion NTC GND BATTERY 200 3.50 CHARGE R PROG R 1F NTC 2k TERMINATION 100k 100 3.25 4069 TA01 V = 5V CC R = 2k PROG 0 3.00 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 TIME (HOURS) 4069 TA01b 4069fc 1 For more information CHARGE CURRENT (mA) ion pplica ions pplica ion uresLTC4069 Ta e MaxiMMu Tar in p Fc T (Note 1) TOP VIEW V CC t < 1ms and Duty Cycle < 1% ................. 0.3V to 7V GND 1 6 PROG Steady State ............................................ 0.3V to 6V CHRG 2 7 5 NTC BAT, CHRG .................................................. 0.3V to 6V 3 4 BAT V CC PROG, NTC ..................................... 0.3V to V + 0.3V CC BAT Short-Circuit Duration ............................Continuous DC PACKAGE 6-LEAD (2mm 2mm) PLASTIC DFN BAT Pin Current .................................................. 800mA T = 125C, = 60C/W (NOTE 3) JMAX JA PROG Pin Current ................................................ 800A EXPOSED PAD (PIN 7) IS GND MUST BE SOLDERED TO PCB Junction Temperature (Note 6) ............................ 125C Operating Temperature Range (Note 2)....40C to 85C Storage Temperature Range .................. 65C to 125C Der inFMTa LEAD FREE FINISH TAPE AND REEL PART MARKING PACKAGE DESCRIPTION TEMPERATURE RANGE LTC4069EDC PBF LTC4069EDC TRPBF LBZX 6-Lead (2mm 2mm) Plastic DFN 40C to 85C Consult LTC Marketing for parts specified with wider operating temperature ranges. Consult LTC Marketing for information on non-standard lead based finish parts. For more information on lead free part marking, go to: