pyTe: FLED Tru e lyDea ffO Triem ( lyDea On )selaeeR anmierlT *ENW* .71 m5 m D NI air l shuigon ntoetoc iPr e urT Dayel ff O tmni ig futconin to IP20 su jtAtdemn f o tem i ed ayl argne -alDu aotvel g nuipt 1 x DP TS aerl y otuu pt A8 er eGn ELD iidatcno in rfo suppl y susatt Dmsi: to DI N 43880 .W 17.5mm F U N C T I O N D I A G R A M T E C H N I C A L S P E C I F I C A T I O N F U N C T I O N D I A G R A M T E C H N I C A L S P E C I F I C A T I O N 1 1 y lppSu votagle nU (,1A A,2 A3 ) 24 V AC/DC // 110V AC 1 (ee s note) 24 V AC/DC // 230V AC 1 Fo r 24A CV opeaortni, temnrsail A1 and A3 aer nilked Fyce nueqr argne: 48 - 63Hz y lppSu vnaorat:ii +/ - 15% t = minimum time supply must be maintained t s s wPeor stmnpunoco i ( 1.15 x )nU : 24V 110V 230V AC: 1.3AV 2.7AV 12.8AV DC: 0.62W - - miginT tcnnuof:i e urT Daye l Off miginT aye ld (t) tspino:o sd:nSeoc tuesnM:i (ee s note) 0.5 10 0.5 10 1 30 2 60 .nMi weorp no iderop (t ) 500mS s 1 dsneoc (10 nmitue nutsi) t t eRset met:i 200mS eeatRp yac:rucac 1% at csnttoan ntsionci do wPeor no atnc:iniido Ge enr EL D Aten imb t:emp -20 to +60 C vateie Rl tmiyuih:d +95% max. ttu upO (,51 ,61 1)8 : SPD T ayelr ttu upO atirgn: AC1 250V 8A (2000AV ) AC15 250V 3A DC1 25 V 8A (200)W E etcarlcli ie:lf 100,000 sp o at at erd lado (AC1) Hgns:uio ganer O ame lf tan edtarr LU94 0V gteih:W 75g gnt niuMo oot:pin nO to 35mm s ycmmietr DI N arli to BS EN 60715 ro etcd ri sueac fr motniugn av i 2 x M3.5 ro 4BA srce ws gns ui te h kaclb slpc i erddvpoi no te h earr fo te h u 2 II NN SS TT AA LL LL AA TT II OO NN AA NN DD SS EE TT TT II NN GG Installation work must be carried an mierlT cu dnrtcoo zsei 2 x 2.5mm sldoi ro santredd out by qualified personnel. Avsoa:lrpp BEFROE ISNAT ALL IT O,N ISOAL TE THE SPPU.YL CE, C-kc ti dan RHo S Camoitln.p Cecnotn te h ntui as sowh n ni te h dagi arm oelb.w If 24V AC/DC aeorpoit n si eqriuedr tenh etisaml rn A1 an d A 3 m stu e b leik.nd teo:N y lppSu votagle dan met i eday l u sdohl e b f sedeicpi a t te h met i fo rigeornd. tenStgi het un.ti S et te h De ayl ()t jadstue mtn as errqi.ued Anpgyip l peorw. Alp yp eowp r an d eht eerg n EL D i lwl lliuie.amtn e hT aeylr lwli eengrsie an d conacst t 15 adn 18 cols e. eWnh te h op erw si eroemv,d te h g eern EL D i lwl exitn gu.sih Te h aeylr lwli aemrni eesniegr d fo r aeyld epoidr t eh tn e-d eengrsie. Cactonts 15 an d 18 i lwl o.enp eo:tN e hT splu py m tsu e b amiatiendn fr o a mnumii m eripdo o f 500Sm (t ) fr o crreoc t oer.apitno Fr o eht 10 etimun s oe,risvn eht mimi mnu e ripdo si 1 esc.dno CC OO NN NN EE CC TT II OO NN DD II AA GG RR AA MM SS EE TT TT II NN GG DD EE TT AA II LL SS DD II MM EE NN SS II OO NN SS N/-ve 89 (exc. clips) 1. wPeor pspyu l statsu 67.5 (Ge)enr EL D Supply A1 45 2. me iT Daye l (t) L/+ve sjuatdtmen A3 15 0.5 10 sneoc d aye ld Link terminalsA1 andA3 nvoseri w snoh no exampe l for 24V AC/DC operation only Insert screwdriver no te h gtih.r 15 to release clips R 16 18 Withdraw clips 16 18 fully when surface mounting A2 92 (+/- 1mm) all dimensions in mm. B ecyor C ltnoor tL.d , lPoo ,teerSt ,nomahtWplroev We ts sdnaldiM WV2 4H.N E dgnanl EL DF-1-A XXXXX :Tle +44 (0) 1902 773746 F:xa +44 (0) 1902 42:mlia 0 6 se3las 9.loorctencyorb mo c :WbeE www.ortnocecyorb .l mo c heT Inomfraotni dpeodirv n i tshi ltearituer si beeldev i to be accuarte (ubsject o t cghea n thiouwt o prir nocte)i howe,rev e us o f ucsh nomfriaotni hlasl be eenrl tiy at the e russ own sir k. 29 49.5 66.5X-ON Electronics Largest Supplier of Electrical and Electronic Components Click to view similar products for Broyce Control manufacturer: Other Similar products are found below : LART 12-230V AC/DC LXCVR 230V LBVR/A 12-24VDC LMCCR-10A LESW 12-230V AC/DC