The MAX522CSA+ is a low power, dual 8-bit digitally controlled pot (DCP) designed by Analog Devices. The chip offers both analog and digital control of the pot resistance, allowing for precision voltage scaling, tracking and gain adjustments. The MAX522CSA+ is a 25-pin surface mount device in a small 4 mm x 4 mm package, and is capable of low static current drain of 400 microamperes. This device also features glitch-free digital potentiometer control, which allows for smooth, linear transitions between digital codes.
The MAX522CSA+ features programmable resistance ranges of 10 kO or 50 kO, and a non-volatile memory that can store the programmed resistance values. It offers low end-to-end resistance with paralleling options and tolerances of ±10 %, and is applicable for use in ever-changing industrial and consumer systems. Additionally, the device is suitable for military and space applications, automotive applications, and is AEC-Q100 compliant. The MAX522CSA+ operates over a temperature range of -40°C to +125°C, making it suitable for a wide range of applications.