1 / 5 Revision Date January 2013 Revision 10 Revision 10 SAFETY DATA SHEET BOSTIK BLU-TACK According to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 SECTION 1: IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/MIXTURE AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING 1.1. Product identifier Product name BOSTIK BLU-TACK Product No. 801905, 80108Ax, 80104x, 801103A, 801110x, 80180, 801578x, 801868x, 801875, 801936, 801943x, 80159x, 801950, 801967, 80108, 003002, 801721, 801738, 50744x, 80103, 801011x, 801592x, 80184x, 801103, 801561x, 801714, 801899x, 801059, 801929, 801912x, 801981, 801998, 003019, 50739x, 91485, 91818x, 91819x, 802001, 801301, 801288, 801103BM, 801325, 801400, 801264, 801271x, 801752, 801769, 801394, 801356, 801783, 914858, 30590110, 30603141, 30811745, 30813253, 30813254, 30813256, 30813262, 30813268, 30813269, 30813273, 30813276, 30813277, 30813278, 30813280, 30813281, 30813283, 30813285, 30813288, 30814282, 30817110, 801202, 30811369 1.2. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against 1.3. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet Supplier BOSTIK LIMITED COMMON ROAD STAFFORD STAFFORDSHIRE ST16 3EH +44 1785 272625 sds.uk bostik.com 1.4. Emergency telephone number +44 1785 272650 (24 Hours) SECTION 2: HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION 2.1. Classification of the substance or mixture Classification (1999/45/EEC) Not classified. 2.2. Label elements Risk Phrases NC Not classified. Safety Phrases S2 Keep out of the reach of children. 2.3. Other hazards SECTION 3: COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS 3.2. Mixtures Composition Comments The data shown are in accordance with the latest EC Directives. SECTION 4: FIRST AID MEASURES 4.1. Description of first aid measures Inhalation Not relevant2 / 5 Revision 10 BOSTIK BLU-TACK Ingestion Get medical attention if any discomfort continues. Skin contact Not relevant Eye contact Not relevant 4.2. Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed Inhalation No specific symptoms noted. Ingestion No specific symptoms noted. Skin contact No specific symptoms noted. Eye contact No specific symptoms noted. 4.3. Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed No specific first aid measures noted. SECTION 5: FIREFIGHTING MEASURES 5.1. Extinguishing media Extinguishing media This product is not flammable. Use fire-extinguishing media appropriate for surrounding materials. 5.2. Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture Specific hazards Fire or high temperatures create: Toxic gases/vapours/fumes of: Carbon dioxide (CO2). Carbon monoxide (CO). 5.3. Advice for firefighters Protective equipment for fire-fighters Use protective equipment appropriate for surrounding materials. SECTION 6: ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES 6.1. Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures Wear protective clothing as described in Section 8 of this safety data sheet. 6.2. Environmental precautions Do not discharge into drains, water courses or onto the ground. 6.3. Methods and material for containment and cleaning up Non-hazardous substance. No specific clean-up procedure noted. 6.4. Reference to other sections Wear protective clothing as described in Section 8 of this safety data sheet. SECTION 7: HANDLING AND STORAGE 7.1. Precautions for safe handling Read and follow manufacturer s recommendations. 7.2. Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities Store in tightly closed original container in a dry, cool and well-ventilated place. Keep in original container. 7.3. Specific end use(s) The identified uses for this product are detailed in Section 1.2. SECTION 8: EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION