Data sheet 4 Digit True RMS Bench Multimeter 2831E RUE RMS T True RMS Bench Multimeter with Features & benefits Dual Display The B&K Precision 2831E is a versatile and 0.03%. The meter is also capable of measuring 4 digit (20,000 count) resolution dependable bench multimeter suitable for frequency, period, continuity, and performing 0.03% basic VDC accuracy applications in education, service & repair and diode tests. Readings can be taken at a maxi- VFD dual display to indicate two manufacturing requiring basic and reliable mum rate of 25 readings/sec with measurement measurements simultaneously measurements. Additionally, this meter enhances rates selectable between slow, medium, and fast. AC + DC True RMS your productivity with built-in math functions and Up to 25 readings per second measurement USB connectivity, features not found in other The 2831E meter was designed for cost bench meters in this price category. conscious users requiring a basic and dependable rate meter with a broad range of features offered at a AC volt & amp measurement over wide The 2831E takes typical multimeter measure- value price. frequency range (ACV 100 kHz/ACI 20 kHz) ments such as volts, ohms, and amps with great Limit mode for Pass/Fail testing accuracy, stability and basic VDC accuracy of Built-in math functions: Rel, Max/Min, dBm, dB, %, Hold, Compare CATI (1000 V)/CATII (300 V) protection USB interface (Virtual Com) SCPI compatible Technical data subject to change wwwwww..bbkk pprreecciissiioonn..ccoomm B&K Precision Corp. 2010 Tel.: 714.921.9095True RMS Bench Multimeter Model 2831E Easy operation Versatile tools Dual Display Bright VFD display capable of Soft rubber control Sheathed safety displaying two measurements buttons banana input jacks The 2831E offers a dual display allowing multiple measurements to be conveniently displayed at once. The display values could be two different measurements or one measurement expressed in different units. For example, you can simultaneously read an AC voltage and a frequency value or a DC voltage value expressed in volts and in dB. Durable rubber bumpers for Front panel fuse added protection and ability compartment for Increase Productivity with PC to stack multiple instruments easy fuse Connectivity and Math Functions replacement The built-in math operations Rel, Max/Min, dBm, dB, %, and Hold enhance your productivity and provide educators with a convenient tool to Rear panel Earth ground teach basic math concepts. USB communication interface connection The 2831E is programmable via USB interface using industry standard SCPI commands. Users can control and configure the instrument from a remote PC and retrieve measurement results for further analysis. Limit Operation The 2831Es limit operation lets you set and control the values that determine a HI / IN / LO status of subsequent measurements. The meter AC receptacle protected with can be configured to emit an audible alarm when 110/220V selectable line fuse readings are outside of the configured limit. 22 wwwwww..bbkk pprreecciissiioonn..ccoomm