pyTe: FPLXR - 4W hsePa iFalur,e hsePa qeunS ece nad dre nU letgoaV anmierlT *ENW* 17.5mm IND rai l gonhsiu ntoetoc iPr ersrscor poMoci asebd to IP20 rTeu .R M..S rtoiignn mo rtos iMno wno psyul p dan etdtecs an edrUn tagleo v noicd t noi o n en o ro rmoe asehsp Merasues aseh p to e trnual talo gves etsDte c rort cenci aseh p eseunqce, aseh p ss ol dan entru al ssol e dxiF Unedr tagleo v ptri elelv e dxiF Tme i ayedl 1 x TPDS rayel tpuot u 8A Gree n E DL at ncoidini rfo syul pp s statu e Rd LE D at ncoidini fro rayel s ustat Dmsi: to DI N 43880 .W 17.5mm F U N C T I O N D I A G R A M T E C H N I C A L S P E C I F I C A T I O N F U N C T I O N D I A G R A M T E C H N I C A L S P E C I F I C A T I O N y/lppSu mtoiingrno tagvleo Monitored 1 *U (1L , 2L , 3L , N): 63.5 V (110)V , 133V (230)V , 230V (400)V AC (see teo)n 3~ Supply Phases reversed Fyce nueqr argne: 48 63Hz * easPle state L1 y lppSu vnaorat:ii 30% y/lppSu mtoiingrno L2 tvaOgvleero atcyeg:ro III (IEC 60664) 1 tagvleo wenh gendrior L3 atR ed umpsiel tswh tidan tagvleo: 4 kV (1.2/50S) IEC 60664 N wPeor stmnpunoco i (max.): 6AV Hyst. grtn oiinMo moe:d erdnU votagle Fix ed Under trip i rpT ev lel (x)eidf 2%: erdnU ppySu l tagvleo 63.5V: 44.5V Output 133V: 93V 230V: 161V Hysetsser:i 2% fo t rpi ev lel (tacfy ro set) Td t t t t Td r r eeatRp yac:rucac 0.5% at csnttoan ntsionci do Ityi nmmu morf c moir p weor ctus: <50mS sneRse op met:i 50mS me iT eday l (t): 100mS Installation work must be carried I N S T A L L A T I O N A N D S E T T I N G I N S T A L L A T I O N A N D S E T T I N G oNt e: actu al adyel (t) = adyel + erposen s mtie out by qualified personnel. Daye l m orf asPhe/eN altur sosl ()tr : 150mS (wosrt asce = tr x 2) BEFORE INAST LLAIT ON, ISOLAET HT E SUPPL.Y wPeor no aye ld ()dT : 1 se.c (wosrt asce = dT x 2) Cectnno e ht n tui as ure.rqedi Te h Cecotnno in Draagi m elwb o sw soh a cyatlip niatlsaitnlo, w eyrehb e ht wPeor no atnc:iniido Ge enr LED plus py ot a lado si e ibgn tomi rendo yb eht aPhes om tir ingon re.ayl I f a a tflu h sudol crc uo (.i e. esuf aye Rl statsu atc:inidoni eRd LED wolnb)ig , eht aryel wl il e-d erenes ig adn uassmgn i c orto nl o f te h ex aetlrn Cnroatcot, e-d erenes ig te h Catctnro o a s wel.l Aten imb t:emp -20 to +60C vateie Rl tmiyuih:d +95% max. Anpgyip l peorw. ttu upO (15, 1,6 1)8 : SPD T ayelr Alp yp eowp r an d eht eerg n Peow r suyplp an d r ed Raeyl LEDs i lwl liuilamtne, er ayl ttu upO atirgn: AC1 250V 8A (2000AV ) eresnie g a dn conacst t 15 an d 18 i lwl colse. Ref er t o te h oresultbooihgtn ate lb fi te h ntui faisl ot AC15 250V 5A ()on , 3A ()cn e aeortp corecrlt.y DC1 25 V 8A (200)W E etcarlcli ie:lf 150,000 sp o at at erd lado eo:tN Dcietc reli tagvleo: 2 kV AC (msr) IEC 60947-1 atR ed umpsiel tswh tidan tagvleo: 4 kV (1.2/50S) IEC 60664 If e ht splup y ovleagt iceanrses oae vb hte aixmu mm s plup/y oomntrin ig ovatle g argne yb aopr.xp 10% o r oemr, te h aeylr lwli e-d eersnie g imedmi.yelat Hgns:uio ganer O ame lf tan edtarr LU 94 0V gteih:W 75g si hT evdcie si o tn siaubte l fo r acpiapltsoi n ehwe r terhe clo ud e b a cerepneagt of e-r gaeree nvit ovlagt e gnt niuMo oot:pin nO to 35mm s ycmmietr DI N arli to BS EN 60715 esrep tn idrgun a fla ut conoiidt,n .i e. sfeu fauleri . Du irgn eshet cdotnsoii n a oomn tri th at icuesnld a n ro etcd ri sueac fr motniugn av i 2 x M3.5 ro 4BA srce ws sjuadabte l un erd aotvle g tir p el elv si ecness ayr wh ci h alsol w hsti etpy of fla ut ot e b d.eceedtt I t si gns ui te h kaclb slpc i erddvpoi no te h earr fo te h u 2 an mierlT cu dnrtcoo zsei 2 x 2.5mm sldoi ro santredd ehtefroe r ecromenemd d tah t te h LPRX T or LPRX-T 4W ph ase ioomnstr e b csoineerd.d Avsoa:lrpp CE, dan oRHS Ctan.mpoil roTueblsnhgoi.ot EMC: Ityi:nmmu E N 61000-6-2 (EN 61000-4-3 15V/m e hT abte l oelb w oshs w te h astts u of te h u nti uidrgn a fla ut conoiidt.n 80MHz - 2.7GHz) Essn:mosii E N 61000-6-4 y lppSu aftlu Ge enr LED eRd LED aye Rl teo:N asPhe ro teun alr msgnsi i nO ffO De-gse ereind e hT pySu lp / ngrmtno oii tagvleo U erser f to te h p ashe to ateurn l ann miol tagvleo fro te h asPhes evsre red ( on aye)ld Fgnasilh ffO De-gseerein d dotc urp dan tagvleo tansvi ar abeavl.lai oT ocvtn er teshe tagvleos to a ashpe to ashpe tagvleo, asPhe w oelb 70% (xeidf edn ur t rpi ev)lel nO ffO De- gse ereind ptyi llmu yb 1.732. ehT tagvleo w snoh i n bkacetrs si te h tven ailueq pashe to ashpe votagle. CC OO NN NN EE CC TT II OO NN DD II AA GG RR AA MM SS EE TT TT II NN GG DD EE TT AA II LL SS DD II MM EE NN SS II OO NN SS Local Fuse 89 (exc. clips) Board 1. wPeor pspyu l statsu L1 Supply / 67.5 L2 (Ge)enr LED Monitored 45 Voltage To Load L3 2. aye Rl tupotu / mginT i N statsu ()eRd LED L1 L2 Contactor N L3 Insert screwdriver to release clips 15 R 16 18 Withdraw clips fully when 15 surface mounting 92 (+/- 1mm) 16 18 Phase Monitor all dimensions in mm. B ecyor C ltnoor Lt.d , lPoo ,teerSt ,nomahtWplroev We ts sdnaldiM WV2 4H.N E dgnanl LPRXF-4W-1-A XXXXX :Tle +44 (0) 1902 773746 F:xa +44 (0) 1902 420639:mlia E selas .loorctencyorb mo c :Wbe www.ortnocecyorb .l mo c heT Inomfraotni dpeodirv n i tshi ltearituer si beeldev i to be accuarte (ubsject o t cghea n thiouwt o prir nocte)i howe,rev e us o f ucsh nomfriaotni hlasl be eenrl tiy at the e urss own sir k. 29 49.5 66.5X-ON Electronics Largest Supplier of Electrical and Electronic Components Click to view similar products for Broyce Control manufacturer: Other Similar products are found below : LART 12-230V AC/DC LXCVR 230V LBVR/A 12-24VDC LMCCR-10A LESW 12-230V AC/DC