.The MAX4172ESA+T is an Analog Devices low-cost, precision, high-side current-sense amplifier. The device features a low offset voltage of 4mV at room temperature and 0.01% offset voltage temperature coefficient. The amplifier has a supply voltage range from 4.5V to 36V and an input voltage range from 5V to 36V. It offers high common-mode transient immunity of up to 75kV/µs, low-noise, and wide temperature range operation of –40°C to +125°C. Additionally, the device is capable of producing an output voltage swing from 10mV to 85% of the supply voltage. The MAX4172ESA+T also features power supply reverse polarity protection, input short-circuit protection, over-voltage protection, and thermal shutdown protection. The amplifier is ideal for a variety of automotive, industrial, and consumer applications.