MINIATURE ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS Low prole, 105 KRG KRGSeries Downsized Low prole : 47mm to 1825mm Downsized Low profile Endurance : 1,000 hours at 105 Solvent resistant type (see PRECAUTIONS AND GUIDELINES) KMA KMG P127 P142 RoHS Compliant SPECIFICATIONS Items Characteristics Category -55 to +105 Temperature Range Rated Voltage Range 6.3 to 50Vdc Capacitance Tolerance 20% (M) (at 20, 120Hz) Leakage Current I=0.01CV or 3A, whichever is greater. Where, I : Max. leakage current (A), C : Nominal capacitance (F), V : Rated voltage (V) (at 20 after 2 minutes) Dissipation Factor Rated voltage (Vdc) 6.3V 10V 16V 25V 35V 50V (tan ) tan (Max.) 0.28 0.24 0.20 0.16 0.14 0.12 When nominal capacitance exceeds 1,000F, add 0.03 to the value above for each 1,000F increase. (at 20, 120Hz) Low Temperature Rated voltage (Vdc) 6.3V 10V 16V 25V 35V 50V Characteristics Z(-25)/Z(+20) 5 4 3 2 2 2 (Max. Impedance Ratio) Z(-40)/Z(+20) 10 8 6 4 3 3 (at 120Hz) Endurance The following specications shall be satised when the capacitors are restored to 20 after the rated voltage is applied for 1,000 hours at 105. Rated voltage 6.3 to 16Vdc 25 to 50Vdc Capacitance change 25% of the initial value 20% of the initial value D.F. (tan) 200% of the initial specied value 200% of the initial specied value Leakage current The initial specied value The initial specied value Shelf Life The following specications shall be satised when the capacitors are restored to 20 after exposing them for 500 hours at 105 without voltage applied. Before the measurement, the capacitor shall be preconditioned by applying voltage according to Item 4.1 of JIS C 5101-4. Rated voltage 6.3 to 16Vdc 25 to 50Vdc Capacitance change 25% of the initial value 20% of the initial value D.F. (tan) 200% of the initial specied value 200% of the initial specied value Leakage current The initial specied value The initial specied value DIMENSIONS mm Terminal Code : E Sleeve (PET : Brown) or L 15min. 4min. (4 to 10) (12.5 to 18) Vent Gas escape end seal (10 and larger) D 4 5 6.3 8 10 & 12.5 16 & 18 0.45 0.45 0.45 - - - 7L d 9L - 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.8 F 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.5 5.0 7.5 D D+0.5max. L L+1.5max. (7L : L+1.0max.) PART NUMBERING SYSTEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 E KRG AAA E AA AAA M AAA N Supplement code Size code Capacitance tolerance code Capacitance code (ex. 10F:100, 1,000F:102) Lead formingtaping code Terminal code Voltage code (ex. 6.3V:6R3, 35V:350, 50V:500) Series code Category Please refer toProduct code guide (radial lead type Product specifications in this catalog are subject to change without notice.Request our product specifications before purchase and/or use. Please use our products based on the information contained in this catalog and product specifications. 130 CAT. No. E1001O D d F0.5 F0.5 F0.5MINIATURE ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS Low prole, 105 KRGSeries STANDARD RATINGS Rated ripple Rated ripple WV Cap Case size current WV Cap Case size current tan Part No. tan Part No. (Vdc) (F) D L(mm) (mArms/ (Vdc) (F) D L(mm) (mArms/ 105 , 120Hz) 105 , 120Hz) 47 5 7 0.28 50 EKRG6R3E470ME07D 470 10 12.5 0.16 370 EKRG250E471MJC5S 330 6.3 9 0.28 175 EKRG6R3E331MF09D 1,000 12.5 15 0.16 590 EKRG250E102MK15S 1,000 10 9 0.28 365 EKRG6R3E 102MJ09S 25 2,200 18 15 0.19 970 EKRG250E 222MM15S 6.3 4,700 16 15 0.37 1,010 EKRG6R3E 472ML15S 3,300 18 20 0.22 1,220 EKRG250E 332MM20S 6,800 18 15 0.43 1,190 EKRG6R3E 682MM15S 4,700 18 25 0.25 1,470 EKRG250E 472MM25S 10,000 18 20 0.55 1,440 EKRG6R3E103MM20S 10 5 7 0.14 36 EKRG350E100ME07D 22 4 7 0.24 35 EKRG100E220MD07D 22 6.3 7 0.14 57 EKRG350E220MF07D 100 5 9 0.24 93 EKRG100E101ME09D 33 5 9 0.14 67 EKRG350E330ME09D 100 6.3 7 0.24 80 EKRG100E101MF07D 33 6.3 7 0.14 64 EKRG350E330MF07D 220 6.3 9 0.24 154 EKRG100E221MF09D 100 8 9 0.14 155 EKRG350E101MH09D 35 470 8 9 0.24 272 EKRG100E471MH09D 220 10 9 0.14 235 EKRG350E221MJ09S 10 1,000 10 12.5 0.24 445 EKRG100E102MJC5S 330 10 12.5 0.14 340 EKRG350E331MJC5S 2,200 12.5 15 0.27 690 EKRG100E222MK15S 470 12.5 13 0.14 415 EKRG350E471MK13S 3,300 16 15 0.30 940 EKRG100E332ML15S 1,000 16 15 0.14 720 EKRG350E102ML15S 4,700 18 15 0.33 1,120 EKRG100E472MM15S 2,200 18 20 0.17 1,110 EKRG350E222MM20S 6,800 18 20 0.39 1,330 EKRG100E682MM20S 1.0 4 7 0.12 10 EKRG500E1R0MD07D 10,000 18 25 0.51 1,700 EKRG100E 103MM25S 1.0 5 9 0.12 12 EKRG500E 1R0ME09D 33 5 7 0.20 53 EKRG160E 330ME07D 2.2 4 7 0.12 15 EKRG500E 2R2MD07D 47 6.3 7 0.20 68 EKRG160E 470MF07D 2.2 5 9 0.12 18 EKRG500E 2R2ME09D 100 6.3 7 0.20 97 EKRG160E101MF07D 3.3 4 7 0.12 18 EKRG500E3R3MD07D 220 8 9 0.20 205 EKRG160E221MH09D 3.3 5 9 0.12 22 EKRG500E3R3ME09D 330 8 9 0.20 251 EKRG160E331MH09D 4.7 4 7 0.12 25 EKRG500E4R7MD07D 16 470 10 9 0.20 290 EKRG160E471MJ09S 4.7 5 9 0.12 27 EKRG500E4R7ME09D 1,000 12.5 13 0.20 515 EKRG160E102MK13S 10 5 9 0.12 46 EKRG500E100ME09D 2,200 16 15 0.23 830 EKRG160E222ML15S 50 10 6.3 7 0.12 44 EKRG500E100MF07D 3,300 18 15 0.26 1,050 EKRG160E332MM15S 22 5 9 0.12 61 EKRG500E220ME09D 4,700 18 20 0.29 1,260 EKRG160E472MM20S 22 6.3 7 0.12 57 EKRG500E220MF07D 6,800 18 25 0.35 1,560 EKRG160E682MM25S 33 6.3 9 0.12 80 EKRG500E330MF09D 10 4 7 0.16 30 EKRG250E100MD07D 47 6.3 9 0.12 95 EKRG500E470MF09D 22 5 7 0.16 46 EKRG250E220ME07D 100 10 9 0.12 170 EKRG500E101MJ09S 33 6.3 7 0.16 63 EKRG250E330MF07D 220 10 12.5 0.12 290 EKRG500E221MJC5S 25 47 5 9 0.16 75 EKRG250E 470ME09D 330 12.5 13 0.12 370 EKRG500E 331MK13S 47 6.3 7 0.16 71 EKRG250E 470MF07D 470 16 15 0.12 535 EKRG500E 471ML15S 100 6.3 9 0.16 121 EKRG250E 101MF09D 1,000 18 20 0.12 830 EKRG500E 102MM20S 330 10 9 0.16 270 EKRG250E331MJ09S : Enter the appropriate lead forming or taping code. RATED RIPPLE CURRENT MULTIPLIERS Frequency Multipliers Frequency(Hz) Capacitance(F) 50 120 300 1k 10k 100k to 4.7 0.65 1.00 1.35 1.75 2.30 2.50 10 to 47 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 1.80 100 to 1,000 0.80 1.00 1.15 1.30 1.40 1.50 2,200 to 0.85 1.00 1.03 1.05 1.08 1.08 Product specifications in this catalog are subject to change without notice.Request our product specifications before purchase and/or use. Please use our products based on the information contained in this catalog and product specifications. 131 CAT. No. E1001O