The OP296GSZ is an operational amplifier manufactured by Analog Devices. It is a dual, micropower voltage feedback, ripple rejection input/output (RRIO) amplifier designed for use in a wide range of signal processing applications. This Op Amp offers a number of advantages, including low power consumption, a high input impedance, a wide frequency response range, a low offset voltage, and excellent common mode rejection. The OP296 can supply a maximum supply voltage of ±5.5V with a maximum output current capability of 150mA. Its maximum power dissipation is 500mW and its maximum input voltage swing is ±300mV. Additionally, the device features a maximum unity gain bandwidth of 450kHz and an input offset voltage of 5mV. The OP296GSZ is available in a 8-lead small outline package, making it an ideal choice for applications requiring a compact, low-power amplifier solution.