MAX14836 24V Dual-Output Sensor Transceiver General Description Features and Benefits The MAX14836 transceiver is suitable for 24V binary High Configurability and Integration Enable Faster sensors. Additional 24V digital inputs and outputs are Time-to-Market and Reduce SKUs provided. Two internal linear regulators generate common Push-Pull, High-Side, or Low-Side Outputs sensor power requirements: 5V and 3.3V. DIO and DO Drivers Can Be Connected in Parallel On-board DIO and DO drivers are independently to Increase Current and Reduce Output Resistance configurable for push-pull, high-side (pnp), or low-side 200mA Specified DIO and DO Output Drive (npn) operation. The device detects a wake-up condition 2.5V to 5V Logic Interface Levels and generates a wake-up signal on the active-low WU 5V and 3.3V Linear Regulators output. 400s Wake-Up Detection on DIO Line An SPI interface allows configuration and monitoring of 3F DIO Load-Drive Capability the devices. Extensive alarm conditions are detected and 2F DO Load-Drive Capability communicated through the IRQ output and the SPI inter- EMI Emission Control Through Slew-Controlled face. The device features reverse-polarity, short-circuit, Driver and thermal protection. All power lines are monitored for Integrated Protection Enables Robust Solutions undervoltage conditions. Reverse-Polarity-Protected 24V Supply Output Both DIO and DO drivers are specified for sinking/sourc- SPI Interface for Configuration and Monitoring ing 200mA. Reverse-Polarity and Short-Circuit Protection on All The MAX14836 is available in a 4mm x 4mm, 24-pin 24V Inputs/Outputs TQFN package, and is specified over the -40NC to +105NC High-Temperature Warning and Thermal Shutdown temperature range. Extensive Fault Monitoring and Reporting Applications -40C to +105C Operating Temperature Range Industrial Sensors Space-Saving 4mm x 4mm TQFN Package Saves Circuit Footprint Ordering Information appears at end of data sheet. Typical Application Circuit 5V 10 3.3V 1F 1F 0.1F 10k 0.8 VCC V DIOEN LDO33 V LDOIN V L 5 P V CC UV 1F SPI L+ DO MAX14836 MICROCONTROLLER 1 2 LIO DIO 4 3 LO L- GND DODIS GND 19-6738 Rev 2 9/14MAX14836 24V Dual-Output Sensor Transceiver Functional Diagram LDO33 V LDOIN V 5 P UV UV MONITOR 3.3V LDO 5V LDO V CC V L CS SDI STATUS MAX14836 AND SDO CONFIGURATION SCLK IRQ RX FILTER PROTECTION DIO WAKE-UP WU DETECT DRIVER LIO PROTECTION GND DIOEN DRIVER LO PROTECTION DO DODIS Maxim Integrated 2