X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of A-USBPA-N USB Connectors across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. A-USBPA-N USB Connectors are a product manufactured by Assmann. We provide cost-effective solutions for USB Connectors, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

A-USBPA-N Assmann

A-USBPA-N electronic component of Assmann
A-USBPA-N Assmann
A-USBPA-N USB Connectors
A-USBPA-N  Connectors

Images are for reference only
See Product Specifications
Part No. A-USBPA-N
Manufacturer: Assmann
Category: USB Connectors
Description: Conn USB Type A PL 4 POS Solder ST Cable Mount 4 Terminal 1 Port Bag
Datasheet: A-USBPA-N Datasheet (PDF)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges

Price (USD)
82: USD 0.82 ea
Line Total: USD 67.24 
Availability - 991
Ship by Fri. 07 Mar to Thu. 13 Mar
MOQ: 82  Multiples: 50
Pack Size: 50
Availability Price Quantity
Ship by Fri. 07 Mar to Thu. 13 Mar
MOQ : 82
Multiples : 50
82 : USD 0.82
500 : USD 0.5308
1000 : USD 0.4854
3000 : USD 0.4705
6000 : USD 0.456
9000 : USD 0.4516
12000 : USD 0.4471

Ship by Fri. 07 Mar to Thu. 13 Mar
MOQ : 94
Multiples : 1
94 : USD 0.6921

Ship by Fri. 07 Mar to Thu. 13 Mar
MOQ : 100
Multiples : 50
100 : USD 1.0265
500 : USD 0.7176
1000 : USD 0.631
3000 : USD 0.6116
6000 : USD 0.5927

Ship by Fri. 07 Mar to Thu. 13 Mar
MOQ : 187
Multiples : 1
187 : USD 0.5688
250 : USD 0.5459
500 : USD 0.5262

Product Category
Number of Contacts
Current Rating
Number Of Positions
Mounting Style
Contact Material
Voltage Rating
Operating Temp Range
Operating Temperature Max Deg C
Operating Temperature Min Deg C
Product Length Mm
Product Depth Mm
Product Height Mm
Number Of Terminals
Termination Method
Notes:- Show Stocked Products With Similar Attributes.

We are delighted to provide the A-USBPA-N from our USB Connectors category, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the A-USBPA-N and other electronic components in the USB Connectors category and beyond.

Image Part-Description
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This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image AK672/2-5
Cable Assembly USB 5m USB Type A to USB Type B 4 to 4 POS M-M
Stock : 40
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image AT-K-26-10-B/1000
Flat Cable 10Conductors 26AWG Black 304.8m
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This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image AK-330105-300-S
Cable; HDMI 1.3,with amplifier; HDMI plug, both sides; 30m; black
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This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image A-MCSP-80005/R-R
Ethernet Patch Cable - Cat5e - Red - 0.5m
Stock : 1
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
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Cable Assembly UTP Patch Cord 0.5m RJ-45 to RJ-45 8 to 8 POS PL-PL Crimp-Crimp
Stock : 335
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image AK-320401-002-S
Adapter; DVI-I (24+5) plug, DVI-I (24+5) socket x2; 200mm; black
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This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image AT-K-26-10-W/1000
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Stock : 1
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Stock Image AT-K-26-8-B/1000
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Stock : 5
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image AT-K-26-10-B/500
Modular Straight Cable Raw 10 Contact .26 Awg Black 500Ft
Stock : 2
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Image Part-Description
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This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
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Stock : 305
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image USB-A-S-F-W-TH
USB Connectors USB 2.0 Interface, Type A
Stock : 514
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
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USB Connectors Through Hole RoHS
Stock : 0
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Stock Image 916-152A205EY10200
USB Connectors Through Hole RoHS
Stock : 0
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Stock Image U221-041N-3BU01-S5
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Stock : 0
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Stock Image 916-262A1023Y10210
USB 2.0 3A 1 Straight 4 Female -55?~+85? Type-A Plugin USB Connectors ROHS
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 907-312A1101Y10210
1.5A USB 2.0 2 Straight 4+4 Female -55?~+85? Type-A Plugin USB Connectors ROHS
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 907-322A1111Y10210
1.5A USB 2.0 2 Straight 4+4 Female -55?~+85? Type-A Plugin USB Connectors ROHS
Stock : 2000
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image MC-109-C16
5A 1 Sink board 16 Female -25℃~+85℃ Type-C SMD USB Connectors ROHS
Stock : 353
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.

D-Sub / Multiflex - Modular USB Switches Powerinlets DIN 41612 MiniDIN Pin header Terminal Blocks Memory Card FFC / FPC Micro - with solderpins with solderpins h accessories D-Sub cover / DIN 41651 IEEE 1394 Poweroutlets DIN 41617 Female header connectors Miniature Centronics Hard Metric Sockets / Jumper USB / IEEE 1394 Steckverbinder USB / IEEE 1394 connectors USB Steckverbinder von ASSMANN WSW compon- USB connectors from ASSMANN WSW componen- ents sind verpolungssichere Steckverbinder die stan- ts are polarised connectors, which are loaded with 4 dardmig mit 4 Kontakten ausgerstet sind. Die contacts. Various applications for these type of I/O or Einsatzgebiete fr diesen I/O oder Schnittstellensteck- interface connector do exist, but primarily you will find verbinder sind vielfltig, finden sich jedoch vornehmlich these type of I/O connector in the EDP and computer im Computer- und Computerzubehrmarkt wieder, so- accessory market, as well as in the consumer market, wie in Gerten fr den Consumer Markt, z.B.: Einsatz e g .: designed into photo devices (digital cameras and in der Fototechnik ( Digitalkameras und Zubehr). Ne- accessories) . Beside some customer special connec- ben kundenspezifischen Lsungen, in Anpassung an tors, designed for dedicated, very specific applications, spezielle Gertekonfigurationen, erhalten Sie die Stan - the standard styles A according to DIN IEC 61076-3-107 dardbauformen A gem DIN IEC 61076-3-107 und B and B according to DIN IEC 61076-3-108 are available gem DIN IEC 61076-3-108 ab Lager. Anwendungen of the shelf. For applications with reduced available mit reduziertem Einbauraum knnen mit den soge- space ASSMANN WSW components recommends to nannten MINI-USB Steckverbindern gelst werden. use MINI-USB connectors. The product range does Aus der Angebotspalette der ASSMANN WSW compo- include different product designs with 4 or 5 contacts. nents erhalten Sie hier verschiedene Bauformen mit 4 Furthermore ASSMANN WSW components offers an oder 5 Anschlukontakten. Darber hinaus werden fr USB connector -12V and USB connector- 24V for in- den industriellen Einsatz Versionen des USB-12V und dustrial applications. USB-24V Steckerverbinders angeboten. IEEE 1394 connectors from ASSMANN WSW compo- IEEE 1394 Steckverbinder von ASSMANN WSW com- nents are based on the original USB connector design, ponents basieren auf dem USB Steckverbinderkon- but can be seen as an advanced technology. IEEE zept, stellen jedoch deren Weiterentwicklung dar. Diese 1394 interface connectors are predominantly used for Schnittstellensteckverbinder werden berwiegend fr fast data exchange processes between computers and den schnellen Datenaustausch zwischen Computern their peripheral devices, but do apply as well to other in- und zugehrigen Peripheriegerten eingesetzt, aber dustrial and automotive applications. Standard contact auch in der Industrie- und Automobilelektronik finden types are THT and SMT. Certainly ASSMANN WSW diese Produkte verstrkt ihren Einsatz. Die gngigsten components do offer out of the wide range of products Anschlussarten sind hier THT und SMT. Natrlich bie- a suitable mating half cable connector as a counterpart tet die ASSMANN WSW components aus ihrem Pro- to the above mentioned PCB connectors. gramm auch die passenden Gegensteckverbinder an. 111616with solderpins with solderpins h accessories USB / IEEE 1394 Steckverbinder USB / IEEE 1394 connectors Produktbeschreibung Seite USB, Bauform A, DIP 118 USB, Bauform B, DIP 119 USB, Bauform A, SMD 120 USB, Bauform B, abgewinkelt, SMD 121 USB, Bauform A, Top entry, DIP 122 USB, Bauform B, Top entry, DIP 123 USB, Bauform B, Top entry, SMD 124 USB, Bauform A, Stecker, DIP 125 USB, Bauform A, Dual-Port, DIP 126 USB, Bauform A, vertikal, DIP 127 USB, Bauform A, vertikal, kurze Ausfhrung, DIP 128 USB, Bauform B-Mini, DIP 129 USB, Bauform B-Mini, SMD 130 USB, Bauform B-Mini, Ausfhrung M, SMD 132 USB, Bauform B-Mini, Ausfhrung H, SMD 134 USB, Bauform B-Mini, Top entry, DIP 135 USB, Bauform A+B, zur Selbstassemblierung 136 IEEE 1394, vertikale Ausfhrung, DIP 137 IEEE 1394, horizontale Ausfhrung, DIP 138 IEEE 1394, Top entry, DIP 139 IEEE 1394, Mini, DIP 140 IEEE 1394, fr Leiterplattenmontage, Mini, SMD 141 IEEE 1394, Mini, flache Ausfhrung, SMD 142 USB, Bauform A , IP67 143 USB, Bauform B, IP67 144 USB, Bauform A, Stecker + Buchse, konfektioniert mit Kabel 1m, IP67 146 USB, Bauform B, Stecker + Buchse, konfektioniert mit Kabel 1m, IP67 147 Product description page USB, style A, DIP 118 USB, style B, DIP 119 USB, style A, SMD 120 USB, style B, SMD 121 USB, style A, top-entry, DIP 122 USB, style B, top-entry, DIP 123 USB, style B, top-entry, SMD 124 USB, style A, male, DIP 125 USB, style A, dual port, DIP 126 USB, style A, vertical, DIP 127 USB, style A, vertical, short version, DIP 128 USB, style B-Mini, DIP 129 USB, style B-Mini, SMD 130 USB, style B-Mini, version M, SMD 132 USB, style B-Mini, version H, SMD 134 USB, style B-Mini, top-entry, DIP 135 USB, style A+B, assembly-type 136 IEEE 1394, vertical version, DIP 137 IEEE 1394, horizontal version, DIP 138 IEEE 1394, top-entry, DIP 139 IEEE 1394, Mini, DIP 140 IEEE 1394, for PCB mounting, Mini-SMD 141 IEEE 1394, Mini, flat version, SMD 142 USB, style A, IP67 143 USB, style B, IP67 144 USB, style B, male + female, assembled with cable 1m, IP67 146 USB, style B, male + female, assembled with cable 1m, IP67 147 117 Micro- FFC / FPC Speicherkarten Klemmleisten Stiftleisten MiniDIN DIN 41612 Einbaustecker Schalter USB Modular Multiflex - D-Sub / Miniature Steckverbinder Buchsenleisten DIN 41617 Einbaubuchsen IEEE 1394 DIN 41651 D-Sub Hauben / Sockel / Jumper Hard Metric Centronics

Tariff Desc

8536.69.10 62 Plugs and sockets for co-axial cables or printed circuits Free

8536.69.90 CONNECTORS, ELECTRICAL, being ANY of the following:
(a) plugs;
(b) sockets;
(c) adaptors
TC 1225594

8536.69.90 PLUG AND SOCKET COMBINATIONS, being ANY of the following:
(a) 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12 OR 15 way, rated to 300 V, maximum current of 15 amps;
(b) 2, 3 OR 12 way, single in line pin header;
(c) 1.3mm plug to 2.1mm socket;
(d) 2.5mm plug to 3.5mm socket
TC 9900931

8536.69.90 SOCKETS, being ANY of the following:
(a) single pin, NOT exceeding 3.5 mm;
(b) micro, single pin, 2 mm;
(c) DC power connector, 2.1 mm OR 2.5 mm;
(d) 9 pin OR 15 pin, sub D;
(e) 2, 4 OR 8 pole microphone connector;
(f) 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 OR 13 pin DIN;
(g) 16, 20, 26, 34, 40 OR 50 way dual in line crimp-on
TC 9900883

8536.69 JACKS, phono, RCA Type
TC 8438480

8536.69.90 CONNECTORS, electrical, incorporating twist locking mechanism
TC 9703905

8536.70.90 CONNECTORS, OPTICAL Op. 12.06.2007 FIBRE
TC 0708845

8536.69 PLUGS, modular, telephone, to suit RJ 11 sockets and complying with US Standard FCC 68
TC 9203687

8536.90.90 LUGS, being solderable, copper connectors
TC 0613954

8535.90.00 CRIMPING TERMINALS, having bell-mouth OR flared cable entry
TC 9504891

8536.90 HOLDERS, dry cell
TC 8438464

8536.69.90 TC 1440896 POWER POINTS, plastic AND/OR metal, single OR multiple power outlet, with OR without EITHER of the following:
(a) LED (light-emitting diode) night light;
(b) single OR multiple power switches

8536.69 PLUGS/SOCKETS, adaptor being EITHER of the following:
(a) providing for plug or socket configurations used in other countries to connect to Australian standard plugs or sockets;
(b) providing for plug or socket configurations of Australian standard type to connect to plugs or sockets used in other countries
TC 8807068
Assmann WSW Components
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