The MAX998EUT+T is an advanced single, dual, or quad analog comparator from Analog Devices. It is housed in a SOT-23 package for easy integration into existing systems, and features low power consumption, high speed, and single-supply voltage operation. The device is designed to make comparisons between two input signals and output either a standard logic-level signal (high or low) or can be configured for hysteresis output (open-drain). The MAX998EUT+T also features internal hysteresis, large input common-mode voltage range, very reliable inputs, and has the ability to allow inrush current in both polarities. The device can operate from a single supply voltage from 2 to 32 VDC and has an extended temperature range from –40 to 125°C. The MAX998EUT+T is suitable for use in making comparison or threshold detection of Vinputs, for applications like keyboard scanning, overheat cutoff protection, motor speed control, and other consumer and industrial applications.