Monitoring Relays Frequency Monitoring Types DFB01, PFB01 Over/under frequency monitoring relays Measuring if power supply frequency is within set limits Measure on own power supply Measuring ranges Voltage: 24 to 240 VAC Frequency: 50 - 60 Hz Separately adjustable upper/lower level on relative scale Adjustable delay on alarm or on recovery (0.1 to 30 s) Programmable latching or inhibit at set level Output: 8 A SPDT relay N.D. or N.E. selectable For mounting on DIN-rail in accordance with DIN/EN 50 022 (DFB01) or plug-in module (PFB01) DFB01 PFB01 22.5 mm Euronorm housing (DFB01) or 36 mm plug-in module (PFB01) LED indication for relay, alarm and power supply ON Product Description Ordering key DFB 01 C M24 DFB01 and PFB01 are pre- even after the end of the Housing cise frequency monitoring alarm condition. Inhibit func- Function relays. The relays monitor tion can be used to avoid Type their own power supply from relay operation when not Item number 24 to 240 VAC. desired (maintenance, tran- Output The advantage of using the sitions). The LED s indicate Power Supply latch function is that the the state of the alarm and relay can be kept energized the output relay. Type Selection Mounting Output Measuring range Supply: 24 to 240 VAC DIN-rail SPDT 50-60 Hz DFB 01 C M24 Plug-in SPDT 50-60 Hz PFB 01 C M24 Input Specifications Output Specifications Input Output SPDT relay Own power supply DFB01: A1, A2 (24 to 240 VAC) Rated insulation voltage 250 VAC PFB01: 2, 10 (24 to 240 VAC) Contact ratings (AgSnO ) 2 Measuring ranges Upper level Lower level Resistive loads AC 1 8A 250 VAC Selectable by DIP-switches DC 12 5 A 24 VDC 2 Hz range -0.2 to +2 Hz -2 to +0.2 Hz Small inductive loads AC 15 2.5 A 250 VAC 50 Hz 49.8 to 52 Hz 48 to 50.2 Hz DC 13 2.5 A 24 VDC 60 Hz 59.8 to 62 Hz 58 to 60.2 Hz 6 Mechanical life 30 x 10 operations 10 Hz range -1 to +10 Hz -10 to +1 Hz 5 Electrical life 10 operations 50 Hz 49 to 60 Hz 40 to 51 Hz (at 8 A, 250 V, cos = 1) 60 Hz 59 to 70 Hz 50 to 61 Hz Operating frequency 7200 operations/h Contact input Dielectric strength DFB02 Terminals Z1, Z2 Dielectric voltage 2 kVAC (rms) PFB02 Terminals 8, 9 Rated impulse withstand volt. 4 kV (1.2/50 s) Disabled > 10 k Enabled < 500 Pulse width > 500 ms Hysteresis 2 Hz range ~ 0.05 Hz 10 Hz range ~ 0.25 Hz Specifications are subject to change without notice (26.05.10) 1DFB01, PFB01 Supply Specifications General Specifications Power supply Overvoltage cat. III Power ON delay 1 s 0.5 s Rated operational voltage (IEC 60664, IEC 60038) Reaction time (input signal variation from Through terminals: -10% to +10% or from DFB01: A1, A2 24 to 240 VAC 15% +10% to -10% of the range) PFB01: 2,10 24 to 240 VAC 15% Alarm ON delay < 200 ms Dielectric voltage Alarm OFF delay < 200 ms Supply to output 4 kV Accuracy (15 min warm-up time) Rated operational power 4 W Temperature drift 200 ppm/C Delay ON alarm 10% on set value 50 ms Repeatability 0.02 Hz Mode of Operation Indication for Power supply ON LED, green DFB01 and PFB01 monitor Example 2 Alarm ON LED, red (flashing 2 Hz the frequency value of their (Latching mode - N.E. relay) during delay time) own power supply. Output relay ON LED, yellow The relay operates and the Environment yellow LED is ON as long as Degree of protection IP 20 Example 1 the measured frequency is Pollution degree 3 (DFB01), 2 (PFB01) (Non-latching mode - N.D. within the upper and lower Operating temperature -20 to 60C, R.H. < 95% relay) limits. Storage temperature -30 to 80C, R.H. < 95% The relay releases and Housing The relay operates and the latches in alarm position as Dimensions DFB01 22.5 x 80 x 99.5 mm yellow LED is ON as soon soon as the measured fre- PFB01 36 x 80 x 94 mm as the measured frequency quency exceeds the upper Material PA66 or Noryl exceeds the upper set level set level or drops below the or drops below the lower set lower set level for more than Weight Approx. 150 g level for more than the set the set delay time. The red Screw terminals delay time. The relay releas- LED flashes until the delay Tightening torque Max. 0.5 Nm es when the measured fre- time has expired or the acc. to IEC 60947 quency comes back within measured value comes back Product standard EN 60255-6 the upper and lower limits. within the limits. Provided The red LED flashes until the that the frequency has Approvals UL, CSA delay time has expired or dropped below the upper CE Marking L.V. Directive 2006/95/EC the measured value falls off set level (minus hysteresis) EMC Directive 2004/108/EC the limits. or exceeded the lower set EMC level (plus hysteresis), the Immunity According to EN 60255-26 relay operates when the According to EN 61000-6-2 interconnections between Emissions According to EN 60255-26 terminals Z1, Z2 or 8, 9 are According to EN 61000-6-3 interrupted. Function/Range/Level and Time Delay Setting Adjust the system frequency Selection of level and time Setpoint range setting DIPswitch 3 and delay: ON: 2 Hz select the desired function OFF: 10 Hz setting the DIP switches 1, 2 Upper knob: and 4 as shown on the right. Setting of upper level: Relay working mode To access the DIP switches -10 to +100% of the range. ON: Normally De-Energized open the grey plastic cover OFF: Normally Energized as shown on the right. Centre knob: System frequency Setting of lower level: ON: 60 Hz -100 to +10% of the range. OFF: 50 Hz Lower knob: Contact input Setting of delay on alarm time: 0.1 to 30 s. ON: Lacth function enable OFF: Inhibit function enable 2 Specifications are subject to change without notice (26.05.10)