The BL24C256A-SFRC is a 32 Kilobyte (Kb) x 8 bits, Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory (EEPROM), manufactured by Belling. It comes in a Thin Small-Outline Package (TSSOP) with 8 leads and dimensions of 3 mmx 4.4 mmx 0.65 mm and is RoHS compliant. The operating temperature range is -40°C to +85°C. The chip is an I2C device and supports 256 Kilobyte (Kb) of memory. The device consists of 32 blocks of 256 bytes each, with a total of 8,192 bytes. It supports data protection, write protection, and block lock bits, plus a wide range of device addressing options. The device is compatible with a variety of microcontrollers and processors, both 8-bit and 32-bit, and includes a built-in 256-byte EEPROM ranging from 0x0000 to 0x01FF. This allows the microcontroller to store small pieces of data such as configuration settings and application-specific data. The BL24C256A-SFRC is an ideal EEPROM for applications that require fast data access, reliability, and low power consumption.