Smart-house Dimmer
Power dimmer up to 500W
Type SH2D500W230
Universal dimmer switch for R, L, C
up to 500W and LED loads
Automatic load detection for L, R, C loads
Integrated heat sink for temperature dissipation
1 dimmable output
Addressing via BGP-COD-BAT
2 DIN housing
Soft start/stop
Protected against short circuit, overload and high
Minimum load 3 W
Product Description Ordering Key
This 500W universal dimmer The dimmer is provided with Smart-house
is designed for DIN-rail memory for the last selected DIN housing
mounting and is 2 DIN wide. scenario. 2 modules
This universal dimmer is The technology used Dimmer
suitable for dimming resis- enables to electrically pro- Maximum load
tive, inductive and capaci- tect the dimmer against Power supply
tive loads and LED lamps short circuit, overload and
(see LED lamps table). The over-temperature. Thanks to
maximum connected load is the internal bus, it can be
500W depending on the easily connected to adjacent
temperature: the reduction is dimmers (see wiring dia-
described according to the gram) without the need of
trend in derating curve. cabling the Dupline BUS.
The dimmer automatically Futhermore, the integrated
detects if the connected sink allows you to mount the
load is resistive, capacitive dimmers adjacently without
or inductive, but if a LED any reduction of the load
lamp is to be driven, the due to the increased tem-
user has to select the right perature.
curve as described below.
Type Selection
Housing Mounting Max. load Output type Supply: 115 to 230 VAC
2 DIN DIN-rail 500W Power mosfet SH2D500W230
Output Specifications
Maximum load 500 W Dimming speed Programmable
Note: this is the maximum Types of dimmable lamps Incandescent (R)
power supplied to the load: if Different types of outputs (L,C) LV halogen lamps with
an inductive transformer is can not be mixed electronic ballast (C)
used, the efficiency of about LV halogen lamps with
60% has to be considered conventional transformer (L)
before connecting the lamps. HV halogen lamps (R)
If a capacitive transformer is 115/230V dimmable LED lamp
used, the efficiency is about ESL (Electron Stimulated
90%. Luminescence) lamps
Minimum load 3 W @ 230 V, 6 W @ 115V Notes: if energy saving
lamps are used, attention has
Protections Overload, short circuit, thermal
to be paid to the maximum
Output type Power mosfet
inrush current at start-up: it
Rated operational voltage 115/240 VAC
must not be greater than
3.5A otherwise the overload
Operational voltage range 90 to 260 VAC
protection will be activated.
Rated operational frequency 50/60 Hz
Specifications are subject to change without notice (27.06.12) 1
S H 2 D 500W 230SH2D500W230
Input Specifications Supply Specifications
Key Pad One push button on local
Power supply Overvoltage cat. II
(IEC 60664-1, par.
Rated operational voltage 115/240 VAC
Operational voltage range 90 to 260 VAC
Dupline Output Specifications
Rated impulse voltage 2.5 kV
Voltage 8.2 V
Rated operational power 1 W
oltage 10 V
Maximum dupline v
Connection 6 x 6 mm
Minimum dupline voltage 4.5 V
Power on delay Typ. 2 s
Maximum dupline current 2 mA
General Specifications
Installation category Cat. II Connection
Terminal 6 Screw-type
Dielectric strength 4 KV AC for 1 min.
2 2
Cable cross-section max. 6 mm , min. 0,5 mm
Power supply to Dupline 6 KV impulse 1.2/50 s
Tightening torque 0.4 Nm / 1 Nm
and Dupline to Output (IEC60664-1, TAB. A.1)
Channel Programming By BGP-COD-BAT and
Dimensions 2 DIN module
special cable GAP-THL-CAB
Material Noryl
Fail-safe mode In case of interruption of the
Weight 150 g
smart-house connection, the
light will be switched ON at CE Marking Yes
the memorized level or it will
be switched OFF according
Immunity EN 61000-6-2
to the status programmed
- Electrostatic discharge EN 61000-4-2
- Radiated radiofrequency EN 61000-4-3
Fail-safe bit = 0 (default
- Burst immunity EN 61000-4-4
condition) memory of the
- Surge EN 61000-4-5
previous state.
- Conducted radio frequency EN 61000-4-6
Fail-safe bit = 1 output OFF
- Power frequency magnetic
Environment fields EN 61000-4-8
Degree of protection - Voltage dips, variations,
Front IP 50 interruptions EN 61000-4-11
Screw terminal IP 20 Emission EN 61000-6-3
Pollution degree 2 (IEC 60664-1, par. 4.6.2) - Conducted and radiated
Operating temperature -20 to +50C (-4 to 122F) emissions CISPR 22 (EN55022), cl. B
Storage temperature -50 to +85C (-58 to 185F) - Conducted emissions CISPR 16-2-1 (EN55016-2-1)
Humidity (non-condensing) 20 to 80% RH - Radiated emissions CISPR 16-2-3 (EN55016-2-3)
LEDs indication
Unlock 1 green
Dupline status 1 yellow
Output status 1 red
Mode of Operation
Push button switched ON at that level. Coding
The push button can be Long pulse: once the light is With the BGP-COD-BAT
used with a short or long ON, by keeping the key programming unit, each
pulse (>2 seconds) and its pressed for more than 2 sec- switching channel can be
behavior is the same of onds, the light will be assigned any address
channel1. increased up to 100% and between A1 and P8: this is
Short pulse: the light is then decreased down to 5%. retained permanently, but
switched ON/ OFF (toggle This will be repeated until the may be overwritten at any
function) with the set value. key is kept pressed. Every time. To access the pins for
Factory settings is 100%, so time the button is pressed, programming, open the cov-
the first time this push but- the ramp is inverted. The er on the front of the dimmer
ton is pressed with a short push button is also used to module (see fig. on the left).
pulse, the light is switched enable/disable the program-
ON to 100%. If a different ming access (see below). Pay attention to connect the
light scene is memorised in BGP-COD-BAT without sup-
the module, the light is ply voltage on the dimmer.
2 Specifications are subject to change without notice (27.06.12)