Evaluate: MAX32620, MAX32621 MAX32620, MAX32621 Evaluation Kits General Description Benefits and Features The MAX32620 and MAX32621 evaluation kits (EV kits) Easily Load and Debug Code Using the Supplied provide a convenient platform for evaluating the capa- Olimex ARM-USB-TINY-H JTAG Debugger Connected bilities of the MAX32620 and MAX32621 microcontrollers, Through a Standard 20-Pin ARM JTAG Header respectively. While the MAX32620 EV kit includes a Headers for Accessing the ICs Pins and Analog MAX32620 soldered directly to the board, the MAX32621 Front End (AFE) Input Signals EV kit features a socketed MAX32621. Each EV kit also Micro-USB Type-B Connection to the ICs USB provides a complete, functional system ideal for develop- Device Controller ment and debugging applications. Except where stated otherwise, the following sections apply to both EV kits. Micro-USB Type-B Connection to USB-UART Bridge Selectable Between the ICs Internal UART 0 and EV Kit Contents UART 1 EV Kit Board with a MAX32620 Soldered Down On-Board Bluetooth 4.0 BLE Transceiver with Chip (MAX32620 EV Kit Only) Antenna EV Kit Board with a Socketed MAX32621 (MAX32621 EV Kit Only) Olimex ARM-USB-TINY-H JTAG Debugger with JTAG Ribbon Cable (for Connecting from Debugger to EV Kit Header J1) and USB Standard A-to-B cable (for Connecting from PC to Debugger) Two Standard-A to Micro-B USB Cables (for EV Kit Contents Connecting from a PC or Stand-Alone USB Power Supply to EV Kit Connectors CN1 and CN2) (MAX32620 EV Kit Shown) MAX32620/MAX32621 EV Kit Quick Start Hex Keys for the Socket (MAX32621 EV Kit Only) Ordering Information PART TYPE MAX32620-EVKIT EV kit with MAX32620 sample EV kit with socket MAX32621-EVKIT and MAX32621 sample Denotes RoHS compliant. The Bluetooth word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Maxim is under license. 19-7593 Rev 2 2/17Evaluate: MAX32620, MAX32621 MAX32620, MAX32621 Evaluation Kits 3) Once power is applied, the demo runs. The demo Getting Started displays text and graphics on the OLED display, 1) While observing safe ESD practices, carefully re- flashes LED0LED3, and outputs data to UART0. move the EV kit board out of its packaging. Quickly 4) Do not connect any of the additional USB cables or inspect the board to make sure that no damage oc- curred during shipment. Jumpers/shunts were prein- Olimex JTAG adapter until after the tool chain/drivers are installed. stalled prior to testing and packaging. By default, the USB-UART bridge is the source of power for the EV If the demo ran as expected, then the next step is to kit board. See Table 1 and Figure 3 for the default download and run the installer as described in the Quick jumper settings and descriptions. Start (separate document). The installer is a small appli- 2) The IC was preprogrammed with a demo program. cation that allows users to select which components they would like to download and install including tools, drivers, To power up the board and run the demo, simply connect the Micro-USB cable to the Micro-USB jack and documentation. A description of each component and the hard drive size required for each can be seen by found at the top left of the EV kit PCB. The jack is labeled CN1. The other end of the Micro-USB cable clicking on each component. can be connected either to a computer or to a USB wall charger in order to get +5V power. 1V8 PORT 1 PORT 2 PORT 3 PORT 4 PORT 5 PORT 6 RX SEL RX0 PORT 0 P0.0 MAX32620 TX VBUS RX1 P2.0 1V8 MAX32621* TX0 TX SEL USB VCC P0.1 *socketed RX MICRO B TX1 P2.1 USB- ESD USB 1V8 UARTS TVS CTS N SEL CTS0 N P0.2 MAX3207 P0 7:0 P1 7:0 CTS N CTS1 N P2.2 FTDI CBUS P2 7:0 P3 7:0 1V8 DNI RTS0 N RTS N SEL P4 7:0 P5 7:0 P0.3 VBUS SEL RTS N P6 0 RTS1 N P2.3 1V8 USB BLUE OLED GRAPHIC DISPLAY MICRO B FT230X 3V3 128 X 32 PIXELS 1.8V3.3V ESD USB DETECT EN/GPIO 3.7 EN USB USB 2.23 DIAGONAL LEVEL SHIFTER OLED PWR EN TVS VBUS R69 DNI (BYPASSABLE) MAX3207 PMIC P3.7 NHD-2 23-12832UCB3 P3.7 OLED EN VDD R70 SSEL2A MAX14690 P2.7 /CS CHGIN P4.7 /RES 1V2 DUT MOSI2A 1.2V P2.5 VDD12 SDIN SCK2A VBUS BUCK 1 P2.4 SCLK PMIC POWER 1V8 PFN1 P5.7 D/C 1V8 DUT 1.8V VDD18 SET BUCK 2 L1IN SEL BAT VDDA SYS PMIC MON MON 1V8 1.8V - 2V VDDIO MPC1 1V8 RTC DUT 3V3 LDO 1 VRTC CAP SYS 3V3 LOW ENERGY BLUETOOTH 3.2V VDDIOH 3V2 DUT THM LDO 2 2.4 GHz VDDB VDDIO EXT BAT 200 OHM DIFF DNI ANTENNA CHIP SYS MICROSTRIP BTLE EN BAT T1 MISO2B ANTP LDO 3 P5.2 MISO DNI L3OUT MOSI2B ANTN BAT P5.1 MOSI SCK2B PMIC EN P5.0 SCK BTLE JST-PH connector 2mm DNI BTLE SSEL2B 3V3 2450AT42B100 SDA0 si8439db D SDA P1.6 P5.3 WU/CSN PWR EN CNTRL G EXT SCL0 RST P4.2 SCL P1.7 RST VCC2 (noDCDC) SR2B 3.6V S P5.6 Reverse P4.4 IRQ INT N Polarity SYS P4.5 MPC1 POLY LI-ION Protection PFN2 P4.6 SEL BATTERY FLASH EN EM9301 RST N (NOT PROVIDED) LED SSEL1 1V8 SYS P1.3 CS N SCK1 26 MHz P1.0 SCLK 3V3 SDIO1 0 P1.1 S1/SIO0 PMIC LED RESET SDIO1 1 RSTN P1.2 SO/SIO1 DNI SDIO1 2 VCC RST BLOCK P1.4 WP N/SIO2 FLASH PWR EN SDIO1 3 SRSTN PROTOTYPE RST N/SIO3 P1.5 1V8 FROM JTAG 3V3 AREA AIN0 TP SEL PB0 MX25U12835F FLASH BAT ANALOG FRONT END P5.4 PMIC MON PB1 1V8 1V8 BUK P5.5 AIN0 0 PB2 3V3 AIN1 TP SEL Pi-filter 3V3 ON BOARD REGULATOR P6.0 USB VBUS 1V8 AUX SEL LED0 PMIC MON 3V3 AIN1 USB VBUS 0 P3.0 LED1 1.8V LDO 3V3 EN0 SYS Pi-filter LED GPIOs P3.1 LED2 1V8 LDO IN MAX1806 OPEN-DRAIN EN1 3V3 AIN2 ANALOG IN TP 0 3V3 P3.2 LED3 Pi-filter EN2 L3OUT P3.3 AIN3 TO SRST N ON BOARD REGULATOR 0 EN3 CORTEX JTAG/SWD 3V3 AUX SEL VDDIO Pi-filter JTAG VTREF USB VBUS VREF TDO 3.3V LDO TDO ARM JTAG/SWD DNI SYS 74LVC2T45DC 3V3 LDO IN MAX1806 32.768 kHz ALT TRANSLATE PATH Figure 1. EV Kit Block Diagram Maxim Integrated 2 www.maximintegrated.com