Protection 2G S/MON/SUL965460/D/29/07/2012 celpac page 1 / 5F/GB Contacteur statique monophas de puissance SUL965460 Single phase Power Solid contactor Output: 24-600VAC 32A (*) Input : 3.5-32VDC Contacteur statique largeur 22,5mm prt l emploi synchrone spcialement adapt aux charges rsistives (AC-51). (*) 22A 40C AC-51 see derating curve 22,5mm Solid State Contactor for space-saving design. Ready to use with its heatsink Zero Cross Solid State Contactor specially designed for resistive loads (AC-51). 2(*) Sortie thyristors technologie TMS permettant une longue dure de vie: 24 600VAC calibre thyristors 50A. Limitation du courant (22/32A) par le dissipateur: voir courbe thermique. 2 (*) Back to back thyristors on output with TMS technology with a long lifetime expectancy: 24 to 600VAC 50A thyristors size.. Current limitation (22/32A) by heatsink : see derating curve Large plage de contrle: 3,5 - 32VDC avec un courant de commande rgul. Connecteur de commande dbrochable en 2 points LED de visualisation sur l entre de couleur jaune. Protection aux surtensions sur l entre intgre. Large control range: 3.5-32VDC with input current limiter. 2 points pluggable control connector. Yellow LED visualization on the input. Livr avec conecteur de Input over-voltage protection. commande et volets / delivered with control connector and flaps Protection IP20 par volets amovibles sur les bornes. Etiquette repre disponible en option. Install it & Forget it IP20 protection by removable flaps on terminals with optional labels Construit en conformit aux normes IEC/EN60947-4-3 et EN60950/VDE0805 IEC 60335-1/ VDE0700-1 UL-cUL REG.-Nr.10102 Designed in conformity with IEC/ EN60947-4-3 and EN60950/VDE0805 IEC 60335-1/ VDE0700-1 UL-cUL Avec tiquette de reprage With optional labels FILE Nr. E69913 Secteur AC / Dimensions : AC Mains 1/L1 et 2/T2 peuvent tre inverss 1/L1 and 2/T1 can be swapped LED Charge / Load Heater Le relais doit tre mont sur dissipateur thermique. 3/A1+ 4/A2- SSR must be mounted on heatsink Application typique: Rsistance 8 kW (Catgorie AC-51) en 400VAC Typical application: 8 kW resistor (AC-51 load) on 400 VAC CAD documents: 2 (*) TMS =Thermo Mechanical Stress Solution PPPPrrrroooouuuudddd ttttoooo sssseeeerrrrvvvveeee yyyyoooouuuu celduc All technical caracteristics are subject to change without previous notice. Caractristiques sujettes modifications sans pravis. r e l a i s 2G celpac S/MON/SUL965460/D/29/07/2012 page 2 / 5F/GB Caractristiques d entre / Control characteristics (at 25C) DC Input : Ic = f( Uc) Paramtre / Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit 14 Tension de commande / Control voltage Uc 3,5 5-12-24 32 V 12 Courant de commande / Control current ( Uc ) Ic <10 <13 <13 mA 10 Tension de non fonctionnement / Release voltage Uc off 2 V 8 LED d entre / Input LED Jaune/Yellow 6 Tension Inverse / Reverse voltage Urv 32 V 4 2 Tension de transil d entre / Clamping voltage (Transil) Uclamp 36 V 00 Immunit / Input immunity : EN61000-4-4 2kV 00 2 4 6 8 101214 161820222426 283032 Immunit / Input immunity : EN61000-4-5 2KV Uc (VDc) Caractristiques de sortie / Output characteristics (at 25C) Paramtre / Parameter Conditions Symbol Min Typ. Max Unit Plage de tension utilisation / Operating voltage range Ue 24 400 600 V rms Tension de crte / Peak voltage Up 1200 V Niveau de synchronisme / Zero cross level Usync 35 V Tension minimum amorage / Latching voltage Ie nom Ua 10 V Courant nominal / nominal current (AC-51) Ie AC-51 see derating curve 50 A rms Courant surcharge / Non repetitive overload current tp=10ms (Fig. 3) Itsm 530 580 A Chute directe l tat passant / On state voltage drop (Ie = nominal current) V 0.85 + 0,0075xIe V Tension seuil l tat passant /On state Threshold voltage 25C Vto 0.85 V Rsistance dynamique / On state dynamic resistance rt 7.5 m Puissance dissipe (max) / 2 Pd 0.765 x Ie + 0,0075 x Ie W Output power dissipation (max value) Rsistance thermique jonction/semelle Rthj/c 0.6 0.75 K/W Thermal resistance between junction to case Courant de fuite l tat bloqu / Off state leakage current Ue typ, 50Hz Ilk 1mA Courant minimum de charge / Minimum load current Iemin 5 mA Temps de fermeture / Turn on time Ue typ, 50Hz ton max 10 ms Temps d ouverture / Turn off time Ue typ, 50Hz toff max 10 ms Frquence rseau/ Mains frequency range F mains f 0,1 50-60 800 Hz dv/dt l tat bloqu / Off state dv/dt dv/dt 500 V/s di/dt max / Maximum di/dt non repetitive di/dt 50 A/s 2 2 I2t (<10ms) : Value for fusing 1404 1680 I t A s Immunit / Conducted immunity level IEC/EN61000-4-4 (bursts) 2kV criterion B Immunit / Conducted immunity level IEC/EN61000-4-5 (surge) 2kV criterion B Protection court-circuit / Short circuit protection coordination typ 2 see page 5 Fuse FERRAZ gRC 40A 22x58 Caractristiques gnrales / General characteristics (at 25C) Isolement entre/sortie - Input to output insulation Ui 4000 VRMS Isolation sortie/ semelle - Output to case insulation Ui 4000 VRMS Rsistance Isolement / Insulation resistance Ri 1000 ( 500VDC) M Tenue aux tensions de chocs / Rated impulse voltage Uimp 4000 V Degr de protection / Protection level / CEI529 IP20 Degr de pollution / Pollution degree - 2 Vibrations / Vibration withstand 10 -150 Hz according to IEC 60068-2-6 sine test 10 g Tenue aux chocs / Shocks withstand according to IEC 60068-2-27 11ms > 30 .... 50 g Temprature de fonctionnement /Ambient temperature (no icing, no condensation) - -55 /+100 C Temprature de stockage/ Storage temperature (no icing, no condensation) -55/+125 C Humidit relative / Ambient humidity HR 40 to 85 % Poids/ Weight 250 g Conformit CE / CE Conformity IEC/ EN60947-4-3 Conformit USA / US Conformity UL/cUL Conformit normes ferroviaires/ Conformity to railways applications yes (consult us) Plastique du boitier / Housing Material PA 6 UL94VO Semelle / Base plate Aluminium celduc r e l a i s 5, Rue Ampre BP30004 42290 SORBIERS - FRANCE E-mail : celduc-relais Fax +33 (0) 4 77 53 85 51 Service Commercial France Tl. : +33 (0) 4 77 53 90 20 Sales Dept.For Europe Tel. : +33 (0) 4 77 53 90 21 Sales Dept. Asia : Tl. +33 (0) 4 77 53 90 19