EVALUATION KIT AVAILABLE Click here for production status of specific part numbers. MAX34451 PMBus 16-Channel V/I Monitor and 12-Channel Sequencer/Marginer General Description Benefits and Features The MAX34451 is a power-supply system manager Integration Enables Manag ement of Multiple Power that is capable of monitoring up to 16 different voltage Supplies to Maximize System Performance rails or currents and is also capable of sequencing and 16 Channels of Voltage or Current Monitoring margining up to 12 power supplies. The system manager 12 Channels of Sequencing and Margining (8 monitors the power-supply output voltages and currents PWM, 4 External Current DACs (1 x DS4424), and constantly checks them for user programmable and Sequencing over and under threshold limits. If a fault is detected, the Expandable Channel Operation with Parallel device automatically shuts down the system in an orderly Devices fashion. The device can sequence the supplies in any Remote Ground Sensing Improves Measurement order at both power-up and power-down. The device has Accuracy the ability to close-loop margin the power-supply output Programmable Up and Down Time-Based or voltages up or down to a user-programmable level. The Event-Based Sequencing device contains an internal temperature sensor and can Dual Sequencing Loops support up to four external remote temperature sensors. Configurable Combinatorial Logic Supporting Up to Once configured, the device can operate autonomously 16 GPIs and 20 GPOs without any host intervention. Automatic Closed-Loop Margining No External Clocking Required Applications PMBus-Compliant Command Interface Network Switches/Routers Fast, Reliable Control and Fault Detection Improves Base Stations System Reliability Servers Fast Minimum/Maximum Threshold Excursion Smart Grid Network Systems Detection Supports Up to 5 Temperature Sensors (1 Internal and 4 Remote) Fault Detection on All Temperature Sensors Reports Peak, Minimum, and Average Levels for a Number of Parameters Programmable Alarm Outputs On-Board Nonvolatile Black Box Fault Logging and PMBus is a trademark of SMIF, Inc. Default Configuration Setting 2 I C-/SMBus-Compatible Serial Bus with Bus Time-Out Function Simplifies Additional Temperature Sensors and DACs to the MAX34451 Ordering Information and Typical Operating Circuit appear at end of data sheet. +3.0V to +3.6V Supply Voltage 19-6642 Rev 9 10/19MAX34451 PMBus 16-Channel V/I Monitor and 12-Channel Sequencer/Marginer TABLE OF CONTENTS G e n e r a l D es c r i ptio n ............................................................................ 1 Applications .................................................................................. 1 B e n ef it s an d Fe atu r e s .......................................................................... 1 A bs o l u te M a x i m u m Rat i ng s ...................................................................... 8 Rec om m e n d ed O pe rat i n g C on di t i on s .............................................................. 8 Pac ka g e I nf or m atio n ........................................................................... 8 5 6 TQ FN..................................................................................... 8 El e c t r i c al Char ac te r i st i c s ........................................................................ 9 2 I C /S M B u s I nte r f ac e El ec t r i c a l Spec if i c at i on s .......................................................11 Typical Operating Characteristics ................................................................ 12 Ty p i c a l O p e r at i n g C h a r ac te r i st i c s (c o nt i n u e d) ....................................................... 13 Pi n C onf i g urat i on ............................................................................. 14 Pi n D es c r i ptio n ............................................................................... 14 E x pan d e d Pin D e s c r ipt i o n 17 B l o c k D i ag r am ............................................................................... 18 D et ai l e d D es c r i ptio n........................................................................... 19 PM B u s / S M B u s A d d r e s s S e l e c t 23 S M Bu s / PM Bu s O p er at i o n . 23 S M B u s / PM B u s O p e r at i o n E xa m p l e s 24 G r o up C o mma n d 25 G r o u p C o m m a n d Wr i te Fo r m at 25 Addressing 25 A L ERT a n d A l e r t Re s p o n s e A d d r e s s (A R A) 25 A l e r t Re s p o n s e A d d r e s s (A R A) By te Fo r m at . 25 H o st S e n d s o r Re a d s To o Few B i t s . 26 H o st S e n d s o r Re a d s To o Few By te s 26 H o st S e n d s To o M a ny By te s o r B i t s . 26 H o st Re a d s To o M a ny By te s o r B i t s . 26 H o st S e n d s I m p r o p e r l y S et Re a d B i t i n t h e S l ave A d d r e s s By te . 26 U n s u p p o r te d C o m m a n d C o d e Re c e i ve d / H o st Wr i te s to a Re a d - O n l y C o m m a n d . 26 I nva li d Dat a Re c eive d 26 H o st Re a d s f r o m a Wr i te - O n l y C o m m a n d 26 S M B us T im e o u t . 26 PM B us O pe rat i on . 27 PM B u s Pr oto c o l S u p p o r t . 27 D at a Fo r m at . 27 Maxim Integrated 2 www.maximintegrated.com