1. The 442-UX5050 is an ultrasonic flowmeter designed for measuring liquids in pipes and other closed containers. It is a true, non-intrusive ultrasonic transit time flowmeter, which measures the flow rate of liquids in large industrial pipes and vessels.
2. The 442-UX5050 utilizes a “pulse” principle to generate ultrasound pulses at the upstream and downstream sensors, measure the time difference between them, and calculate the flow rate based on the transit time of the ultrasound pulses.
3. The 442-UX5050 features a high-performance central control module, making it suitable for applications with a wide range of liquids. With its advanced design and robust construction, it is able to operate reliably in demanding industrial flow applications.
4. The 442-UX5050 is a part of the ControlTechnique’s award-winning CTS suite of digital and analog flowmeters and controllers. The CTS suite also includes several other ultrasonic flowmeters, such as the 443-UX5000 and 442-UX5000, as well as pressure controllers and level instruments.