LTC4555 SIM Power Supply and Level Translator Fea T Descrip T n SIM Power Supply: 1.8V/3V at 50mA The LTC 4555 provides power conversion and signal n Input Voltage Range: 3V to 6V level shifting needed for low voltage 2.5G and 3G cellular n Controller Voltage Range: 1.2V to 4.4V telephones to interface with 1.8V or 3V subscriber identity n 14kV ESD On All SIM Contact Pins modules (SIMs). The part meets all type approval require- n Meets All ETSI, IMT-2000 and ISO7816 SIM/Smart ments for 1.8V and 3V SIMs and smart cards. The part Card Interface Requirements contains an LDO linear regulator to supply SIM power at n Level Translators to 1.8V or 3V either 1.8V or 3V from a 3V to 6V input. The output volt- n 20A Operating Current age is selected with a single pin and up to 50mA of load n Logic-Controlled Shutdown (I < 1A) current can be supplied. SD n Available in a Low Profile, 16-Pin (3mm 3mm) Internal level translators allow controllers operating with QFN Package supplies as low as 1.2V to interface with 1.8V or 3V smart cards. Battery life is maximized by 20A operating current and <1A shutdown current. Board area is minimized by a T the 3mm 3mm leadless QFN package. n SIM Interface in 3G Cellular Telephones L, LT, LTC, LTM, Linear Technology and the Linear logo are registered trademarks and n Smart Card Readers ThinSOT is a trademark of Linear Technology Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Typical a T Typical SIM Interface V BAT (1.2V TO 4.4V) (3V TO 6V) V CC 0.1F SIM/ 0.1F SMART CARD INTERFACE DV V CC BAT SHDN V V CC CC V CONTROLLER SEL 1F LTC4555 R IN RST RST C IN CLK CLK DATA I/0 I/0 GND GND 4555 TA01 4555fc 1 For more information ion pplica ions pplica ion uresLTC4555 a Te Maxi Mu M r a T p in c F T (Note 1) TOP VIEW V , DV , V to GND ............................ 0.3V to 6.5V BAT CC CC Digital Inputs to GND ................................ 0.3V to 6.5V 16 15 14 13 CLK, RST, I/O to GND .......................0.3V to V + 0.3V CC SHDN 1 12 NC V Short-Circuit Duration ................................... Infinite CC V 2 11 CLK SEL Operating Temperature Range (Note 2).... 40C to 85C 17 DV 3 10 GND CC Junction Temperature ........................................... 125C NC 4 9 RST Storage Temperature Range ................... 65C to 125C 5 6 7 8 UD PACKAGE 16-LEAD (3mm 3mm) PLASTIC QFN T = 125C, = 68C/W, = 4.2C/W JMAX JA JC EXPOSED PAD (PIN 17) IS GND, MUST BE SOLDERED TO PCB o r Der i n F Ma T