Switch/Control Mainframe
The Model 7002 Switch System is a 10-slot main frame that supports up to
400 2-pole mul ti plex er channels or 400 matrix crosspoints . The front panel
includes a unique in tera c tive display of chann el status for quick prog ram-
ming . Scanning speeds of up to 300 channels per second are possible with
the high density switch cards . The wide selection of more than 30 different
switch cards makes the 7002 one of the most flexible switch ing main-
f r a mes ava i l able .
r educe the size and Cost
of Your switching application.
Up to 400 channels of 2-pole switching. A single Model 7002 mainframe
can accommodate up to ten 40-channel cards . Thats 400 channels in a
single full-rack package that is only 178mm high (7 in) . This level of density provides some impor-
Interactive channel status
tant advantages . First, it reduces the amount of switching hardware required for a given app li cat ion .
Second, it provides high flexibility . The high density cards can be used with the special signal cards
o ptional light pen for front
to cover all your signal needs for a large application with one m ainframe .
panel programming
Switch a wide range of signals. The 7002 is fully compatible with all 7001 switch cards . From this
Integrates easily with DMM and
broad selection of 17 cards, you can assemble a switch configuration that will ensure signal integrity
sourceMeter sMu instruments
and minimize errors . These cards allow the 7002 to switch DC signals from femtoamps to amps,
nanovolts to kilovolts, as well as RF and optical signals .
f ull channel status display
Analog backplane. The analog backplane used by the high density cards adds con figu r at ion flex ib il-
10 card slots
it y and eliminates intercard wiring . For ex am ple, the outputs of a mul ti plexe r card can be connected
supports 17 switch/control
to the row inputs of a matrix card . Or, the outputs of ten mul ti plex er cards can be con necte d to form
one large 1400 mul tip lexe r . Intercard wiring is eliminated by using the an a log backplane to form
t hese con f ig u r at ion s .
faster Test Development
Unique channel status display. The interactive front panel display helps shorten the time required
to configure the 7002 and develop test software . The display indicates the open/close status of each
channel in the main frame . This information is very useful when programming the 7002 and develop-
ordering Information
ing app li ca tion software . Knowing the channel status also helps to verify proper operation during the
debug phase .
7002 400-channel switch/
Control Mainframe
Light pen programming. An optional light pen provides point and click prog ram ming from the
front panel . By selecting the desired channels or range of channels, the scan list can be built, matrix
patterns created, channels opened or closed, and patterns stored in memory . The 7002s non-volatile
memory stores up to 500 com plete switch patterns .
Automatic card configuration. When the high density cards are installed,
the 7002 au to mat i cal ly configures each slot independently for the proper
aCCEssor IEs aVaIl abl E
card . The channel status display on the front panel adjusts to show each
c a rds c apa c it y a nd con f ig u r at ion .
aND Cabl Es
7002-RMK-1 Fixed Rack Mount Kit
7007-1 Double Shielded, Premium
Front panel Info key. At the touch of a button, the operator receives con-
7002-RMK-2 Slide Rack Mount Kit
GPIB Cable, 1m
text-sensitive, on-line information to help configure the system . This infor-
7007-2 Double Shielded, Premium
mation is displayed on a 52-character alphanumeric display for clear and
8501-1 Trigger Link Cable, DIN-to-DIN, 1m
GPIB Cable, 2m
readable messages . There is no need to refer constantly to the operators
8501-2 Trigger Link Cable, DIN-to-DIN, 2m
7078-PEN Programming Light Pen
manual . All information messages, operating instructions, and prompts are
(includes holder) 8503 Trigger Link Cable, DIN-to-dual BNC,
available in English, German, and French . Just select the desired language
KPCI-488LPA IEEE-488 Interface/Controller
for the PCI Bus i n t he con f ig u r at ion menu .
8505 Male to 2 Female Y-DIN Cable for
Trigger Link
Programmable channel closure restrictions. The 7002 allows specific
Interface Adapter
channels to be locked out from closure . This restriction can be conditional
based on the open/close state of other channels or crosspoints . This capa-
bility is useful to prevent certain signals from being accidentally connected
sEr VICEs aVaIl abl E
to high power circuits, for example .
7002-3Y-EW 1-year factory warranty extended to 3 years from date of shipment
1.888.KEITHLEY (U.S. only)
A Greater Measure of Confidence
Ten-slot high density switch mainframe
Ten-slot high density switch mainframe7002
Switch/Control Mainframe
system Throughput
Closed channel
300 channel per second scanning. The
o pen channel
7002 can scan through up to 300 chan-
l ight Pen Keys provide func-
nels per second . This scan process can be
tional prog ramm ing with point and
controlled by the internal time base of the
7002 or through external triggers . The scan
Point and click the light pen on the
sequence is cont rolled by what appears in the
desired channel or cross point.
scan list . The scan list can include channels,
Matrix cards are displayed in r ow-
ranges of channels, and memory locations .
Column format. o nly the available
This app roach gives max i mum flexibility while
rows and columns of the card are
obtaining maximum through put .
displayed. r ows are horizontal and
Built-in Scan Control and Trigger Link. The columns are vertical.
built-in scan control eliminates the need for the
Multiplexer card display. The first
computer to control every step of the test pro-
row across repr e sents channels 1
cedure . Simply program the 7002 to control the to 10. The second row is channels
11 to 20. o nly the available chan-
channel spacing, scan spacing, and number of
nels are disp layed.
scans . Trigger Link gives you access to six inde-
pend ent hardware trigger lines on a single cable .
sYsTEM THr ou GHPuT All aspects of 7002 ope ra tion are available from the front panel
or over the IEEE-bus interface . The 7002 conforms to IEEE-
CAPACITy: 10 plug-in cards per mainframe . EXECUTION SPEED OF SCAN LIST (channels or memory l ocations
p e r se cond): 488 . 2 and the SCPI (Standard Com mands for Programmable
MEMORy: Battery backed-up storage for 500 switch patt erns .
Instrum ents) command language protocol .
SWITCH SETTLING TIME: Automatically selected by the main- Channels Memories
frame . For different switchcards, 7002 will be set to the slow- S can List
OFF 300 243
est relay settling time . Additional time from 0 to 99999 . 999
ON 270 189
Scan Spacing
seconds can be added in 1ms increments .
C hannel Spacing
TRIGGER EXECUTION TIME (maximum time from ac ti vat ion
of Trig ger Source to start of switch open or close ):
Number of Scans
External Trigger (TTL-compatible, programmable edge,
600ns min i mum pulse, rear panel BNC) .
source l atency Jitter Number of Channels
IEEE-488 bus (GET, *TRG)
GET1 200 s <15 s
Trigger Source
Trigger Link
*TRG2, 3 3 . 0 ms
Single Channel Mode
Manual (front panel)
Trigger Link 200 s <10 s
Channel Restrictions
Internal Timer, programmable from 1 . 0ms to 99999 . 999
External 200 s <10 s
seconds in 1 . 0ms increments .
S a v e M a i n f r a m e C o n f i g u r a t i o n S e t up s
Timer <25 s
STATUS OUTPUT: Channel Ready (TTL-compatible signal, rear
Digital I/O
panel BNC) . Low going pulse (10s typical) issued after relay
Card Pair
settling time .
No TEs
SWITCHING SEQUENCE: B r e a k- b e fo r e - m a ke ( p r o g r a m m a b l e) . Channel Delay
1 . Excluding switch settling time .
MAINFRAME DIGITAL I/O: Four open collector outputs (30V 2 . Assuming no IEEE-488 commands are pending execution . Number of Poles
maximum, 100mA maximum sink current, 10W output impe -
3 . Display off .
Channel Pattern Memory
dance), one TTL compatible input, one com mon, one +5V .
RELAy DRIVE: 3 . 5A maximum for all 10 card slots .
1 GENEral
CARD SIz E: 32mm high 114mm wide 272mm long (1 4 in
Command Execution Time
4 in 10 4 in) .
DISPLAy: Dual-line vacuum fluorescent . 1st line: 20-char-
CLOS (@1!1) <8 ms + Relay Settle Time
CARD COMPATIBILITy: Fully compatible with all 7001 cards .
ac ter alphanumeric . 2nd line: 32-character alphanu-
OPEN (@1!1) <8 ms + Relay Settle Time
meric . Chann el status LED grid .
MEM:REC M1 <9 ms + 2 Relay Settle Time (BBM ON)
aNal o G baCKPl aNE
<9 ms + Relay Settle Time (BBM OFF) LIGHT PEN OPTION: Provides interactive programming
SIGNALS: Four 3-pole rows (Hi, Lo, Guard) . These signals pro-
of channels, cross points, scan lists, and memory .
vide matrix and mul ti plex er ex pan sion between cards within
No TEs
one mainframe .
1 . Measured from the time at which the command terminator is taken
Female; 8-pin micro DIN for Trigger Link; 8-pin micro
MAXIMUM VOLTAGE: 250V DC, 250V rms, 350V AC peak, signal
from the bus to relay energize . With display OFF .
DIN for Trigger Link expansion; BNC for External
path to signal path or signal path to chassis .
Trigger; BNC for Channel Ready
POWER: 100V to 240Vrms, 50/60Hz, 110VA maxi mum .
10 EMC: Complies with European Union Directive 89/336/
>10 W , <50pF path to path (any Hi, Lo, Guard to another
EEC, EN61326-1 .
Hi, Lo, Guard)
IEEE-488 . 2, and IEEE-488 . 1 .
>10 W , <50pF differential (Hi to Lo or Hi, Lo to Guard) .
SAFETy: Conforms to European Union Directive 73/23/
>10 W , <75pF path to chassis .
EEC, EN61010-1) .
CHANNEL CROSSTALK: <65dB @ 1MHz (50W load) .
EMI/RFI: Meets VDE 0871B and FCC Class B .
BANDWIDTH: <3dB loss at 100MHz (50 load)W . UNILINE COMMANDS: IFC, REN, EOI, SRQ, ATN .
ENVIRONMENT: Operating: 0C to 50C, <80% RH (0C
to 35C) . Storage: 25C to +65C .
SR1, RL1, PP0, DC1, DT1, C0, E1 .
DIMENSIONS, WEIGHT: 178mm high 438mm wide
1 5
448mm deep (7 in 17 4 in 17 8 in) . Net weight
9 . 1kg (20 lb) .
1.888.KEITHLEY (U.S. only)
A Greater Measure of Confidence
Model 7002 specifications
Model 7002 specifications