X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of 7002 Switch Fixings across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. 7002 Switch Fixings are a product manufactured by C&K. We provide cost-effective solutions for Switch Fixings, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

7002 C&K

7002 electronic component of C&K
7002 C&K
7002 Switch Fixings
7002  Electromechanical

Images are for reference only
See Product Specifications
Part No. 7002
Manufacturer: C&K
Category: Switch Fixings
Description: Switch Access Push Button Switch/Toggle Switch Mounting Nut
Datasheet: 7002 Datasheet (PDF)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges

Price (USD)
177: USD 0.4144 ea
Line Total: USD 73.35 
Availability - 1055
Ship by Tue. 11 Mar to Mon. 17 Mar
MOQ: 177  Multiples: 100
Pack Size: 100
Availability Price Quantity
Ship by Tue. 11 Mar to Mon. 17 Mar
MOQ : 177
Multiples : 100
177 : USD 0.4144
2000 : USD 0.2839
4000 : USD 0.2796
6000 : USD 0.2754
8000 : USD 0.2694
26000 : USD 0.2596
50000 : USD 0.2557

Product Category
Notes:- Show Stocked Products With Similar Attributes.

We are delighted to provide the 7002 from our Switch Fixings category, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the 7002 and other electronic components in the Switch Fixings category and beyond.

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7002 Switch/Control Mainframe 400-channel The Model 7002 Switch System is a 10-slot main frame that supports up to 400 2-pole mul ti plex er channels or 400 matrix crosspoints . The front panel includes a unique in tera c tive display of chann el status for quick prog ram- ming . Scanning speeds of up to 300 channels per second are possible with the high density switch cards . The wide selection of more than 30 different switch cards makes the 7002 one of the most flexible switch ing main- f r a mes ava i l able . r educe the size and Cost of Your switching application. Up to 400 channels of 2-pole switching. A single Model 7002 mainframe can accommodate up to ten 40-channel cards . Thats 400 channels in a single full-rack package that is only 178mm high (7 in) . This level of density provides some impor- Interactive channel status tant advantages . First, it reduces the amount of switching hardware required for a given app li cat ion . display Second, it provides high flexibility . The high density cards can be used with the special signal cards o ptional light pen for front to cover all your signal needs for a large application with one m ainframe . panel programming Switch a wide range of signals. The 7002 is fully compatible with all 7001 switch cards . From this Integrates easily with DMM and broad selection of 17 cards, you can assemble a switch configuration that will ensure signal integrity sourceMeter sMu instruments and minimize errors . These cards allow the 7002 to switch DC signals from femtoamps to amps, nanovolts to kilovolts, as well as RF and optical signals . f ull channel status display Analog backplane. The analog backplane used by the high density cards adds con figu r at ion flex ib il- 10 card slots it y and eliminates intercard wiring . For ex am ple, the outputs of a mul ti plexe r card can be connected supports 17 switch/control to the row inputs of a matrix card . Or, the outputs of ten mul ti plex er cards can be con necte d to form cards one large 1400 mul tip lexe r . Intercard wiring is eliminated by using the an a log backplane to form t hese con f ig u r at ion s . faster Test Development Unique channel status display. The interactive front panel display helps shorten the time required to configure the 7002 and develop test software . The display indicates the open/close status of each channel in the main frame . This information is very useful when programming the 7002 and develop- ordering Information ing app li ca tion software . Knowing the channel status also helps to verify proper operation during the debug phase . 7002 400-channel switch/ Control Mainframe Light pen programming. An optional light pen provides point and click prog ram ming from the front panel . By selecting the desired channels or range of channels, the scan list can be built, matrix patterns created, channels opened or closed, and patterns stored in memory . The 7002s non-volatile memory stores up to 500 com plete switch patterns . Automatic card configuration. When the high density cards are installed, the 7002 au to mat i cal ly configures each slot independently for the proper aCCEssor IEs aVaIl abl E card . The channel status display on the front panel adjusts to show each CoMMuNICaTIoN INTErfa CEs r aCK Mou NT KITs c a rds c apa c it y a nd con f ig u r at ion . aND Cabl Es 7002-RMK-1 Fixed Rack Mount Kit 7007-1 Double Shielded, Premium Front panel Info key. At the touch of a button, the operator receives con- 7002-RMK-2 Slide Rack Mount Kit GPIB Cable, 1m text-sensitive, on-line information to help configure the system . This infor- Tr IGGEr ING 7007-2 Double Shielded, Premium mation is displayed on a 52-character alphanumeric display for clear and 8501-1 Trigger Link Cable, DIN-to-DIN, 1m GPIB Cable, 2m readable messages . There is no need to refer constantly to the operators 8501-2 Trigger Link Cable, DIN-to-DIN, 2m 7078-PEN Programming Light Pen manual . All information messages, operating instructions, and prompts are (includes holder) 8503 Trigger Link Cable, DIN-to-dual BNC, available in English, German, and French . Just select the desired language 1m KPCI-488LPA IEEE-488 Interface/Controller for the PCI Bus i n t he con f ig u r at ion menu . 8505 Male to 2 Female Y-DIN Cable for Trigger Link KUSB-488B IEEE-488 USB-to-GPIB Programmable channel closure restrictions. The 7002 allows specific Interface Adapter channels to be locked out from closure . This restriction can be conditional based on the open/close state of other channels or crosspoints . This capa- bility is useful to prevent certain signals from being accidentally connected sEr VICEs aVaIl abl E to high power circuits, for example . 7002-3Y-EW 1-year factory warranty extended to 3 years from date of shipment 1.888.KEITHLEY (U.S. only) www.keithley.com A Greater Measure of Confidence Ten-slot high density switch mainframe SWITCHING AND CONTROL Ten-slot high density switch mainframe7002 Switch/Control Mainframe 400-channel system Throughput Closed channel 300 channel per second scanning. The o pen channel 7002 can scan through up to 300 chan- l ight Pen Keys provide func- nels per second . This scan process can be tional prog ramm ing with point and controlled by the internal time base of the click. 7002 or through external triggers . The scan Point and click the light pen on the sequence is cont rolled by what appears in the desired channel or cross point. scan list . The scan list can include channels, Matrix cards are displayed in r ow- ranges of channels, and memory locations . Column format. o nly the available This app roach gives max i mum flexibility while rows and columns of the card are obtaining maximum through put . displayed. r ows are horizontal and Built-in Scan Control and Trigger Link. The columns are vertical. built-in scan control eliminates the need for the Multiplexer card display. The first computer to control every step of the test pro- row across repr e sents channels 1 cedure . Simply program the 7002 to control the to 10. The second row is channels 11 to 20. o nly the available chan- channel spacing, scan spacing, and number of nels are disp layed. scans . Trigger Link gives you access to six inde- pend ent hardware trigger lines on a single cable . sYsTEM THr ou GHPuT All aspects of 7002 ope ra tion are available from the front panel or over the IEEE-bus interface . The 7002 conforms to IEEE- CAPACITy: 10 plug-in cards per mainframe . EXECUTION SPEED OF SCAN LIST (channels or memory l ocations p e r se cond): 488 . 2 and the SCPI (Standard Com mands for Programmable MEMORy: Battery backed-up storage for 500 switch patt erns . Instrum ents) command language protocol . SWITCH SETTLING TIME: Automatically selected by the main- Channels Memories frame . For different switchcards, 7002 will be set to the slow- S can List OFF 300 243 Break-Before-Make est relay settling time . Additional time from 0 to 99999 . 999 ON 270 189 Scan Spacing seconds can be added in 1ms increments . C hannel Spacing TRIGGER EXECUTION TIME (maximum time from ac ti vat ion TRIGGER SOURCES: 2 of Trig ger Source to start of switch open or close ): Number of Scans External Trigger (TTL-compatible, programmable edge, 600ns min i mum pulse, rear panel BNC) . source l atency Jitter Number of Channels IEEE-488 bus (GET, *TRG) GET1 200 s <15 s Trigger Source Trigger Link *TRG2, 3 3 . 0 ms Single Channel Mode Manual (front panel) Trigger Link 200 s <10 s Channel Restrictions Internal Timer, programmable from 1 . 0ms to 99999 . 999 External 200 s <10 s seconds in 1 . 0ms increments . S a v e M a i n f r a m e C o n f i g u r a t i o n S e t up s Timer <25 s STATUS OUTPUT: Channel Ready (TTL-compatible signal, rear Digital I/O panel BNC) . Low going pulse (10s typical) issued after relay Card Pair settling time . No TEs SWITCHING SEQUENCE: B r e a k- b e fo r e - m a ke ( p r o g r a m m a b l e) . Channel Delay 1 . Excluding switch settling time . MAINFRAME DIGITAL I/O: Four open collector outputs (30V 2 . Assuming no IEEE-488 commands are pending execution . Number of Poles maximum, 100mA maximum sink current, 10W output impe - 3 . Display off . Channel Pattern Memory dance), one TTL compatible input, one com mon, one +5V . RELAy DRIVE: 3 . 5A maximum for all 10 card slots . IEEE-488 Co MMaND EXECuTIo N TIME 1 GENEral CARD SIz E: 32mm high 114mm wide 272mm long (1 4 in 1 Command Execution Time 3 4 in 10 4 in) . DISPLAy: Dual-line vacuum fluorescent . 1st line: 20-char- CLOS (@1!1) <8 ms + Relay Settle Time CARD COMPATIBILITy: Fully compatible with all 7001 cards . ac ter alphanumeric . 2nd line: 32-character alphanu- OPEN (@1!1) <8 ms + Relay Settle Time meric . Chann el status LED grid . MEM:REC M1 <9 ms + 2 Relay Settle Time (BBM ON) aNal o G baCKPl aNE <9 ms + Relay Settle Time (BBM OFF) LIGHT PEN OPTION: Provides interactive programming SIGNALS: Four 3-pole rows (Hi, Lo, Guard) . These signals pro- of channels, cross points, scan lists, and memory . vide matrix and mul ti plex er ex pan sion between cards within No TEs REAR PANEL CONNECTORS: IEEE-488; 9-pin DB9 one mainframe . 1 . Measured from the time at which the command terminator is taken Female; 8-pin micro DIN for Trigger Link; 8-pin micro MAXIMUM VOLTAGE: 250V DC, 250V rms, 350V AC peak, signal from the bus to relay energize . With display OFF . DIN for Trigger Link expansion; BNC for External path to signal path or signal path to chassis . Trigger; BNC for Channel Ready MAXIMUM CURRENT: 1A peak . POWER: 100V to 240Vrms, 50/60Hz, 110VA maxi mum . IEEE-488 bus IMPl EMENTaTIoN PATH ISOLATION: 10 EMC: Complies with European Union Directive 89/336/ >10 W , <50pF path to path (any Hi, Lo, Guard to another STANDARDS CONFORMANCE: Conforms to SCPI-1990, EEC, EN61326-1 . Hi, Lo, Guard) IEEE-488 . 2, and IEEE-488 . 1 . 10 >10 W , <50pF differential (Hi to Lo or Hi, Lo to Guard) . SAFETy: Conforms to European Union Directive 73/23/ 9 MULTILINE COMMANDS: DCL, LLO, SDC, GET, GTL, >10 W , <75pF path to chassis . EEC, EN61010-1) . UNT, UNL, SPE, SPD . CHANNEL CROSSTALK: <65dB @ 1MHz (50W load) . EMI/RFI: Meets VDE 0871B and FCC Class B . BANDWIDTH: <3dB loss at 100MHz (50 load)W . UNILINE COMMANDS: IFC, REN, EOI, SRQ, ATN . ENVIRONMENT: Operating: 0C to 50C, <80% RH (0C INTERFACE FUNCTIONS: SH1, AH1, T5, TE0, L4, LE0, to 35C) . Storage: 25C to +65C . SR1, RL1, PP0, DC1, DT1, C0, E1 . DIMENSIONS, WEIGHT: 178mm high 438mm wide 1 5 448mm deep (7 in 17 4 in 17 8 in) . Net weight 9 . 1kg (20 lb) . 1.888.KEITHLEY (U.S. only) www.keithley.com A Greater Measure of Confidence Model 7002 specifications SWITCHING AND CONTROL Model 7002 specifications

Tariff Desc

8536.50.99 9900975 SWITCHES being ANY of the following
a toggle 240VAC current capacity NOT exceeding 3A
b toggle 28VDC current capacity NOT exceeding 3A
c toggle 125VAC current capacity NOT exceeding 6A
d toggle 250VAC current capacity NOT exceeding 6A
e toggle 12VDC current capacity NOT exceeding 16A
f push button max 250VAC current capacity NOT exceeding 1A
g rocker 12VDC current capacity NOT exceeding 30A
h rocker 250VAC current capacity NOT exceeding 10A
i rocker max 250VAC current capacity NOT exceeding 6A
j numeric keypad
k 4-way 100VAC 0.5A OR 25V DC1A
l push button 100VAC 0.5A OR 25VDC 1A
m micro OR mini-micro max 250VAC current capacity NOT exceeding 10A
n knife 50VDC
o mercury 24VDC current capacity NOT exceeding 2A

8536.50.99 9804137 SWITCHES PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD surface-mount OR through-hole having BOTH of the following
a current rating NOT exceeding 100mA
b voltage rating NOT exceeding 50VAC OR DC

8536.50.99 17109836 SWITCHES PUSH BUTTON panel mount

8536.50.99 9304006 SWITCHES push button illuminated being ANY of
a square
b rectangular
c circular

8536.50.99 1798512 SWITCHES ELECTRICAL having ALL of the following
a length NOT greater than 3cm
b width NOT greater than 2cm
c maximum electric current capacity greater than 11A

8536.50.99 1108450 SWITCHES LIMIT hunting tooth rotating shaft

8536.50.99 17119033 SWITCHES ROCKER panel mounting


8536.50.99 1799019 SWITCHES SLIDE being ANY a power switches
i voltage selector
ii two position

8536.50.99 1779783 SWITCHES foot operated having a voltage of NOT less than 230VAC

8536.5 8438589 SWITCHES hall effect magnetically operated

8536.50.99 1812211 SWITCHES PUSHBUTTON mushroom OR dome shaped

8471.60.00 91 Joystick Free

8531.80.00 Electric sound or visual signalling apparatus eg bells, sirens, indicator panels, burglar or fire alarms Other apparatus Free

8541.40.00 54 LED displays Free
C&K / Unimax
CK Unimax
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