X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of DCC-12C D-Sub Tools & Hardware across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. DCC-12C D-Sub Tools & Hardware are a product manufactured by Caplugs. We provide cost-effective solutions for D-Sub Tools & Hardware, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

DCC-12C Caplugs

DCC-12C electronic component of Caplugs
DCC-12C Caplugs
DCC-12C D-Sub Tools & Hardware
DCC-12C  Connectors

Images are for reference only
See Product Specifications
Part No. DCC-12C
Manufacturer: Caplugs
Category: D-Sub Tools & Hardware
Description: D-Sub Tools & Hardware CONDUCT CAP BLK PIN 15 CONTACTS
Datasheet: DCC-12C Datasheet (PDF)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges

Price (USD)
1: USD 1.8522 ea
Line Total: USD 1.85 
Availability - 7103
Ship by Mon. 10 Mar to Wed. 12 Mar
MOQ: 1  Multiples: 1
Pack Size: 1
Availability Price Quantity
Ship by Mon. 10 Mar to Wed. 12 Mar
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 1.8522
10 : USD 1.5241
25 : USD 1.3795
100 : USD 1.2639
250 : USD 1.1616
500 : USD 1.062
1000 : USD 0.9715
2500 : USD 0.8952
5000 : USD 0.8745

Product Category
For Use With
Product Type
Factory Pack Quantity :
Notes:- Show Stocked Products With Similar Attributes.

We are delighted to provide the DCC-12C from our D-Sub Tools & Hardware category, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the DCC-12C and other electronic components in the D-Sub Tools & Hardware category and beyond.

Image Part-Description
Stock Image RC-25
Conduit Fittings & Accessories THREADED CONN CAP RED 1 9/16
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image IEC-14
D-Sub Tools & Hardware Plastic Plug for Female Connectors. Length .960" Width .660" Height .380" IEC-14 Black
Stock : 35
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Stock Image MS90376-23RB
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image VC-156-16
Standard Circular Connector VC-156-16 PVCBLK100 MINI
Stock : 920
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Stock Image RC156-0500
Conduit Fittings & Accessories EPDM CAPS BLACK
Stock : 1
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Stock Image 22-0250
Stock : 8
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 22-0500
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 22-0750
Stock : 3
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 22-1000
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image PDF-80
Conduit Fittings & Accessories PE-LD01 RED002 MINI
Stock : 10
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Image Part-Description
Stock Image D20420-0
D-Sub Tools & Hardware MALE SCREWLOCK
Stock : 849
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image MHDTPPK25-DB25PK
Plug; D-Sub; PIN:25; male; stamped and formed contacts; straight
Stock : 236
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Stock Image 160X10179X
D-Sub Tools & Hardware SLIDELOCK SIZE 25 SELFTAP
Stock : 0
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Stock Image 09670009910
Stock : 515
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 09670019957
Stock : 116
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 572019-00106-NI
D-Sub Tools & Hardware 15 REAR GASKET
Stock : 1
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Stock Image 958-025-010R011
D-Sub Tools & Hardware
Stock : 0
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Stock Image 025-5056-001
D-Sub Tools & Hardware DUST CAP
Stock : 241
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Stock Image 173112-1007
D-Sub Tools & Hardware FCT THMB SCREW UNC 22.5 M3
Stock : 1
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 2-2308350-0
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.

Elektronik Das gesamte Sortiment an Schutzelementen fr Stecker, Steckverbindungen, Anschlussbuchsen bietet einen optimalen Schutz vor Beschdigung, Verschmutzung und elektrostatischer Aufladung whrend des Transports und der Lagerung. Die Auswahl an ableitfhigen Kappen bietet eine kostengnstige Schutzlsung fr hochwertige und teure elektronische Bauteile. Verschiedene Materialien und ein groe Auswahl an Produk- tionsmglichkeiten gewhren eine Lieferung von Produkten, die speziell auf Ihre Anforderungen abgestimmt sind. ESD Schutzanforderungen und MIL/NAS Spezifikation inklusive. electronics Our full line of connector protection shields electrical ports and components from contaminants, damage and electrical charge during the shipping and storage process. The range of general and static production parts serve as low cost insurance for expensive electronics. With specialized materials, a vast range of molding capabilities and an in-house team of engineers, we can deliver solutions to meet ESD protection requirements and MIL/NAS specifications. Caplugs bietet zustzlich zu den gezeigten Standardschutzelemente eine Vielzahl von Sonderprodukten, bei denen teilweise die Werkzeuge schon vorhanden sind. * Alternative Materialien und Farben sind mglich Weitere Abmessungen, Preise, Sonderanfertigungen und kostenlose Muster auf Anfrage: STOHRER IPT AG In den Entenckern 30 D 70599 Stuttgart caplugs stohrer-ipt.ag Tel. + 49 711 90071 0 www.stohrer-ipt.ag 336 333737electronics C Series Straight-Sided Utility Caps Straight-Sided Utility Caps C Series C Series caps are straight-sided, thin-walled closures Dimensions Packaging designed to protect threaded connectors. The Caplugs No. A C D To Cap Carton Mini Pak flanged end allows for easy installation and removal Thread Size Quantity Quantity In mm In mm In mm in difficult to reach areas. This versatile design is C-2 1/2 .476 12.09 .50 12.70 .72 18.29 7500 1500 ideal for a variety of threaded and non-threaded C-6 5/8 .600 15.24 .50 12.70 .84 21.34 5000 1000 applications. C-8 3/4 .724 18.39 .50 12.70 .94 23.88 5000 1000 Applicable specifications: NAS 831 C-10 7/8 .849 21.56 .50 12.70 1.09 27.69 3000 600 C-12 1 .974 24.74 .50 12.70 1.22 30.99 2500 500 Material: Low-Density Polyethylene Color: Red C-14 1-1/8 1.097 27.86 .56 14.22 1.34 34.04 2500 500 C-16 1-3/16 1.168 29.67 .56 14.22 1.41 35.81 1500 300 C-18 1-1/4 1.221 31.01 .56 14.22 1.44 36.58 1500 300 C-20 1-3/8 1.344 34.14 .56 14.22 1.59 40.39 1500 300 C-22 1-7/16 1.408 35.76 .56 14.22 1.66 42.16 1000 200 C-24 1-1/2 1.467 37.26 .56 14.22 1.69 42.93 1000 200 C-26 1-3/4 1.716 43.59 .56 14.22 2.00 50.80 1000 200 C-28 2 1.964 49.89 .62 15.75 2.22 56.39 500 100 C-30 2-1/4 2.210 56.13 .62 15.75 2.44 61.98 500 100 C-32 2-1/2 2.460 62.48 .62 15.75 2.69 68.33 500 100 C-34 2-3/4 2.730 69.34 .62 15.75 2.96 75.18 500 100 C-36 3 2.980 75.69 .62 15.75 3.22 81.79 500 100 C-38 4 3.922 99.62 1.00 25.40 4.19 106.43 250 50 C-40 5 4.900 124.46 1.25 31.75 5.12 130.05 300 60 EC Series Caps for Threaded Connectors Caps for Threaded Connectors EC Series EC Series caps are designed to fit 36- and 68-pin Dimensions Packaging Champ 050 series connectors and 50-pin Champ-type Caplugs No. A B C D To Cap Nominal Carton Mini Pak connectors. Thread Size Quantity Quantity In mm In mm In mm In mm EC-4 1/4 .246 6.25 .48 12.19 .50 12.70 .31 7.87 5000 1000 Can be installed over threads or cylindrical surfaces EC-M8 M8 .309 7.85 .55 13.97 .56 14.22 .37 9.40 5000 1000 EC-5 5/16 .308 7.82 .55 13.97 .56 14.22 .37 9.40 5000 1000 Applicable specifications: NAS 813, NAS 831 EC-6 3/8 .369 9.37 .62 15.75 .50 12.70 .43 10.92 5000 1000 Material: Low-Density Polyethylene Color: Red EC-8 1/2 .480 12.19 .74 18.80 .50 12.70 .54 13.72 5000 1000 EC-9 9/16 .551 14.00 .78 19.81 .44 11.18 .61 15.49 5000 1000 EC-10 5/8 .605 15.37 .84 21.34 .50 12.70 .66 16.89 5000 1000 EC-12 3/4 .720 18.29 .97 24.64 .50 12.70 .77 19.68 5000 1000 EC-14 7/8 .850 20.83 1.13 28.70 .50 12.70 .90 22.99 5000 1000 EC-15 .930 23.62 1.20 30.47 .50 12.70 1.01 25.65 3000 600 EC-16 1 .973 24.71 1.22 30.99 .50 12.70 1.03 26.29 2500 500 EC-18 1-1/8 1.093 27.76 1.33 33.78 .56 14.22 1.15 29.35 2500 500 EC-19 1-3/16 1.188 30.18 1.40 35.56 .56 14.22 1.23 31.24 2500 500 EC-20 1-1/4 1.231 31.27 1.47 37.09 .56 14.22 1.30 33.05 2500 500 EC-22 1- 3/8 1.340 34.04 1.59 40.39 .56 14.22 1.41 35.81 2500 500 EC-23 1-7/16 1.428 36.27 1.65 41.91 .56 14.22 1.46 37.08 1000 200 EC-24 1-1/2 1.463 37.16 1.70 43.18 .56 14.22 1.53 38.94 2500 500 EC-25 1-9/16 1.528 38.81 1.73 43.94 .48 12.19 1.59 40.39 2500 500 EC-26 1-5/8 1.613 40.97 1.91 48.51 .55 19.97 1.71 43.43 1000 200 EC-28 1-3/4 1.715 43.56 1.95 49.53 .56 14.22 1.79 45.47 1000 200 EC-32 2 1.965 49.91 2.22 56.39 .56 14.22 2.04 51.82 1000 200 EC-36 2-1/4 2.215 56.26 2.43 61.72 .60 15.24 2.29 58.17 1000 200 EC-40 2-1/2 2.456 62.38 2.68 68.07 .62 15.75 2.52 64.01 1000 200 EC-44 2-3/4 2.720 69.09 2.96 68.32 .60 15.24 2.81 71.42 500 100 EC-48 3 2.960 75.18 3.23 82.05 .60 15.24 3.05 77.47 500 100 EC-64 4 3.940 100.08 4.16 105.67 1.00 25.40 4.00 101.60 200 40 EC-80 5 4.944 125.58 5.12 130.05 1.25 31.75 5.00 127.00 150 30 * Alternative Materialien und Farben sind mglich Weitere Abmessungen, Preise, Sonderanfertigungen und kostenlose Muster auf Anfrage: STOHRER IPT AG In den Entenckern 30 D 70599 Stuttgart caplugs stohrer-ipt.ag Tel. + 49 711 90071 0 www.stohrer-ipt.ag 338 333939

Tariff Desc

3926.90.90 Other articles of plastics and articles of other materials ---Other

7415 Nails, tacks, drawing pins, staples (other than those of 8305) and similar articles, of copper or of iron or steel with heads of copper; screws, bolts, nuts, screw hooks, rivets, cotters, cotter-pins, washers (including spring washers) and similar articles, of copper:
7415.3 -Other threaded articles:
7415.33.00 --Screws; bolts and nuts
7415.39.00 --Other
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