Click here for production status of specific part numbers. MAX14690 Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX14690 2 2) Connect the I C Controller device to GND, SDA General Description (J1 pin 6), and SCL (J1 pin 7). The MAX14690 evaluation kit (EV kit) is a fully assembled and tested circuit for evaluating the MAX14690 wearable 3) Set the power supply voltage to 3.7V and turn off 2 charge-management solution with I C capability for low- the supply. power wearable application. The device includes a linear battery charger, Smart Power Selector, two ultra-low 4) Connect the positive terminal of the 3.7V power supply to BAT (J1 pin 4) and the negative quiescent current buck regulators, and three low-dropout terminal to GND (J3 pin 1). (LDO) linear regulators. Refer to the MAX14690 IC data sheet for detailed information 5) Turn on the 3.7V power supply. regarding the operation and features of the devices. 2 6) Turn on the GPIO controller device and I C Features controller device. RoHS Compliant 7) Set GPIO controller to output logic-high to PFN1 Proven PCB Layout to power on the MAX14690. Full Assembled and Tested 8) Measure the voltage on SYS (J1 pin 3) and 2 I C Serial Interface confirm that it equals the battery voltage. 2 9) To enable the Buck1 output, use the I C Quick Start controller to set Buck1En 1:0 to 01 by writing Required Equipment value 0xE8 to register 0x0D. Measure B1OUT (J2 pin 6) and confirms that it equals 1.8V. Adjustable power supply with 0V to 5V capability Digital multimeter (DMM) 2 10) To enable Buck2 output, use the I C controller to 2 I C controller device set Buck2En 1:0 to 01 by writing value 0xE8 to register 0x0F. Measure B2OUT (J2 pin 5) and GPIO controller device confirm that it equals 3.3V. Cables with grabber connections 11) Optional: To test any one of the LDOs, set the Optional Equipment second power supply voltage to the desired LDO input voltage. Turn it off and then connect Second power supply for LDOs the positive terminal to the LDO input and the Procedure negative terminal to GND. Turn it on. To enable 2 the LDO output, use the I C controller to write The EV kit is fully assembled and tested. Follow the steps value 0xE2 to the register LDO1Cfg, LDO2Cfg, below to verify basic board operation. or LDO3Cfg corresponding to the LDO under Caution: Do not turn on the power supply and exter- test. Measure the voltage of the LDO output and nal devices until all connections are completed. confirm that it matches the default setting: 0.8V (LDO1), 0.8V (LDO2), and 0.8V (LDO3). 1) Connect PFN1 (J2 pin 11) to the GPIO controller output. Alternatively, PFN1 can be connected to a 3V IO supply through a 10k pullup resistor. 12) The EV kit is ready for additional evaluation. This procedure assumes that a GPIO controller is used. Smart Power Selector is a trademark of Maxim Integrated Ordering Information appears at end of data sheet. Products, Inc. 19-8723 Rev 1 2/19MAX14690 Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX14690 Table 3. Connector J3 Detailed Description of Hardware The MAX14690 evaluation kit (EV Kit) evaluates the PIN SIGNAL DESCRIPTION MAX14690 wearable charge-management solution. 1 GND Ground See Table 1 through Table 3 for pin descriptions of the 2 CHRGIN Charger Input three connectors (J1J3). 3 SYS System Load Connection 4 BAT Battery Table 1. Connector J1 Battery Temperature Thermistor PIN MAX14690 DESCRIPTION 5 THM Connection 1 GND Ground 6 CAP Bypass for Internal LDO 2 MON Voltage Monitor Output External Resistor Connection for 7 SET 3 N.C. Not Connected Configuring Battery Charge Current 4 INT Open-Drain, Active-Low Interrupt Output 8 LED LED Current Sink Input 5 RST Power-On Reset Output. 9 N.C. Not Connected 2 6 SDA I C Serial Data Input/Output 10 N.C. Not Connected 2 7 SCL I C Serial Clock Input 11 N.C. Not Connected 8 MPC1 Multipurpose Configuration Input 1 12 GND Ground 9 MPC0 Multipurpose Configuration Input 0 10 PFN2 Power Function Control Input/Output 11 PFN1 Power Function Control Input Ordering Information 12 GND Ground PART TYPE MAX14690EVKIT EV Kit Table 2. Connector J2 Denotes a RoHS-compliant device that may include lead that PIN SIGNAL DESCRIPTION is exempt under the RoHS requirements. 1 L3IN LDO3 Input 2 L3OUT LDO3 Output 3 L2OUT LDO2 Output 4 L1OUT LDO1 Output 5 B2OUT Buck Regulator 2 Output 6 B1OUT Buck Regulator 1 Output 7 L2IN LDO2 Input 8 L1IN LDO1 Input Maxim Integrated 2