R38 Entry-level controller with super-simplified programming Ver y few parameters APPLICATION SECTORS Input f or TC, J or K, RTD, PTC, NTC Soldering/sealing Resolution 0.1C with automa tic scale change (auto-rang ing) Glueing (hot glue) Sensitive Touch ke yboard Packaging and blister packing Up to 2 SPDT rela y outputs machines Switching Power Suppl y 100... 240 VAC T-shirt print Control: - PID single action with Autotuning Maintening Ovens - ON/OFF single action Thermostatic Baths - ON/OFF double action (H/C) (neutral zone) - ON/OFF SP1 drives Out 1 - SP2 drives Out 2 Parameters protection with programmable password or Keyboard Lock Soft start or Start up dela y (od) function Automa tic or stand-b y Mode Compressor protection time Direct access to the Set PointR38 SENSITIE Tv OuCH ON/O SP1 dff RIESv OuT 1 - SP2 dRIESv OuT 2 Innova tive solution f or the prog ramming through an ergonomic ke yboard which In some systems with an ON/OFF control 2 dif ferent actua tors are used f or carr ying out the same action. uses the technolog y Sensitive Touch. A typical example is tha t of two sta ge burners, but a pplica tions using a This system is constituted b y a e-fied sensor ke yboard tha t guarantees a com- rejection element (e.g. hot wa ter or va pour) as a resource f or a second plete protection from dust and liquids in ever y critical environmental situa tions. process are not rare. In this case one of the 2 actua tors is used just f or integ ra ting the energ y produced from the first and theref ore accelera te the regula ting action when the START uP dELA y measurement is far of f from the set point (machine start up, strong varia tions in charge, etc.). The most common a pplica tion of this function is aimed a t a voiding, a t system In these cases it is prefera ble to keep the set points (the working points) of the start up, tha t total consumption of the current exceeds the amount f oreseen two actua tors separa te f or better control of the system. in the contract with the energ y provider. The aim, theref ore, is to a void the Example: Oven with two-stage burner overcurrent protective device from being activa ted. SP1 activa tes the first sta ge while SP2 activa tes the second sta ge. At start up all machines are a t room tempera ture and theref ore require the SP1 = 300C maximum volta ge f or a period of time tha t can be quite long. SP2 = 250C By setting the dela y in such a wa y tha t some machines start immedia tel y while - When the measurement is lower than 250C the instrument activa tes others activa te the control onl y when the first gear is up to speed (i.e. when both sta ges. there required volta ge has decreased to the lowest values), the request f or - When the measurement exceeds 250C, the instrument will onl y use the energ y of the various machines is obtained over time considera bl y reducing the first sta ge. maximum volta ge consumed in this phase. KEybOARd LOCK fuNCTION SOTf START This function makes it possible to elimina te thermal shock and mechanical In man y places and a bove all in public places such as bars, small stress (due to dila ta tion) tha t a system undergoes during start up. supermarkets, etc., the final user is not mana gement but ra ther the customer. In other cases the aim is tha t of slowing down the increase in tempera ture in However, the instrument must be a vaila ble to the mana ger so the correct such a wa y tha t this can spread itself out evenl y inside the ma terial, especiall y functioning of the machine can be checked and an y modifica tions made to its when the machine is equipped with stirrers tha t cannot be started up a t room settings. tempera ture. In these cases it is essential tha t the working of the ke yboard can be inhibited thus preventing the machine from being tampered with b y an unauthorized person. It is however, still possible f or the mana ger to reactiva te the ke yboard f or the time necessar y f or carr ying out modifica tions. COmPRESSOR PROTECTION TImE ACCESSORIES Some actua tors, f or example compressors, pumps, some burners, etc., A01 - Programming key cannot be turned of f or turned back on too quickl y f or their constructive Makes it possible to: characteristics. In other words after a start up period the y must be kept turned - Store the configura tion of an instrument of f f or a minimum amount of time to allow the system to recover the conditions to transfer it to other instruments necessar y f or it to be turned back on. - Transfer a configura tion to a PC To protect the working life of the actua tor it theref ore becomes essential to - Memorize a configura tion recorded in a PC be a ble to activa te a timer tha t guarantees the minimum time between the - Let the instrument converse directl y with a PC. switching of f of the machine and the f ollowing start up.