The products listed in this catalog are only a few of the thou- sands of variations that TUSONIX produces. For custom component design, please contact the factory direct. 8-32 UNC-2A Pi, C & L Filters and Feed-Thru Capacitors inches mm 17 Drawings not to scale. Please Note: All bushing style filters include hex nut and lock washer unless otherwise noted.7741 North Business Park Drive Tucson, Arizona 85743 Ph: 520-744-0400 Fax: 520-744-6155 Web site: E-mail: sales 8-32 UNC-2A Pi, C & L Filters and Feed-Thru Capacitors inches mm Notes: MAX. Cap. Series Temperature WVdc (Nominal) Number Range Turret Lead (pF) 200 10,000 Z5, Y5, X5 18 AWG Lead 0.040 Dia. 2425 X7 100 10,000 Typical Insertion Loss No hex nut or Lockwasher Please see Temperature Characteristics and EIA Codes on page 25. Working Minimum No-Load Insertion Loss TUSONIX Voltage MIL-PRF- (dB) at 25C per MIL-Std-220 (dc) Part 15733 Number Number 85C 125C 1MHz 10MHz 100MHz 1GHz 10GHz Pi Configuration -- -- Pi GMV 10 5 18 65 -- 4251-001 8 -- 15,000 70 50 -- Pi 15 -- -- 4201-048 16 100 GMV 5 32 -- 200 100 -- Pi 15 -- 4 4201-047 16 200 1000 GMV 37 60 -- 100 /61-0008 -- Pi -- -- 1000 GMV 10 65 70 4201-502 5 -- 100 70 -- -- Pi 10 -- 5 4201-000 1 200 1500 GMV 45 65 70 100 -- Pi GMV 10 -- 5 45 70 4201-001 1 200 1500 65 100 -- Pi 15 -- 5 4201-004 1 1500 GMV 38 63 70 200 100 -- Pi 15 -- 5 4201-006 1 200 1500 GMV 38 63 70 100 /28-0001 Pi -- -- 1500 GMV 10 45 60 4201-501 1 -- 100 60 /28-0002 -- Pi 10 -- -- 4201-503 4 -- 1500 GMV 45 60 60 100 -- -- Pi GMV 15 -- 5 38 70 4201-003 2 200 2000 63 100 -- -- Pi 10 -- 14 4201-050 1 5500 GMV 55 70 70 200 100 -- Pi 10 -- 14 4201-051 1 200 5500 GMV 55 70 70 100 -- Pi -- 14 5500 GMV 15 55 65 4201-053 1 200 100 65 -- -- Pi 10 -- 18 4201-083 9 200 10,000 +80-20% 65 70 70 100 -- -- Pi GMV 10 10 38 75 75 4251-004 9 100 28,000 75 100 -- -- Pi 15 -- -- 4205-002 3 65 +100 -0% 3 16 45 250 125 -- -- Pi 15 -- -- 4205-018 6 250 65 +100 -0% 3 16 45 125 -- -- Pi -- 5 1500 GMV 15 35 60 4205-017 6 250 125 60 -- -- Pi 15 -- 5 4205-001 15 250 1500 GMV 35 60 60 125 -- -- Pi +100 -0% 15 -- 10 30 65 4251-000 7 185 3000 65 125 -- -- Pi 10 5 28 4251-002 9 12,000 GMV 65 70 70 200 125 C Configuration -- C -- -- 100 20% 20 3 28 2425-018-X5U0-101M 11 200 100 20 -- C 20 -- -- 2425-544-X7R0-101M 11 200 100 20% 3 20 28 100 -- C 20% 20 -- 3 20 40 2425-018-X5U0-102M 11 200 1000 35 100 -- C 20 -- 3 2425-544-X7R0-102P 11 1000 +100 -0% 20 35 40 200 100 -- C 20 -- 15 2425-018-X5W0-502M 11 200 5000 20% 30 45 50 100 -- C -- 20 10,000 +80-20% 20 35 55 2425-601-X5W0-103Z 14 200 100 50 -- C 10 10 30 4404-001 1 100 27,000 GMV 45 55 -- 100 -- -- C GMV 10 15 34 45 -- 4404-002 12 140 50,000 60 100 -- -- C 10 20 38 4404-003 10 100,000 GMV 47 65 -- -- 100 L Configuration -- -- L 7 27 22,000 GMV 10 43 -- 4404-050 13 -- 100 60 Drawings not to scale. Please Note: All bushing style filters include hex nut and lock washer unless otherwise noted. 18 Style Notes Circuit Capacitance (pF) Capacitance Tolerance Current (A)