PROBE BODY w/2 mm TIP & SAFETY CAP 3900B SERIES CT3974B USER GUIDECAL TEST ELECTRONICS CT3974B Probe Body with 2 mm Tip & Safety Cap, User Guide Cal Test Electronics. All rights reserved. Cal Test Electronics products are covered by US and foreign patents, issued and pending. Information on this publication supersedes all earlier versions. Specifications ar e subject to change without notice. Made in Taiwan SYMBOLS AND TERMS The following symbols may appear on the product or in the documentation. Caution Symbol (ISO 7000-0434) Statements or instructions that must be consulted in order to find out the nature of the potential hazard and any actions which must be taken. Ce symbole de mise en garde (ISO 7000-0434) indique quil faut consulter les instructions afin de dterminer la nature du danger potentiel et dterminer toutes les mesures adaptes prendre. A statement calling attention to an operating procedure, practice, or CAUTION condition, which if not followed correctly, could result in damage to or destruction of parts or the entire product. Une mise en garde attire lattention sur une procdure, une pratique MISE EN GARDE ou une condition dutilisation qui, si elles ne sont pas suivies correctement, pourraient endommager ou dtruire une partie du produit ou le produit entier. A statement calling attention to an operation procedure, practice, or WARNING condition, which if not followed correctly, could result in injury or death to personnel. Un avertissement attire lattention sur une procdure, pratique AVERTISSEMENT ou condition de fonctionnement qui, si elles ne sont pas suivies correctement, pourraient entraner des blessures, voire la mort de lutilisateur. DEFINITIONS POLLUTION (P) addition of foreign matter solid, liquid or gaseous (ionized gases), that may product a reduction of dielectric strength or surface resistivity. Degree 2 (P2) only non-conductive pollution occurs except that occasionally a temporary conductivity caused by condensation is expected. MEASUREMENT CATEGORY (CAT) classifcation of testing and measuring circuit according to the type of mains circuits to which they are intended to be connected. CAT II measuring circuits connected to utilization points of the low- voltage mains installation. CAT III measuring circuits connected to distribution part of the buildings low-voltage mains installation. CAT IV measuring circuits connected at the source of the buildings low- voltage mains installation. 2