X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of DW-AS-703-M12 Proximity Sensors across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. DW-AS-703-M12 Proximity Sensors are a product manufactured by Contrinex. We provide cost-effective solutions for Proximity Sensors, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

DW-AS-703-M12 Contrinex

DW-AS-703-M12 electronic component of Contrinex
DW-AS-703-M12 Contrinex
DW-AS-703-M12 Proximity Sensors
DW-AS-703-M12  Sensors

Images are for reference only
See Product Specifications
Part No. DW-AS-703-M12
Manufacturer: Contrinex
Category: Proximity Sensors
Datasheet: DW-AS-703-M12 Datasheet (PDF)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges

Price (USD)
1: USD 177.1287 ea
Line Total: USD 177.13 
Availability - 0
MOQ: 1  Multiples: 1
Pack Size: 1
Availability Price Quantity
Ship by Fri. 28 Mar to Thu. 03 Apr
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 177.1287
5 : USD 154.9529
10 : USD 150.8938
25 : USD 144.9211
50 : USD 142.0229
100 : USD 139.1246

Product Category
Sensing Range Max
Thread Size - Metric
Sensor Output
Supply Voltage Dc Min
Supply Voltage Dc Max
Product Range
Frequency Response Max
Sensing Range
Sensor Input
Supply Voltage Range Dc
Notes:- Show Stocked Products With Similar Attributes.

We are delighted to provide the DW-AS-703-M12 from our Proximity Sensors category, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the DW-AS-703-M12 and other electronic components in the Proximity Sensors category and beyond.

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Image Part-Description
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m e t s y S t I n S e O m 9 e 0 g data sheet data sheet Induktiver Nherungsschalter Abmessungen / Dimensions / Dimensions: Ansprechkurve* / Courbe de rponse* / Response diagram*: Dtecteur de proximit inductif Diese Zeichnungen lassen sich aus dem Internet (www.contrinex.com) herunterladen. Ces dessins peuvent tre tlchargs depuis Internet (www.contrinex.com). Inductive proximity switch These drawings can be downloaded from Internet (www.contrinex.com). Reg. N 11397 DW - A - 70 - M12 Durchmesser Schaltabstand Einbau bndig Diamtre Porte Montage noyable M12 6 mm Diameter Operating distance Mounting embeddable Ausfhrung mit grossem Schalt- Appareil longue porte sur la Device with long operating dis- tance on most metals abstand auf die meisten Metalle plupart des mtaux Wichtigste Eigenschaften: Caractristiques principales: Main features: Grosser Schaltabstand: 6 mm auf Stahl Porte leve: 6 mm sur acier et alu- Long operating distance: 6 mm on und Aluminium minium steel and aluminum Extrem robust: Edelstahlgehuse aus Extrmement robuste: botier en acier Extremely robust: one-piece stainless einem Stck, inklusive Stirnflche inox en une seule pice, face avant steel housing, including sensing face incluse Betriebsspannung 10 ... 30 VDC, Supply voltage 10 ... 30 VDC, output Ausgangsstrom 200 mA Tension de service 10 ... 30 VDC, current 200 mA courant la sortie 200 mA PNP- und NPN-Ausfhrung, Schlies- PNP and NPN, N.O. and N.C. exe- ser und ffner Disponibles en PNP, NPN, fermeture cutions et ouverture Anschluss ber PUR-Kabel oder PUR cable and S12 connector ver- Stecker S12 Raccordement par cble PUR ou par sions connecteur S12 Technische Daten: Caractristiques techniques: Technical data: Einbau / Montage / Installation (s < 10% s ): r (gemss IEC 60947-5-2) (selon CEI 60947-5-2) (according to IEC 60947-5-2) Bemessungsschaltabstand s Porte nominale s Rated operating distance s 6 mm n n n Hysterese Hystrse Hysteresis 15 % s r Normmessplatte Cible normalise Standard target 18 x 18 x 1 mm, FE 360 Wiederholgenauigkeit Reproductibilit Repeat accuracy 0,3 mm (U = 20 ... 30 VDC, B o o T = 23 C 5 C) A Betriebsspannungsbereich U Tension de service U Supply voltage range U 10 ... 30 VDC B B B Zulssige Restwelligkeit Ondulation admissible Max. ripple content 20% U B Ausgangsstrom Courant de sortie Output current 200 mA Spannungsabfall an Ausgngen Chute de tension aux sorties Output voltage drop 2,0 V bei / / at 200 mA Leerlaufstrom Courant hors-charge No-load supply current 12 mA Sperrstrom der Ausgnge Courant rsiduel Leakage current 0,1 mA Schaltfrequenz Frquence de commutation Switching frequency 400 Hz Bereitschaftsverzgerung Retard la disponibilit Time delay before availability 10 msec. LED LED LED eingebaut / intgre / built-in Umgebungstemperaturbereich T Plage de temprature ambiante T Ambient temperature range T -25 ... + 70 C A A A Temperaturdrift von s Drive en temprature de s Temperature drift of s 10% r r r Druckfestigkeit im Bereich Rsistance la pression, zone Pressure resistance in area 80 Bar / bars / bars Kurzschlussschutz Protection contre les courts-circuits Short-circuit protection eingebaut / intgre / built-in Verpolungsschutz Protection contre les inversions Voltage reversal protection eingebaut / intgre / built-in Induktionsschutz Protection contre tensions induites Induction protection eingebaut / intgre / built-in Schocks und Schwingungen Chocs et vibrations Shocks and vibration IEC 60947-5-2 / 7.4 Leitungslnge Longueur du cble Cable length 300 m max. Gewicht (Kabel / Stecker) Poids (cble / connecteur) Weight (cable / connector) 90 g / 28 g Schutzart (Stecker / Kabel) Protection (connecteur / cble) Degree of protection (connector/cable) IP 67 / IP 68 EMV-Schutz: Protection CEM: EMC protection: IEC 60255-5 CEI 60255-5 IEC 60255-5 5 kV IEC 61000-4-2 CEI 61000-4-2 IEC 61000-4-2 Level 2 IEC 61000-4-3 CEI 61000-4-3 IEC 61000-4-3 Level 3 IEC 61000-4-4 CEI 61000-4-4 IEC 61000-4-4 Level 2 Material Gehuse und aktive Matriau du botier et de la face Housing and sensing face material Edelstahl / acier inox / stainless Flche sensible steel (V2A / 1.4305 / AISI 303) Wandstrke der aktiven Flche Epaisseur paroi de la face sensible Sensing face thickness 0,4 mm Anschlusskabel (andere Lngen Cble de raccordement (autres Connection cable (other lengths on PUR 2 m 2 auf Anfrage) longueurs sur demande) request) 3 x 0,34mm /180 x 0,05mm Anschlussschemen / Schmas de raccordement / Wiring diagrams Steckerbelegung (Gert) Attribution des pins (appareil) Pin assignment (device) braun Der Einsatz dieser Gerte in Anwendungen, wo die Sicherheit von Personen von deren Funktion abhngt, ist unzulssig. nderungen und Liefermglichkeiten braun brun brun brown vorbehalten. Ces dtecteurs ne peuvent tre utiliss dans des applications o la protection ou la scurit de personnes est concerne. Sous rserve brown de modifications et de possibilits de livraison. These proximity switches must not be used in applications where the safety of people is dependent on schwarz Last schwarz their functioning. Terms of delivery and rights to change design reserved. noir charge noir PNP NPN black load black Last charge load blau blau bleu bleu blue blue S12 2 N.C. / 4 N.O. 2 N.C. / 4 N.O. CONTRINEX AG Industrial Electronics CONTRINEX AG Industrial Electronics route Andr Piller 50 - CH 1762 Givisiez - Switzerland - Tel: +41 26 460 46 46 - Fax: +41 26 460 46 40 - Internet: www.contrinex.com - E-mail: info contrinex.com route Andr Piller 50 - CH 1762 Givisiez - Switzerland - Tel: +41 26 460 46 46 - Fax: +41 26 460 46 40 - Internet: www.contrinex.com - E-mail: info contrinex.com 0 1 a : n 2 0 a 0 M 0 d e i f i t r e Cm e t s y S t I n S e O m 9 e 0 g data sheet data sheet Induktiver Nherungsschalter Abmessungen / Dimensions / Dimensions: Ansprechkurve* / Courbe de rponse* / Response diagram*: Dtecteur de proximit inductif Diese Zeichnungen lassen sich aus dem Internet (www.contrinex.com) herunterladen. S mm Ces dessins peuvent tre tlchargs depuis Internet (www.contrinex.com). n Inductive proximity switch These drawings can be downloaded from Internet (www.contrinex.com). Reg. N 11397 Normmessplatte cible normalise 6 standard target Durchmesser Schaltabstand Einbau 50 LE D Diamtre Porte Montage Diameter Operating distance Mounting 4 DW-AD-70 -M12 ON OFF 4 SW 1 7 2 Bereich zone 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 area a mm Nherungsschalter dtecteur de proximit proximity switch Einbau / Montage / Installation (s < 10% s ): r 60 LED (4x) 8 metallfreier Raum 1 0 ,5 12 40 espace sans mtaux metal-free zone DW-AS-70 -M12 11 aktive Flche 4 19 SW 17 face sensible sensing face Bereich zone area Trger support support * typische Werte / valeurs typiques / typical values Reduktionsfaktoren* / Coefficients de rduction* / Correction factors* Stahl FE 360 Kupfer Aluminium Messing Edelstahl 1mm / 2mm dick Acier FE 360 1,0 cuivre 0,85 aluminium 1,0 laiton 1,3 acier INOX paisseur 1mm / 2mm 0,45 / 0,9 Steel FE 360 copper aluminum brass stainless steel 1mm / 2mm thick Typenspektrum / Types disponibles / Available types: Artikelnummer Typenbezeichnung Schaltung Anschluss Ausgang Numro d article dsignation polarit raccordement sortie Part number part reference polarity connection output 320 020 201 DW-AD-701-M12 NPN Kabel / cble / cable 2 m PUR Schliesser / fermeture / N.O. 320 020 202 DW-AD-702-M12 NPN Kabel / cble / cable 2 m PUR ffner / ouverture / N.C. 320 020 203 DW-AD-703-M12 PNP Kabel / cble / cable 2 m PUR Schliesser / fermeture / N.O. 320 020 204 DW-AD-704-M12 PNP Kabel / cble / cable 2 m PUR ffner / ouverture / N.C. 320 020 206 DW-AS-701-M12 NPN Stecker / connecteur / connector S12 Schliesser / fermeture / N.O. 320 020 207 DW-AS-702-M12 NPN Stecker / connecteur / connector S12 ffner / ouverture / N.C. 320 020 208 DW-AS-703-M12 PNP Stecker / connecteur / connector S12 Schliesser / fermeture / N.O. 320 020 209 DW-AS-704-M12 PNP Stecker / connecteur / connector S12 ffner / ouverture / N.C. Anschlussschemen / Schmas de raccordement / Wiring diagrams Steckerbelegung (Gert) Attribution des pins (appareil) Pin assignment (device) braun Der Einsatz dieser Gerte in Anwendungen, wo die Sicherheit von Personen von deren Funktion abhngt, ist unzulssig. nderungen und Liefermglichkeiten braun brun brun brown vorbehalten. Ces dtecteurs ne peuvent tre utiliss dans des applications o la protection ou la scurit de personnes est concerne. Sous rserve brown de modifications et de possibilits de livraison. These proximity switches must not be used in applications where the safety of people is dependent on schwarz Last schwarz their functioning. Terms of delivery and rights to change design reserved. noir charge noir PNP NPN black load black Last charge load blau blau bleu bleu blue blue S12 700M12.indd / page 2-3 / rev. 7 / 25.03.04 / CB 2 N.C. / 4 N.O. 2 N.C. / 4 N.O. CONTRINEX AG Industrial Electronics CONTRINEX AG Industrial Electronics route Andr Piller 50 - CH 1762 Givisiez - Switzerland - Tel: +41 26 460 46 46 - Fax: +41 26 460 46 40 - Internet: www.contrinex.com - E-mail: info contrinex.com route Andr Piller 50 - CH 1762 Givisiez - Switzerland - Tel: +41 26 460 46 46 - Fax: +41 26 460 46 40 - Internet: www.contrinex.com - E-mail: info contrinex.com 0 1 a : n 2 0 a 0 M 0 d e i f i t r M12x1 5 M12x1 M12x1 18 e C

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