Powerful capability Another Weller breakthroughPowerful 80-watt performance combined with a new shorter handle WP80 TTwo Pencils In Onewo Pencils In One TThhiiss ppoowweerrffuull 8800--wwaatttt ppeenncciill aalllloowwss rraappiidd pprroodduuccttiioonn wwhheenn wwoorrkkiinngg wwiitthh lleeaadd--ffrreeee ssoollddeerr,, hhiigghh--mmaassss ccoommppoonneennttss,, aanndd ootthheerr ddeemmaannddiinngg aapppplliiccaattiioonnss.. AA ssppeecciiaall ssiillvveerr hheeaattiinngg eelleemmeenntt ffoorr llooww tthheerrmmaall lloossss aanndd ffaasstt rreeccoovveerryy mmaakkee tthhiiss uunniitt iiddeeaall ffoorr ccoonnttiinnuuoouuss pprroodduuccttiioonn wwoorrkk.. SSppeeccii ccaattiioonnss:: WWPP8800 PPeenncciill PPoowweerr CCoonnssuummppttiioonn 8800WW VVoollttaaggee 2244 VV HHeeaattiinngg EElleemmeenntt TTyyppee NNiicchhrroommee WWoouunndd SSiillvveerr SSppooooll CCoorrdd LLeennggtthh 44 fftt.. ((11..2222 mm)) SSuupppplliieedd TTiipp LLTTBB TThhee SSiillvveerr SSppooooll hheeaattiinngg eelleemmeenntt pprroovviiddeess llooww tthheerrmmaall lloossss aanndd ffaasstt rreeccoovveerryy Optional longer barrel available Heater is integrated into the handle, so when the tip dies, WMP the heater lives on The accuracy and economy champ With a tip-to-grip distance of just 37 mm, accuracy is unsurpassed. And the WMP heating element is built into the pencil, not the tip, so replacement tips cost substantially less. This pencil offers super fast heat-up and superior thermal recovery for fast, ef cient soldering. Speci cations: WMP Pencil Power Consumption 65 W Voltage 24 V Heating Element Type Nichrome Wound Silver Spool Cord Length 4 ft. (1.22 m) Supplied Tip NT1 SSeeee ppaaggee 55 ffoorr LLTT aanndd NNTT SSeerriieess ttiippss 3Four con gurations to give you the most ef cient solution: WD1 S I N G L E C H A N N E L P O W E R U N I T Speci cations: Voltage 120 V (input) 24 V (output) Footprint 5.27 x 4.25 x 5.77 (134 x 108 x 147 mm) Power consumption 85W Temperature range 150 F - 850 F (50 C - 450 C) ESD safe Yes Temperature accuracy 9 F ( 5 C) Temperature stability 10 F ( 6 C) WD2 D U A L C H A N N E L P O W E R U N I T Speci cations: Voltage 120 V (input) 24 V (output) Footprint 5.27 x 4.25 x 5.77 (134 x 108 x 147 mm) Power consumption 160W Temperature range 150 F - 850 F (50 C - 450 C) ESD safe Yes Temperature accuracy 9 F ( 5 C) Temperature stability 10 F ( 6 C) WD1001 W D 1 S I N G L E C H A N N E L P O W E R U N I T W I T H W M P 6 5 WAT T S O L D E R I N G P E N C I L A N D W D H 2 0 S O L D E R I N G P E N C I L S TA N D Speci cations: Voltage 120 V (input) 24 V (output) Footprint 5.27 x 4.25 x 5.77 (134 x 108 x 147 mm) Power consumption 85W Temperature range 150 F - 850 F (50 C - 450 C) ESD safe Yes Temperature accuracy 9 F ( 5 C) Temperature stability 10 F ( 6 C) Stand WDH20 (Order No. 0051512299) Pencil WMP WD1002 W D 1 S I N G L E C H A N N E L P O W E R U N I T W I T H W P 8 0 8 0 WAT T S O L D E R I N G P E N C I L A N D W D H 1 0 S O L D E R I N G P E N C I L S TA N D Speci cations: Voltage 120 V (input) 24 V (output) Footprint 5.27 x 4.25 x 5.77 (134 x 108 x 147 mm) Power consumption 85W Temperature range 150 F - 850 F (50 C - 450 C) ESD safe Yes Temperature accuracy 9 F ( 5 C) Temperature stability 10 F ( 6 C) Stand WDH10 (Order No. 0051512199) Pencil WP80 (Order No. 0052918099) Barrels Short (Included with the WP80) (Order No. 0058744845) Long (Optional) (Order No. 0058744846) 4